all your questions about holiday gift-giving at work, answered

Holiday gift-giving at the office can be a land mine. Do you give a gift to your boss? Do you have to buy gifts for all your coworkers? How about group gifts?

Here are answers to five of the most frequent questions about workplace gift-giving.

1. Do I have to give a gift to my boss?

You absolutely do not need to give a gift to your boss – and what’s more, you shouldn’t. There’s very clear etiquette on this, which says that gifts in a workplace should flow downward, not upward – meaning that gifts from bosses to employees are fine, but employees should not be expected to give gifts to those above them. This rule is understandable when you think about the power dynamics in the boss/employee relationship. People shouldn’t feel obligated to purchase gifts for someone with power over their livelihood, and managers should never benefit from the power dynamic in that way.

2. What if everyone else in my office is giving gifts to the boss? Won’t I look bad if I don’t?

This is a case of needing to know the culture of your workplace – and knowing your boss too. A reasonable manager would never, ever penalize someone, even subtly, for not giving her a gift at the holidays. On the other hand, you might not have a reasonable manager. Know your own situation, and proceed accordingly. (But know that etiquette is on your side if you choose not to.)

3. What if I’m being pressured to chip in money for a group gift for the boss?

You should never feel pressured into spending money you can’t afford or just don’t want to spend. It’s reasonable to say, “I’m sorry, I can’t participate this year” or “Unfortunately, my budget won’t allow it.”

Moreover, you’d probably be doing the rest of your coworkers a favor if you suggest foregoing a gift for the boss. Consider saying something like, “Most managers I’ve known have been uncomfortable receiving gifts for their team. Rather than putting her in an awkward position, maybe we could do a card instead, or just bring in treats for everyone to share.” Chances are good that at least some of your coworkers will be relieved to have one less spending obligation at this time of year.

4. I’m a manager. How can I discourage employees from giving me gifts without being ungracious?

The best time to address this is before any gift-giving occurs. At the start of the holiday season – especially if you’ve noticed upward gift-giving in your office in the past – it’s smart to say something like, “I know this is the season of office gift-giving, so I want to say preemptively that simply doing your jobs well is enough of a gift for me. I don’t believe anyone should have to give gifts to their boss, so please put that toward family and friends instead.”

If it’s too late for that or you receive a gift from an employee anyway, as long as it’s not something extravagantly expensive, you should accept it graciously. The point here isn’t to make people feel bad, which you will do if you refuse to accept a small gift on principle; rather, it’s to ensure that your staff doesn’t feel obligated to use their money to buy you things.

5. What about giving gifts to coworkers?

Different offices handle this differently, so again this is a case of knowing your workplace. Some offices don’t do gift exchanges at all. Others do a “white elephant” exchange or Secret Santa. However your office handles this, it’s important to guard against creating obligations for people who might not have the budget (or inclination) to reciprocate. Smart offices find ways to provide outlets for gift-giving impulses while keeping them relatively restricted (such as gift swaps where each person brings in a single gift, rather than having to do more than that). And it might be said that even smarter offices encourage people to focus their gift-giving outside of work.

If you do decide to give gifts to coworkers, keep in mind that food items (especially homemade baked goods) are usually popular, and often more appreciated – and less expensive – than tchotchkes and trinkets. Plus, they can simply be shared with the group, rather than getting into the politics of individual gift-giving.

If you’re determined to give gifts and don’t want to give food, be aware that some items that might be appropriate for family and friends can be overly intimate for coworkers. Perfumes, body and skin care products, political or religious items, pajamas (or – eeek! – lingerie), advice books, and jewelry are often too personal for the office.

And when in doubt, stick with cards. (Or cookies!)

I originally published this at U.S. News & World Report.

will I ruin my future if I turn down this job?

A reader writes:

I’m feeling very unsure about accepting a position I interviewed for yesterday and I’m looking for a second opinion.

I’m pretty much at the start of my career and I had an interview yesterday for a position out of town. The position itself is excellent and I would love to take it. However, the town it’s in is quite small and I’m really not sure if I should move there. I was enthusiastic about moving when I applied and even before the interview yesterday, but now I’m really hesitating on it. The town is almost 5.5 hours from where I currently live and very rural (I don’t have a car!). I have no family there and I’m really afraid that I’d be lonely and even bored. The more I think about it, I just don’t think I’d enjoy it.

On Tuesday I interviewed for a local position, and while that position isn’t an ideal position, I think I would enjoy it a lot more, just because I would still be close to family and friends. I would still be able to look for other positions (this one is more temporary), and who knows, I might actually really love the job and I’d have the opportunity to apply for internal positions.

I mean, this is all speculation, because I don’t have an offer, but am I a terrible person to ultimately decline the out-of-town position of it’s offered? I’m in a smaller field (libraries) and I’m really afraid that it would somehow “ruin” my future if I declined it. Is it silly of me to reject a position for my general quality of life?

Nope. Life is more than work. And while work certainly matters a great deal to your overall quality of life (a great deal, don’t get me wrong), it is rarely the case that it’s a terrible decision to turn down a single position that you’re not enthused about taking, particularly when that position would involve a move to a place you don’t want to live.

If you find yourself turning down multiple positions and not getting offers that you do want to accept, then sure, you need to take a fresh look at your decision-making. But unless this job is the one opportunity to support yourself in your field that you’re likely to have for the next couple of years, it’s totally reasonable to turn it down because you don’t like the quality-of-life changes that would come with it. (And even if it were that one and only opportunity, it would still be sensible to have real reservations about moving to a location you don’t want to live in — to the point that it would even be worth assessing whether you’d rather explore other fields so that you didn’t have to make that trade-off.)

So no, what you’re contemplating is highly unlikely to ruin your future, nor would it make you a terrible person. It would make you a sensible person with multiple priorities in your life, not just a single job opportunity.

my boss lies about deadlines, my work crush is upset with me, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go…

1. My boss lies about deadlines

I’ve noticed that my boss uses lying about deadlines to members of our team and external service providers as his tool to get things done… and I hate it. It’s effective because folks are working to meet a false deadline that, even when missed, will meet the real deadline. Unfortunately, it creates this energy of chaos/being overwhelmed plus in my opinion, incompetence (folks miss the fake deadline with no repercussions) and lack of integrity. I realize that a good manager gets results, so do I just need to R-E-L-A-X about the whole thing?

Why not ask about it? He might be doing it not to be duplicitous but because he knows that there needs to be a buffer in case something goes wrong (or for others to sign off on the work once completed, or who knows what else). You note that sometimes these deadlines are missed, which sounds like a reason for building in buffers. I’d just ask him about it: “I’ve noticed we’ll often set deadlines for projects like X and Y earlier than their external deadlines. Is that to give a buffer in case something goes wrong?”

2. An employee asked me to put it in writing that we’re not replacing him

I’m a deputy manager. An employee on probation came to me saying that he has been told we have plans to dismiss him next year and that we have already hired a replacement. Due to poor performance, he will be dismissed if no improvement is shown, but nobody has been employed to replace him.

He asked for something in writing for piece of mind, so I wrote the following: “I certify that to this date nobody has been employed for replacement and that no plans are made for his dismissal.” But now I’m thinking I shouldn’t have written anything at all. Will I get in trouble with my superiors for this? And will this affect his dismissal at the end of probation? All procedures and constructive feedback has been done appropriately.

Whoa. You should not have done that. First of all, your company probably has strong opinions on whether they want to put things like that in writing, particularly for someone who they sound pretty likely to replace fairly soon, and depending on the exact situation, you may have really complicated the situation for them. Second, you also shouldn’t have indulged this guy’s request for his own sake; you did him a disservice not saying something more honest like, “If we don’t see the improvement we’ve talked about by (timeframe), then yes, it’s possible that we’d need to let you go. However, we’re not at that point yet and we’re still looking for you to show that you can make the changes we’ve discussed.”

At this point, you need to tell your own manager (and HR, if they exist) ASAP about what happened. If you don’t tell them and they’re blindsided later, it’s going to be an even bigger problem.

3. My work crush seems upset with me

I have been in my job for 3 months – halfway through my 6-month probation period. There is a coworker who has a crush on me and I like him as well. We talk when we run into each other, and he comes by to my desk to chat with me and another coworker who sits behind me.

The other day, I was busy with a piece of urgent work and ignored him when he came by. He took a day off the next day. I saw him when he came back and he said “hi” in his usual happy way. However, he has been ignoring me ever since. He looks upset. I caught him looking at me but when I looked at him, he looked away.

I feel like he has overreacted. I do like him but my work is also important to me. Shall I ask him about it? Or shall I keep being polite or ignore him. Im not sure what I should do as I still have to work with him.

If he’s reacting like this because you were busy with work and couldn’t talk one time while you were, uh, at work … he sounds awfully delicate. I’d just keep being polite and let him work it out on his own, which is the professional thing for him to do anyway. And maybe reconsider the crush, because he sounds like he might be exhausting to deal with.

4. Company car policy change has taken away a perk of my job

From 2000-2008, I worked for a jointly funded (City/County) Parks and Recreation Authority. As the executive director, in addition to the salary, I also had a vehicle that I could drive to and from work and on any official business. In 2008, the authority was abolished and the county took over full funding and oversight. They continued the policy of allowing my children and or wife to ride in the county vehicle, provided it was a direct route (i.e., from office to home or from park to home).

Recently, they changed their policy and now only county employees are allowed to ride in the vehicles. This causes a real hardship on me. My children are often dropped off at my office after school and ride home with me. Also, as I’m required to work many evening hours, my wife many nights would bring the kids to the park and drop them off and they’d ride home with me. We only have one personal vehicle, which is driven by my wife. Now, I’m in a position where I’ll have to purchase a second vehicle to be able to transport my own children. I’d like to negotiate a solution with my County Administrator/ board of commissioners. In essence, this new policy has taken away a perk of my position. What advice can you give me in my negotiations?

It’s not a crazy policy change; I’m sure this new policy is better for their insurance and liability. But you can certainly point out that the car was a major perk of your position, and the change has lowered your overall compensation, and ask that your salary be adjusted accordingly. You may or may not get it, but it’s not crazy to ask.

5. Asking if HR mistakenly rejected you for an internal position

I’m writing for some advice for my wife. She currently works part-time at the public library in a small town, and a full-time position at the same library opened up. The library director and my wife’s supervisors encouraged her to apply – the same people who would be responsible for the hiring decision. She’s qualified and did a great job on her application, but about two weeks after the application window closed, she got a form letter from HR with a non-personalized “thank you for applying but you’re no longer in consideration” message. Not even a first-round interview.

Is it probable that HR culled her resume before the decision-makers even had a chance to look at it? If her application made it through HR, I don’t think she’d be overlooked like this; everybody at the library knows her and would recognize her name. Would there be any benefit to her contacting someone – and would you start with HR, or going to the library director and asking if she ever saw the application?

It is indeed possible that HR rejected her without looping in the decision-makers, and that it would have gone differently if they had. It’s also possible that they did loop in the decision-makers and still rightly rejected her (other applicants might be stronger). But with an internal application like this, where her director was encouraging her to apply, it’s not unreasonable to at least check with them to be sure.

She could approach the director who encouraged her to apply and say something like, “I wanted to let you know that HR sent me a form letter rejection for the X position. I was hoping to at least get interviewed, and it made me wonder if something might have gone wrong somewhere — I hope I’m not being presumptuous, but do you think it’s worth checking into? If I just didn’t make the cut, that’s fine, of course — but I wanted to check.”

Sunday free-for-all – December 21, 2014

Olive with menorahThis comment section is open for any non-work-related discussion you’d like to have with other readers, by popular demand. (This one is truly non-work only; if you have a work question, you can email it to me or post it in the work-related open thread on Fridays.)

Have at it.

update: a company I want to work for blocked me on social media

Remember the letter-writer who got blocked on social media by a company she wanted to work for (after blogging about them and tagging them on Twitter)? Here’s the update.

For those who wondered, I applied and did land an interview. I was pretty excited, as it was a job posting from this company that originally brought the desired industry to my attention in the first place.

Unfortunately, the experience once I got there was quite disappointing. I felt out of place from the minute I walked in the door (the building was very artsy, and mostly occupied by techy hipsters). It took several minutes to track down the interviewer (there was no one at the front desk), and once the interview started, I felt even more out of place. The team interviewing me asked very generic, basic questions, and their body language screamed “uninterested!” I just got the feeling that they were looking down their noses at me, despite selecting me for an interview. It was like being a nerd sitting with the popular kids: there may be some pleasantries exchanged, but it’s just awkward.

As it turns out, I didn’t really have to worry about if the social media issue would come up–the entire interview was only 10 minutes long (I know this because I checked my watch when I left). I left with a bad taste in my mouth, but I still wrote a “thank you” email, to which I got a response a few days later saying that the position had already been filled.

Even though I wasted a whole day off for what ended up being a very short interview, I am glad it happened because I would have always wondered what working there would be like. That day, any illusions I had came crashing to reality, and now, whenever I see a posting for that company, I steer clear. I am still searching for a new job, and hoping a great opportunity will come my way soon.

4 updates from readers

Here are four more updates from letter-writers who had their questions answered here this year.

1. How to respond to an anonymous note that says a temp is stealing

Unfortunately my update is not all that exciting. The person who was accused of stealing resigned a few months after my letter, entirely voluntarily. We hired a new admin who controls all of the receipts, and at my request I was able to hand off all purchasing to that person. We never got to the bottom of who sent those emails. I have my guesses, but no concrete evidence. As far as I know, no further anonymous emails have been sent.

One product indirectly related has been HR doing a lot more to try and fix some of the toxic work environment. The anonymous emails were more likely a product of some bad chemistry in the office, and there have been efforts to clean it up. It’s not perfect yet, but it has gotten better. But being saddled with the knowledge that there might be an anonymous person falsely accusing people of things, in my opinion, was much more indicative of a bigger internal problem.

Either way, sorry there is no concrete conclusion – but know that and a few other incidents have caused HR to try and help fix some of the chemistry internally.

2. How to reward an exceptional employee (#2 at the link)

I did take much of the advice to heart. Was she going to burn out? Was there professional development that I should be encouraging? Were the rewards not appropriate thank-you’s?

Exceptional employee continues to be exceptional.

I got budget approval and hiring approval for a part-time assistant for her. That position will start in January.

I was able to find the money and approval for her to attend a national conference important in our field next summer.

I was able to offload some interesting projects from my desk onto hers. She is still exceeding expectations.

I took back a responsibility that she mentioned that she found onerous (I had no problem and when things ease up, I will have her give it another try)

There have been no more giving of power bars or swag as I haven’t been to COSTCO and there is no more swag.

She will receive a merit raise next May.

3. Applying for a job with someone you previously interviewed with (#4 at the link)

I realize this is from 2012, but it has taken a while to work out. I left my job in December 2012 after filing a group harassment grievance against my supervisor. I have since received trauma counseling (clearly I could have written you many many times!). I ended up getting a part time job at the nonprofit I mentioned, which was given to me without an interview based on our previous encounters.

The former classmate interviewed for my similar position and was unsuccessful in being hired from the candidate pool. I went back to front line child protection in fall of 2013 when my hours were cut to four per week at the non profit. The previous classmate managed to get on in my division a few months ago.

I’m happy to say that while I have a very stressful job I have generous benefits ($73k plus 6 weeks PTO and overtime if wanted).

4. My coworker is making hateful comments about a foreign country (#1 at the link)

I wrote in about the radical coworker concerned about his home country. Well, fortunately, the outlandish comments and posts have died down, especially with all the new crises and problems going on. I did my part, and printed out and shared some of his posts with my boss, and that’s as far as it went. The concerned employees no longer feel he’s a threat to the office. (In fact, there’s another employee who has been having his own meltdowns, but that’s a story for another post.)

is this request from a networking contact weird?

A reader writes:

I am transitioning out of my current career (military) and am in the job search process. I recently received a LinkedIn connection request from someone who claims to run a nonprofit to help veterans in my particular skill area find civilian jobs. From his profile, he looks pretty legitimate, with lots of recommendations from people he’s helped in the past. However, I can’t really find any information about his nonprofit on the web, except for a couple of blog posts that only mention his name and the nonprofit’s name.

He then sent me a message telling me to “get his email from the most senior person I know” and to send him my resume once I have it.

This seemed a very strange way to offer assistance and made me balk at following up with him. He sent another message a few days ago emphasizing the free assistance but again instructed me to “talk to senior people about this job network.” It was very oddly phrased and didn’t make a lot of sense.

Is the “get my email from someone senior” thing simply a way for him to ensure that I’m legitimate? Is that normal? That seems odd, especially since his email address is in his LinkedIn profile.

My current gut feeling is that this person is well-meaning but, based on the oddly phrased messages, would probably not be very helpful and that I’m better off not following up.

Yeah, that’s weird.

I can’t say for sure whether this guy could be helpful or not. There are certainly weird people aplenty out there who, in addition to their weirdness, also manage to be helpful. It’s possible that this guy is one of them. It’s also possible that he’s weird and unhelpful and doesn’t know he’s doing.

Do you know anyone who likely knows him or knows of him? If so, you might as well ask about him and see what you find out. If not, I wouldn’t put a ton of time of time into tracking down information about him, but hey, since his email address is available on LinkedIn anyway, why not use it to send him your resume and see if anything comes of it? You’re not obligated to work with him if at any point you conclude that you don’t want to, but there’s no real harm in taking a step further and seeing what you learn.

open thread – December 19, 2014

It’s the Friday open thread!

The comment section on this post is open for discussion with other readers on anything work-related that you want to talk about. If you want an answer from me, emailing me is still your best bet*, but this is a chance to talk to other readers.

* If you submitted a question to me recently, please don’t repost it here, as it may be in the to-be-answered queue :)

HR manager wrote us up for drinking at a party she attended, my assistant goes overboard on gifts, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go…

1. HR manager wrote us up for drinking at a party she attended

I attended an unauthorized party in the office where alcohol was served (clearly against company policy). Everyone in the department was invited, and many of us took part in the libations. No one got drunk, everyone behaved professionally. It was intended to be and was a great morale booster.

The HR manager came and did not drink. The next day, she called everyone who did drink up to her office for a verbal/written reprimand. She told me, and everyone else I presume, that it was confidential and that she was having to do this because someone from another department found out and told her about it and she felt compelled to reprimand us.

I inadvertently learned from her boss that she had all the documents prepared immediately after the party, which was the day before she claimed she got a phone call from outside the department.

She was right, we should not have had alcohol at work. My beef is that she came to the party, I believe she knew alcohol was going to be served, and she took names and lied about why she was reprimanding us. My gut tells me to shake it off and learn from it. On the other hand, having a deceitful HR manager is a huge problem. Should I call her out for lying?

It’s a little weird and I can see why you’re wondering about it, but I’d let it go. Who knows, maybe your source got the timeline wrong. Or maybe there was no source, and she said there was because she was too wimpy to admit it was based on her own concerns and what she herself witnessed. Who knows. But I don’t think there’s much/anything to be gained by bringing it up, let alone “calling her out for lying.” I’d let it go.

2. My assistant goes overboard on gifts to me and even my kids

You’ve answered several questions already about whether it’s appropriate to give a holiday gift to one’s boss, and I completely agree with you that gifts should go “downhill” and not the other way around. Here’s another spin, and I’m hoping you have a good answer. I am the boss (female, if it matters), and my amazing, overqualified secretary sends small gifts to my home, for not only the holidays, but for my kids’ birthdays as well. It makes me really uncomfortable, but I don’t know how to tell her.

Her work is terrific, and she’s a lovely person, but I’m really concerned that if I don’t couch it in the right way, she’ll be (1) mortified, (2) more anxious than is her norm, and/or (3) really hurt if I tell her that she really need not send me gifts. To give you a glimpse into her personality, she sends (via snail mail) handwritten thank you notes for everything–she even sent me a handwritten thank you note for a grocery bag full of my kids’ books that I thought her (younger than mine) kids might enjoy. It’s very sweet, but it’s just too much.

It’s too late for this year, but I’d love to find a gentle way of making it stop.

Oooof. I don’t know that you can, not without hurting her feelings. She’s going so far beyond what can normally be the result of obligation (basic holiday gifts) to something so different (gifts for your kids’ birthdays, etc.) that it sounds like this might just be her personality. And if that’s the case, and she takes pleasure in it, I think you risk doing more harm than good by making her feel that she’s been in the wrong all this time. It sounds like you’re really happy with her work and she’s just an incredibly thoughtful person, so I wouldn’t risk causing awkwardness. This is a case where I think you can make an exception to the usual advice on this stuff.

You could certainly say something like, “I hope you never feel any obligation to do this — your fantastic work is all the gift I’lll ever need,” but I wouldn’t push it beyond that.

3. Should I help answer the phones when it will distract from my work?

I’m in a new position, which only allows us to work part-time, but we have to accomplish a lot in five hours. We usually have to perform tasks that involve coordinating dates, while working on complicated spreadsheets. Things need to get done in tight deadlines. Many of our tasks demand full attention, and a mistake can carry serious consequences.

The office has a customer service representative who answers calls, but when things get really busy, sometimes we’re supposed to pick up the extra calls (which happens fairly often).

I’ve seen many times where the phone has rung and nobody has answered the call, even though we’ve been told that everyone should participate in answering the phone. What should I do when there’s a coworker with seniority telling me to pick up the phone, even though I have a deadline and only five hours to complete everything? Should I ignore her request? Should I be sincere and tell her I’m too busy? Or should I simply respond the call and delay all my work? I’m new, and I really don’t want to have any confrontations.

No, you shouldn’t just ignore her. If she has seniority over you, and you’ve been told you’re supposed to be helping with the phones, you need to help with the phones. However, if you’re concerned about how helping with the phones will impact your ability to get your work done, you should raise that with your manager. (Even better would be if you and your coworkers all raise it as a group, since it sounds like you’re all in the same boat.)

4. I was promoted without a raise

I work in a small company as a manager supervising just one person. Besides me, there is another manager who supervises four employees. Though he and I have the same grade level, he is considered the “right hand” of the VP who we both report to.

A few months ago, the VP shared with me that that the other manager is not efficient in his position and she wanted me to supervise him instead. I told her that my job was to help her and the company to the best of my abilities but that her decision has to be clear and documented so that other employees will see the new reorganization as being fair. This was my way of telling her that we needed to discuss the salary and the “promotion” details first before I assumed the new position. She said she would discuss it with the president of the company. During the following days, she mentioned a few other times that her intention was to have me supervise the whole team (the manager and his 4 direct reports). She said she also talked to him about this.

Today, she called both of us in and announced that starting the first of the year, he will be reporting to me. I was shocked. I was brave enough to ask her (after the other manager left the room) how this change will affect my title and work. I should have really said what I thought, which is what will be my new salary? She responded that she was still thinking about this and that I should be having an office now (I am currently in a cubicle and so is the other manager). How do I go about telling her that I do not want this new position if I will be paid the same salary for a higher position? I know for a fact that the other manager that she wants me to supervise has a higher salary than me.

Well, first, telling her that you wanted the decision to be clear and documented is not the same thing as telling her that you wanted to discuss the salary. It doesn’t really sound like that at all, in fact, so I don’t think you should be irked that she didn’t interpret that correctly.

It’s a little tricky now because she’s moved everything forward without having talked about salary with you, but you could go back to her ASAP and say, “We haven’t had a chance to discuss the salary for this new role. I’m hoping for something in the range of $X — is that feasible?”

Unfortunately, because you didn’t raise it earlier, you’re not in an especially strong negotiating position (and you also risk her feeling like you already accepted the job without a raise, since … you kind of did), but it’s worth a shot. If she pushes back for that reason, you could try saying that you were caught off-guard at the earlier meeting and hadn’t had a chance to think everything through since you’d expected a one-on-one conversation with her before things were finalized.

5. Why has my title change stalled?

My question is about updating my title. I’ve been at the organization for three years, and my role has changed and expanded quite a bit. I’ve asked both our division director and the head of HR about updating my title to reflect my current role. About a month ago, both agreed that was a good idea and said my list of potential titles looked good, then told me they’d have to check with the other to finalize. Neither have done so, to my knowledge, and I’m not sure with whom to restart the conversation. I’m not asking for or expect a raise along with it, so I don’t know what the cause of the delay is.

The delay could just be caused by it not being super high on their priority lists, but it’s fine to nudge them. You could approach either, but I’d start with your manager and just say something like, “I’m wondering if you’ve had a chance to talk to Jane about changing my title, and what the timeline might look like for making that happen.”

Read an update to this letter here.

update: I reported my awful manager to HR and it’s not going well

Remember the letter-writer who reported her awful manager to HR, and then HR stopped talking to her? Here’s the update.

I took everyone’s advice and got out of there. Actually, when I resigned, two of my coworkers resigned the following week.

When I returned back from my approved FMLA, I had a meeting with HR and my manager to “discuss” the finding from the investigation. The director of HR gave me the findings along with the formal statements from my coworkers (which were in support of my manager’s behavior and painted her to be the victim). I was shocked, but I continued to complete my job responsibilities and my manager ignored and avoided me the rest of the month (October).

Adam*, a coworker, gave me a copy of his formal statement which didn’t match at all what I was shown in the investigation upon my return and I asked him if this was the same statement he submitted to HR. When he said yes, I told him HR gave me a different statement that didn’t match the his original.

It turned out, the director of HR altered and fabricated the formal statements from my coworkers and showed the false ones to my manger (which gave her an ego stroke) before I returned from FMLA. She then went around her department badmouthing my disability to these coworkers, calling me a cripple, and telling Adam*, Frank* and Chad* that this is the reason she hates hiring people with disabilities because there is always a possibility that they will need to be out of the office on leave.

When I found out all of this information, I knew nothing was going to change, so I resigned. Shortly after my resignation (less than 24 hours to be exact), my coworkers told me in an email that they all sat down with the director of HR and manager and were forced to sign a document or be terminated from the company by the end of the week. The document said that if I took any legal action against the company that they were to make it seem like I was the one attacking the manager and I had made up everything in exchange for a hefty raise the following month. Adam* snapped a picture of the letter and submitted his resignation letter. A few days later, Frank*, another coworker, submitted his resignation letter, and the last coworker, Chad, requested he be moved to a different department within the company immediately, which was approved in mid November.

The four of us ended up retaining an highly rated and recommended employment lawyer and I filed an EEOC complaint. We were all able to find stable employment weeks after our resignation, but one thing continues for me. Every Monday, I get a voicemail from my previous bad manager sobbing, crying, and apologizing, then telling me if I need anything to let her know and she will help me. I’ve sent her an email and CC’d the director of HR about the odd behavior and asked her to stop contacting me.

Thank you again for your advice and assistance! It helped me out tremendously.

*= Names have been changed