workplace practices

Is your office normal? Workplace practices can be wildly different from office to office. Here’s a reality check on yours.

my office has a sticker chart for our feelings

A reader writes: I work in an office of a large company. The work my team does is often stressful, so sometimes staff morale suffers. The managers of my team have created a feelings chart that has giant emoji representing various levels of being happy, stressed, and angry. There are stickers of all our names […]

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we did a trauma-dumping ice-breaker at a work retreat

A reader writes: I work for a company that has ~40 people and we gather annually in person. We are otherwise a hybrid organization. We are very open about mental health struggles and work/life balance, and that comes from our leadership. I’m incredibly grateful to work in an organization like this. Last year I had […]

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is it discrimination that all the moms in the company have to have childcare but the one dad doesn’t?

A reader writes: Over the past few months, I’ve found myself increasingly frustrated and resentful, and I fear it’s clouding my judgment. Any advice, even if it’s simply to let go, would be appreciated. I work for a nonprofit that operates across several states. We have a predominantly female workforce, many of whom are mothers […]

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why is your job asking you for money?

When you go to work, you assume you’re there to earn income — so it can be particularly galling when your workplace pressures you to part with your hard-earned cash. Yet, being expected to open your wallet is surprisingly common in the workplace. From collections taken up for office baby showers to retirements to farewell […]

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what’s the etiquette for reply-all email disasters?

A reader writes: Can we get a definitive ruling on the etiquette when someone accidentally emails an incorrect email list in a large office? Today I went to lunch for 40 minutes and came back to 239 emails — someone emailed the wrong distribution list for a request (there were over 1,000 people on this […]

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what comp time policy should I set for my team?

A reader writes: I head an agency with around 40 employees. I’m struggling with our policy on compensatory time for travel. For years, every waking minute during travel, from departure to return, has been counted as work time, with staff receiving comp time for any time over eight hours per day. For example, an employee […]

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our boss is being a jerk about bereavement leave for miscarriages

A reader writes: My company recently updated our bereavement policy. While reviewing it in our company-wide staff meeting, a staff member asked if a miscarriage would qualify and the immediate answer was “no.” No room for discussion. The temperature of the room immediately dropped; it was so uncomfortable. I am not a mother, have ever […]

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how does maternity leave work, exactly?

A reader writes: I hope to get pregnant in the next two or three years and I have realized that I know absolutely nothing about how maternity leave works in the U.S. Do most companies offer paid leave and, if so, for how long? If it’s not paid, how are people taking months off? When […]

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