open thread – May 22, 2015

It’s the Friday open thread! The comment section on this post is open for discussion with other readers on anything work-related that you want to talk about. If you want an answer from me, emailing me is still your best bet*, but this is a chance to talk to other readers.

* If you submitted a question to me recently, please don’t repost it here, as it may be in the to-be-answered queue :)

a request for help from someone I can’t stand, paging troubles, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go…

1. Do I have to respond to a request for help from someone I can’t stand?

There’s a woman a few years younger than me (i’m in my mid-30’s, she’s in her late 20’s) who is a friend of my parents through a church community, but who, simply put, irks the heck out of me. There are a number of little personality things that she does that get under my skin, so I just try to avoid her in my personal life. I’ll call her Monica.

At my most recent former job, Monica ended up interning while she worked on her Master’s degree. She talked over people, interrupted my director while he was talking to vendors, and offering up ideas as solutions, and this was the first meeting she had ever had in our office. I read your article on annoying coworkers, and Monica is both an “interrupter” and a “know-it-all.” My director didn’t correct her (he’s a super nice guy and is great at avoiding what he sees as unnecessary conflict/criticism). She also had a tendency to show up to the office wearing inappropriately short dresses, spending all day tugging at the bottom of them to cover herself.

Because I knew I had personal issues with Monica, I tried to put all of that aside and work with her in a professional manner. But even trying to get along, I just can’t get past being annoyed with her.

I am now at a new firm in a new position, working with someone who is a mutual friend with Monica, and who thinks the world of her. Monica is now applying for a job with this new company. I don’t expect to be working directly with her, so I think I can keep up my keep-to-myself policy and not be overly annoyed with her. However, I just received a message via LinkedIn from her asking me for advice as she prepares for her interview. Normally, I’d suck it up and hold my nose while I replied with something helpful. (It’s not Monica’s fault she gets so under my skin.) But, she spelled my name wrong in the message, which is ridiculous, considering this was through a networking site where my name is clearly written right in front of her! (On the other hand, I have an unusual name and NEVER take it personally when someone misspells it, which makes me think it’s really all about her.)

My professionalism is slipping and I really just want to pretend like I never even received this request. How terrible would I be if I just ignored her request for help over this mistake? I feel like it just goes back to the overall feeling I get from her that she thinks she is better than everyone, and therefore, doesn’t need to pay attention to the details.

I’m not a fan of ignoring a direct request like this from someone you know, but I also don’t think you’re obligated to help her get a job at your company when you don’t want to work with her. One option is to reply back with something like, “Unfortunately, my schedule is packed this week and I don’t think I’d be of much help, but good luck!” Frankly, you could also wait until after the interview and reply that you realize it’s too late to be helpful. Neither of these will feel especially kind, but you’re really not obligated to help her get a job when you don’t think she would be a good coworker.

I actually think the bigger thing here is that you have legitimate, work-related reasons for not thinking she’d be a good hire and you should be sharing them with the hiring manager. If I were the hiring manager, I’d absolutely want to know what your experience working with her was (probably limited to the interrupting and poor interpersonal skills and not about the short dresses).

2. My coworker asked us if we’d support him becoming our team lead

I work on a team that has seen key individuals leave my company within the last few months. It has left the remaining of us a bit confused and overwhelmed with picking up the pieces as we try to cover the departed employees’ responsibilities.

Recently, one of my colleagues called a meeting with those of us who remain. My colleague wanted to get our thoughts and feedback about whether we would support his efforts in becoming the new team lead so he could then approach the director about a potential new role. We were asked point-blank.

I did not answer the question directly because I did not feel like this person is fit to be in this new position. (There are several reasons behind this, mostly because I do not believe he has done his fair share of the workload even before anyone quit, is not reliable because he or someone in his family is constantly sick, and periodically sends email blasts that are unprofessional). Instead, I simply told him that he should have this conversation with the director because the director had previously told me his own vision of rebuilding the team.

Is this an appropriate answer? How else could I have answered this? I didn’t want to be rude but I didn’t want to just say, “Yes, totally, of course I support you being our new team lead” when I felt entirely the opposite.

Your answer was perfectly fine — better than fine, considering that you were put on the spot and in an awkward position. Other options could have been “Hmmm, that’s interesting, I’d want to think about it” or “I’m not sure — I’d want to hear more about your plans for the role” or even, if you were comfortable saying it, “I’m not sure I see you in that role, but I’d be glad to think about it.”

3. Paging a coworker with his first, middle, and last names

We have a paging system at work that we constantly use to page coworkers to locate them on the floor. I recently paged a coworker by his full name — first, middle and last. I then got in trouble with my manager and was told it was unprofessional. The reason we know his middle name is because he has told us. I was really confused when I was told not to do it and got reprimanded. Can you shed some light on this for me?

I’m guessing your manager assumed you were joking around (since that’s what it sounds like to me), and doesn’t want the paging system used for mirth.

4. Listing one-time volunteer work on a resume

Is there a way to appropriately list one-time volunteer experiences on a resume?

I do consistently volunteer with one organization and have that listed, but every once in a while I do a one-time thing: I helped out at a local Rotary event for “breakfast with the Easter Bunny,” both helping with raffle tickets, and actually being the bunny; I’ve cooked food at a local Ronald McDonald House; etc.

On the one hand, I completely understand if it’s not appropriate to list those things. I just don’t want to short change myself, either.

I’d leave them off. They do demonstrate community involvement, but they’re so short-term that they don’t really rise to the level of resume-worthy.

5. Update: Can I ask to work from home for a few days if I can’t stop crying?

Remember the letter-writer in January who was wondering about asking to work from home for a few days because she was facing a possible break-up and couldn’t stop crying (#2 at the link)? Here’s her update.

The request to work from home wasn’t approved, but not for any reasons personal to me. There’s been some general “cracking down” on folks working remotely past their typical one day a week schedule, and so I was asked to stick with my normal schedule if I could — that said, my boss suggested I use any sick or vacation time I needed. So I did that, and in doing so, realized I needed some general larger-scale help with my emotions.

As I was going through this breakup, my long-present-but-dormant depression and anxiety were really starting to pop up. I ended up taking leave for a month to attend an intensive outpatient treatment for people with depression and anxiety, and I can’t tell you what a relief it was to have the time and space to focus on just getting better.

Anyway, I’m in a much better place now — a single place, but a place where I have many more tools in my toolbox to handle my up and down emotions when they swing too far in either direction. Thanks to you and to your readers for the advice and support.

which is better: a handwritten thank-you note or an emailed note?

A reader writes:

Do you have any thoughts on candidates who send handwritten thank-you notes instead of emails?

I’m interviewing candidates right now and I always expect to receive a thank-you email within 24 hours. One candidate never sent me one, so I had mentally declined her. (She wasn’t a superstar in person, so that contributed to my decline.) Well, fast forward to a month later: I checked my physical work mailbox and it turns out she had sent a very nice card.

I only check my mailbox once every two weeks or so…and I’m sure I’m not the only one. (All I receive are marketing materials there.)

I’d like to see it become customary for candidates who wish to send physical cards to ALSO send emails…am I crazy?

I can’t get behind people sending handwritten notes and emails — that’s overkill. They should do one but not both. But yes, of the two options, the better one is an email — because of what you mentioned about how people don’t always see their physical mail quickly, and because hiring decisions are sometimes made before the mail is delivered, and because, frankly, this is business correspondence, not social correspondence, and it doesn’t need to be handwritten. Some people disagree with with me on that last point and still like receiving handwritten thank-you notes from job candidates — but I think they’re quickly moving into the minority.

You didn’t ask this, but I need to say it: You shouldn’t be rejecting otherwise good job candidates for not sending a thank-you. (You should reject this particular one for not being great in her interview though, and a thank-you note wouldn’t have changed that.) Whether or not a candidate sends a follow-up note after an interview, and the specific content of that note, is one piece of the overall package that a candidate presents. It’s not the piece that should make or break your decision (unless there’s something truly compelling and outstanding about the note that pushes and already great candidate over the finish line, or something problematic).


should we reject job candidates who don’t send thank-you notes after interviews?
are interview thank-you notes going out of style?
thank-you notes: they’re not about thanking anyone
how much do thank-you notes really matter after a job interview?

how to repair a bad relationship with a staff member

When a manager’s relationship with a team member becomes rocky, it can make working together effectively feel nearly impossible. As the manager, you might stop trusting the employee, avoid giving them assignments that would put them in close contact with you, skip out on giving them feedback, and generally find it tough to have them on your team. Unsurprisingly, being on the employee side of this equation is even worse; it can have such a negative impact on an employee’s daily quality of life that it will often result in the person just leaving the team.

But you can sometimes repair the relationship when this happens. It takes a true desire to get to a better place and a willingness to tolerate some discomfort.

To start, think about what your own role in the situation has been. For example, one common dynamic is for managers to be frustrated with an employee and rather than talking openly with the person about what isn’t going well, they instead let the frustration fester. Because the manager isn’t talking openly with the employee about her concerns, the employee doesn’t know where he’s going wrong and what would help the situation. In time, the employee starts picking up on the manager’s tension and becomes frustrated and unhappy with the relationship too.  However it played out between you and your employee, be honest with yourself about what how you’ve contributed to the situation. Without that, it’s going to be hard to move past it.

Then, talk with the person about the problem and what you’d like to change. In some cases, it will help clear the air if you can each talk about what you’ve seen go wrong and what led to the conflict. In other cases, it might feel unhelpful to delve into the details of what happened in the past and instead focus on what you’d like to happen now. But in either case, emphasize that you’d like to try to reset the relationship. Try framing the whole conversation as “let’s start over,” which can be refreshing and relieving to an employee to hear.

From there, give the person a fair shake. You’ll have to be cognizant of the patterns (of both behavior and thinking) that you’ve each fallen into, and deliberately work to give the person a fresh start. Talk regularly, and try to assume the best when you do. And be patient too, since the relationship isn’t going to transform overnight; it’ll take some time to rebuild.

Of course, be realistic about what you can expect. Since you can’t magically transform colleagues into different people, you want to go into this process focused on changing the relationship, not the person. If the issue is really fundamental to the person or their work, focusing on the relationship probably isn’t the right move; in that case, you’d want to contemplate whether there’s a bottom-line fit issue to address.  And of course, you also need to recognize when a relationship has been so damaged that it can’t be repaired, and be honest when that’s the case too. But in many cases, you canwork to remove tension and get the relationship to a better place.

I originally published this at Intuit QuickBase’s blog.

my coworker wants us to drink at lunch every Friday

A reader writes:

A few weeks ago, two coworkers and I went to lunch on a beautiful, warm, sunny Friday. We sat on a patio of a Mexican restaurant and perused the menu, when we casually mentioned our margarita craving. Well, I can’t remember who dove in first, but we ordered a round of relatively weak margaritas and enjoyed a leisurely lunch before returning to the office. Honestly, it was nice.

But, one coworker now ALWAYS wants to indulge on Friday drinks. I have no problem turning down lunch, turning down drinks at lunch, or going on occasion. But, I worry that it’s become an expected occurrence and this coworker is slightly peer-pressure-y towards me. It’s not a huge issue, just a mild annoyance. What are your thoughts on drinking at lunch? Should I worry that it might grow into a bigger situation than it currently is?

Drinking so much that you’re in any way impaired when you need to return to work is obviously not okay to do. For most people, a single drink won’t trigger that limit, but it’s really about knowing yourself and when you’ll cross over from pleasantly relaxed to tipsy (or worse).

But importantly, it’s also about knowing your office. There are plenty of offices where having a beer or glass of wine or a margarita at lunch wouldn’t raise any eyebrows. There are others where it would be An Issue. So you really want to know your own workplace’s culture on this, as well as your manager.

You didn’t say specifically what your coworker is doing that feels peer-pressure-y to you. If she’s just urging everyone to order margaritas with her again and takes a “nah, not today” for an answer, I wouldn’t worry too much. But if she continues to push, you should say, “I don’t feel right having a drink when I have to go back to work” or “I need to be as sharp as possible for the work I have scheduled when we get back to the office” or, if she’s particularly insistent, “No. I don’t want to drink today. Please don’t keep asking. Does someone want to split fajitas?”

If you want to address the larger pattern, you could say: “I love coming here and it’s fun to get margaritas on occasion. But I don’t want to get into a drinks-every-Friday thing; I’d feel weird about that, and like it might reflect badly on us if people heard we did it every week. Can we keep it special-occasion-only?”

is “FYI” rude, coworker’s girlfriend keeps hanging out in his office, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go…

1. Is “FYI” rude?

Is FYI considered rude in a work email?

In general, no. But there are always weird workplaces out there where something perfectly normal is considered rude, and if you’re working in one of them, it’s good to be aware of that.

And of course, the way you’re using it matters. “I did your work since you were nowhere to be found, FYI” sounds snarky. “The information about the phone system below is just FYI” is perfectly appropriate. “FYI” at the top of an email you’re forwarding to fill someone in on something should be perfectly appropriate, but I can imagine that there are some offices where that would feel overly brusque if you didn’t add in a line about why you were sending it — again, you need to know your culture.

2. Coworker’s girlfriend keeps hanging out in his office

I am writing about a similar issue you raise in this post (“coworker’s husband hangs out in our office every afternoon”). This time there’s no snuggling, and the reasons the girlfriend stops in are reasonable (lunch, birthday, his car was rear ended). Today she stayed for 1.5 hours. They kept the door to his office open. At one point they were going over flashcards for her schoolwork. This was from 3:00-4:30.

What is the etiquette here? I am not his direct supervisor, but I am above him in title and supervise others in the office. We work for admissions at a university and while accepted students are protected by law I don’t believe prospects are. Still, we discuss transcripts and items with personal info that a non-employee shouldn’t see.

Our supervisor is the type who avoids any kind of conflict and doesn’t address people-stuff head on. The culture is somewhat relaxed. I am wondering if it’s even worth mentioning. I believe I am justified to think it’s wrong to allow her to stay but am looking for your and other perspectives.

Yeah, that’s ridiculous. Hanging around his office for an hour and a half? Doing flashcards for her schoolwork? It’s unprofessional and it doesn’t reflect well on his work ethic; that’s a lot of time for him not to be working. I’m more concerned about that than I am about her seeing students’ information, although that’s a concern too.

This is really for his manager to deal with, but if you have the kind of seniority where you could give him a pointed, concerned look as you pass his office, I’m grinch-like enough to do that.

3. Who should announce my promotion to my team?

I have been working for my dream org for about seven months. I was a manager previously in a somewhat different industry, so I very willingly took an entry-level position there. My manager (who was amazing) recently left the organization for a higher level position, but before she did, she sought me out and asked me to apply for her position.

So I did, and they just offered it to me (hurray)! However, both HR and my now-direct-manager have asked me to wait to tell my team. My now-manager is going to come into our office and announce it to everyone, and I am uncomfortable with that. I would really prefer to get my team together and tell them myself; I don’t want them to think I was hiding it from them (I just wanted to be sure I had the job before I said anything) and I worry that it will feel to them like a big shot coming in and essentially proclaiming me their boss. I know the personalities of the people I work with, and I am just not sure that this will go over very well; I really don’t want to blindside them, and I feel like it may erode their trust in me a bit. It’s already a huge jump for me from where they’re sitting: basically from Teapot Representative to Master of Teapots in a very short period of time. This position means the world to me and I don’t want to start off on the wrong foot with my team or my new manager!

Is there any way I can bring this up to my new manager that won’t negatively impact his perception of me? Everything seems so fragile right now, I’m hesitant to make a move. Am I overly worried about the announcement? Is this common practice regarding promotions? I’ve never done this before in quite so formal a setting, so I’m a little lost.

It’s actually pretty common to do it this way. That way, they can talk about why they selected you and why they think you’ll do a good job, and hopefully set up the transition to be a smooth one. In fact, it could be a little weird if you yourself announce out of the blue that you’re their new boss, particularly if they didn’t know that this was a possibility being considered.

That said, if your knowledge of your coworkers points to a particular framing or way of delivering the message being better than the others, you should certainly give that input to whoever is making the announcement. But I’d let it come from them, rather than from you, so that you can avoid an Alexander Haig “I’m in control here” moment.

4. Is it better to contact someone via email or LinkedIn?

I have received several excellent recommendations from employees of a company that I want to work for. I have been told by one of those employees – a former colleague from a past employer – that the hiring manager was included on those recommendations and is interested in finding the “right fit” for me at this company (they’re in the process of expanding and are evaluating their future needs before proceeding with opening up new positions).

I recently updated my resume by using a number of things I have learned from reading AAM and sent him an email through LinkedIn earlier this week, asking if it would be okay if I sent him an updated resume. I have not heard back from him yet, and was wondering if it would be a bad idea to contact him via “regular” email – or if I should just let things be. I did see that he had viewed my profile (for the second time) literally the day I had sent the LinkedIn email – but I have no way of knowing if it was because he read that email or it was just a coincidence. I certainly don’t want to come across as pushy or annoying.

Eh, I’d let it be for now. Ideally you would have emailed him directly the first time. There’s really no advantage to using LinkedIn for something like this, and there are some disadvantages, like the fact that the message is less noticeable there than it might be in his actual in-box and the possible annoyance factor of having to use LinkedIn to communicate when most people find email more straightforward. Also, ideally you would have just sent him the resume rather than asking if he wanted you to; there’s no need to have a whole email chain about it when it’s more efficient to just include it the first time.

But at this point, it’s in his court.

5. I don’t want to provide a letter of resignation

I gave two weeks notice and my employer wants a letter of resignation. This is after 23 years of employment. I live in PA and do not have any contractual responsibility.

It’s not uncommon for an employer to ask for a letter of resignation. It’s to document that you resigned voluntarily instead of being fired. It’s going to look really weird to refuse, and I can’t think of a reason not to provide one; it’ll take about two sentences and 20 seconds, and it won’t create any contractual responsibility.

company wants me to pay back half my salary since I only worked a few months and “didn’t add enough value”

A reader writes:

I recently joined a startup, and I didn’t like it all. They lied to me multiple times:

1) The founder told me they were were profitable, but four weeks in the job I found out they do not make money at all. They have some revenue, but it’s pretty minimal compared to the expenses. They survive on VC money.

2) We agreed that I would work remotely and visit the office once a month. However, on my first visit there, the founder was trying to force me to sign a lease at an apartment in the city, so that I could move there ASAP.

3) They told me they were pretty relaxed and they worked only the standard business hours, and understood that family comes first, blah blah blah. First day on the job, the founder emails me and tells me that the working hours are 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. every single day. But I can have weekends for myself (thank you?).

I’m pretty disappointed. I saw many red flags and chose to ignore them. To begin with, the founder refused to give me an offer letter until I had officially resigned from my current workplace.

I just quit because I can’t stand it anymore. I gave the standard 2 weeks notice, and now the founder has emailed me saying that since I worked less than six months with them, and I did not add enough value to the team, I should reimburse the company half of my wages.

Is that even legal?!?! I’m pretty pissed off that they lied to me, and they want my salary back?

They’re welcome to ask you to turn over your firstborn too, but that doesn’t mean you have any obligation to do it.

They can ask for whatever they want, and you can refuse, assuming no contractual obligations to the contrary.

Obviously you should under no circumstances even entertain the possibility of returning any of your salary, let alone half.

But just to be thorough, I’ll point out that, depending on what your total salary was, it’s possible that returning half of it could (a) put your pay for the time you worked under minimum wage, which indeed would be illegal, or (b) put you beneath the minimum salary to be considered exempt, which could make you retroactively non-exempt, which would mean they’d owe you overtime for any hours over 40 you worked in a week, plus penalties and interest.

Please decline to return any money to them and count yourself lucky to be getting away when you are.

what to do when your old employer keeps calling you for help

A reader writes:

I have submitted my two weeks notice and am wondering what I should do if after I have left, if they contact me for phone support? What if my peers call me? I’m thinking soon after I could be polite and offer some level of help but where do I draw the line and say “hey guys, I”m not getting paid for this. If you need my help, I’d like to be paid.”

You can read my answer to this question over at Inc. today, where I’m revisiting letters that have been buried in the archives here from years ago (and often updating/expanding my answers to them).

was I right to call the employer of some obnoxious, trash-talking jerks on my train?

A reader writes:

You very kindly answered a previous question from me that really helped me – thank you! But today I have a dilemma about something I did, that’s divided my friends. I’m genuinely interested in the different reactions, and I promise I’m not just looking for validation, I promise, so would love a neutral opinion….

I was travelling on a late weekday from London to a the large city I live in. I was in the quiet coach at the very front of the train, which is mobile phone free, usually full of people who are working on something, or have been, or just want a nice peaceful ride home. Halfway down the carriage from me were three young lawyers, who talked for 45 minutes in very posh voices about problems in their company, with their cases and so on – especially about how much they disliked one of the company partners in particular, with enough information that despite trying to just get on reading my book, I knew if I typed three words into google I could find them all. They were beyond indiscreet, and being so in a really stupid public place as the train ended in my city and in this carriage at this time, everyone in it lives, works or both in the city.

The people down my end of the carriage were rolling our eyes at each other every now and then and grinning at especially loud/egregious parts (“I’m nothing if not a team player”, screeched the one who had been especially indiscreet and rude about the management), but when a guy nearer them asked them if they could keep their voices down a bit, they spent the next hour coming back to lambasting him, and talking about how everyone around them was boring, etc. and being even more obnoxious, just, it seemed, to prove the point they could be.

So, next day, I typed my three words into Google, found this partner’s details immediately, and rang up and spoke to her secretary about overhearing them giving away enough information about the company and clients that I thought the partner needed to know this was how her staff were representing them. The secretary was pretty horrified, said that there’d been drinks at the main London office that day, and that she’d definitely alert the partner.

Obviously, I think I was right – if I were the manager, I would definitely want to know about staff talking about the company like this in public, and being careful what you say in public has to be a basic lesson for any young professionals, let alone legal professionals. I told this story to a group of friends, and 3 thought it was great, but 2 of them think it was awful, that I could have got them sacked, and I shouldn’t have said anything. As a manager whose advice I love, would YOU (and the commentariat) want to know this kind of thing about your staff? Have you ever done anything like this, and/or what would you have done in my place?

These guys were stupid, and it would have served them right if someone from their firm or who knew their boss were in that train car.

As for whether I would have said anything in your shoes … probably not. I was firmly on the side of “not your business” when it was just them trash-talking their employer — that’s obnoxious and thoughtless and terribly ill-judged, but ultimately not at all your problem to intervene in.

But I’m a little more torn about it once they started being abusive to other people on the train. Saying “hey, your employees are trash-talking you in public” seems a bit like … well, busybodying to me. (That said, I have busybody tendencies, so I understand the impulse.) But saying, “hey, your employees made it very clear who they worked for and then obnoxiously mistreated people on a train” seems like a public service.

I’m dying to hear what others think though.

I told my boss to F off, thanking my office for a birthday card I never received, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go…

1. I told my boss to F off

Last night, some of my coworkers and my boss were at a dinner for a coworker who is getting married. My boss told us earlier that day that she would pay for dinner but not drinks (alcoholic drinks) because it was not a work event.

As the night went on, some coworkers and my boss were at the end of the dinner table talking and laughing. Apparently something was said to my coworker about something that I had said about her (I had said that she was a tough nut to crack in the beginning), and she got mad and left (upset and embarrassed).

My feelings were very hurt because it took a long time to get to know this woman. I don’t want to start over. I started to get angry, so I went to the bathroom. When I got out, my boss said something to me and I reacted by either telling her to “F OFF” or “go screw yourself” (thanks for ruining my relationship with that woman). I was thinking and speaking at the same time. I ended up leaving the restaurant and got a ride home.

Later that evening, I received a text from my boss that said, “DO NOT come to work tomorrow. I talked to Ron and you are suspended for three days without pay and during that time I will decide what I want to do.” I responded with, “Can we talk, I’m home. We weren’t at a work function…I’m sorry I got mad. Whoever told (the woman) what I said was wrong.” My boss’s response was, “Please stop texting me. I will not change my mind. You are suspended for three days while I try to clean up your mess. I will meet with you Thursday morning off site and we can talk.”

Can she suspend me for this? I have no idea what or why she is angry about (I mean I do, but she never actually told me or texted me). This was NOT a work event. I looked up the word “insubordination” and it talks about being IN THE WORKPLACE and getting suspended.

You told your boss to F off! Or to go screw herself! That’s a really, really big deal. They can indeed suspend you for it. Hell, they can fire you for it.

It doesn’t matter that this wasn’t an official work event. Your employer is allowed to take a stand on how you interact with coworker outside of work. After all, if you had punched a coworker or harassed them or used racial slurs at them, your employer would absolutely be right to make that a work issue, because it impacts your working relationships and reveals something about how you operate.

Your best bet here is to stop arguing that it wasn’t a work event (because that doesn’t matter) and apologize profusely. I have to say, though, if I were your boss I’d have a hard time continuing to work with you — both because of what you said (it was hostile and unprofessional) and because it feels like such an overreaction to what sounds like a fairly minor event. I’d have a hard time trusting your judgment in other situations, unless there were some compelling evidence that this was wildly out of character.

2. Should I thank my office for a birthday card I never received?

Our office always send out emails about whose birthday is coming up, and what birthday cards need to be signed. I’ve been here for three years (as a freelancer, renewed annually) and have always recieved a card. That’s nice of them, because in my position, I’m actually removed from the main office and don’t see many people in my department on a regular basis. I recently ran into a co-worker who alluded to having to remember to go sign my card.

My birthday has now passed, and I haven’t recieved my card. I really only care because I like to send out an office-wide “thank-you!” email to be gracious, and honestly, to remind people that I’m here (it can’t hurt to be kind in case anything permanent opens up, or I need a referral down the line). I highly suspect my card has been lost, but there’s an outside chance they didn’t get me one. Should I send a thank-you email anyway? Part of me says yes, assume they signed a card and someone misplaced it. But part of me says no – it’s not my job to thank people for a card I never got, through no fault of my own. But then again, they may assume I got the card, and am being rude. This seems like such a ridiculously small non-issue, but I really want to stay in everyone’s good graces, as my employment here is not totally secure, and the more they like me, the harder they’ll work to secure the funds to keep me. Any advice?

You are over-thinking this. If you didn’t get a card, you shouldn’t thank people for a card; that would end up being particularly weird if in fact the card is sitting on someone’s desk and they realize they never gave it to you.

People aren’t going to think that you’re rude for not thanking them for a card; it’s nice to do that but far from obligatory and it’s highly unlikely that people will even notice that you didn’t thank them (unlike with a gift, where you really do need to thank the giver).

3. Giving a job reference for someone you know socially but not professionally

What is the etiquette for commenting on a job applicant at your organization who you know socially, but not professionally?

I have a friend to whom I recently sent a job posting for my organization, knowing that he was looking for something in that field. If I remember correctly from my own hiring, the application asks if you know anybody that works here, and how you found out about the job. It would likely not be out of the question for them to ask me for a pseudo-reference on that basis. I do not know anything about the working style of this person; I like him as a person, but have not known him very long or very well yet. Therefore, I cannot give a good reference, but neither do I want to give a bad impression. The lack of a good reference in this case has nothing to do with the person – he may be absolutely fabulous at what he does – I simply do not know him well enough, and have not seen him perform professionally. (There is nothing in his personality to make me doubt that he would be pleasant and professional.) How do I communicate that I can’t comment on his skills, without making it sound like I am trying to hide something or have my doubts about them and inadvertently harming their chances?

Just be straightforward and explain: “I’ve never worked with Bob and can’t vouch for his work. However, I know him socially, and I can tell you that he’s smart and thoughtful and warm.” (Fill in that last piece with whatever you know to be true about him that could also be relevant — anything from what I’ve listed here to “has an encyclopedic knowledge of teapot design.”)

4. Company said I’d get a second interview but then rejected me

I’m asking this to get a more realistic understanding of the hiring process, so I don’t get too excited next time.

I had an interview a few weeks ago with a company, and it went pretty well. I know this because I received an email from them saying they would be in touch with me regarding next steps (I know this meant a second interview, because they’d accidentally sent me a rejection first, then followed up saying it was a mistake). I waited a week, and then got in touch with them to see how things were going. The hiring manager promptly responded back, telling me that sometime after they’d told me I was moving forward, they’d decided to reject me.

Is this common practice, to reject someone while telling them they’ll get a second interview? I’m realizing that if I hadn’t reached out to them, I never would have known that they weren’t considering me anymore.

Are you sure that they told you they were going to ask you to a second interview? It sounds like they just said they’d be in touch about next steps, which could mean anything from an interview to a rejection. “Next steps” is shorthand for “we need to figure out our next step with your candidacy,” not “you will be taking the next step in our process.”

But if I’m misinterpreting that and they specifically said they wanted to set up another interview, they still didn’t really do anything wrong here. Something happened that changed their mind — a stronger candidate emerged, they hired someone, the needs of the job changed, who knows. It’s better that they were direct with you rather than making you go through the interview process if they’d already decided not to hire you.

5. Do I need to write cover letters for food service jobs?

Do I need to write a cover letter for every job I apply for? I’m in college and applying for summer jobs at places like grocery stores and coffee shops, not necessarily any administrative jobs or jobs in my field that I would automatically write a cover letter for. Some of the job postings I’ve looked at don’t specifically ask for a cover letter, so I’m even more uncertain if the employers want one. I could easily write an enthusiastic, personalized cover letter for, say, an internship in a field I have specialized experience with, but I’m uncertain as to how I would translate that to a cover letter for a less “professional” job that I’m less naturally excited about and a greater number of people could do.

Jobs at grocery stores and coffee shops usually want you to fill out an application rather than providing a resume and cover letter. As a general rule, you don’t need a cover letter if the sole method of applying is filling out a paper application. You should use one if an employer is asking for a resume. They’ll matter less at places like grocery stores and coffee shops, but if you want the job, they’re a good way to stand out as particularly conscientious and professional in comparison to their other applicants, who usually aren’t providing them.