5 hiring regrets to avoid before you make a job offer

If you’ve hired more than a handful of people, you probably know that terrible sinking feeling when you start to realize that your new hire might not be the right person for the job. The costs of making the wrong hire are big ones; you’ll generally end up spending large amounts of time and energy rectifying the problem – not to mention the opportunity cost of not having the right person in the role while you’re fixing it. And you’ll likely start asking yourself, “What could we have done differently to avoid this?”

While hiring will never be an exact science, there are ways to minimize hiring regrets.

Here are five regrets that you can avoid having by taking the right precautions before ever making a job offer.

Regret #1: “We didn’t check references.”

Some managers skip reference checks because they figure that no one ever really says anything bad in a reference call. But this thinking has two major flaws: First, yes, people do indeed say negative things in a reference check. (I once learned from a reference that the candidate had been fired for theft and fraud – from a reference the candidate himself put on his list!) Second, reference-checking shouldn’t just be about hearing “yes, she’s great” or “no, don’t hire her.” After all, a candidate might be a great employee in general, but you might learn from references that she doesn’t have the particular qualities you’re seeking for that particular position. Plus, references can give you nuanced information about a candidate’s strengths and weaknesses, what kind of management they work best with, where they might need additional support, and other information that can help you make a good decision.

Regret #2: “We didn’t test the candidate’s skills.”

Would you football coach hire a player without seeing him play? No, of course not. He’d want to see him in action – just as you should see candidates in action before even thinking about offering someone a job. Using exercises and work simulations can give you a huge amount of insight into how someone will actually perform on the job. For instance, if you need someone who can write quickly under pressure, you might give your top candidates a set of talking points and give them 30 minutes to draft a press release. Or if you need a finance analyst who can explain financial matters in simple terms, you might send candidates your financial statements ahead of time and ask them to explain them back to you in plain language during the interview. Seeing is believing – so make sure you see beforebringing anyone on to your staff.

Regret #3: “We didn’t pay enough attention to soft skills.”

It’s easy to be seduced by an impressive candidate’s resume, but the greatest experience and skills in the world doesn’t always make up for an inability to get along with coworkers, lack of work ethic, or terrible communication skills. Don’t get so focused on impressive resume bullets that you forget to consider what it’s going to be like to work with the candidate day in and day out.

Regret #4: “We focused on how much we liked her as a person and not enough on skills.”

Remember: You’re not hiring a friend. You’re hiring someone to get a particular piece of work done – to meet certain goals. You might really click with someone as a person and think they’d be great to have around in the office, but that’s not a reason to hire. It’s crucial to put that personal preference for someone aside and really hone in on whether they have the skills to excel at the work you need done. If you fear you might have a bias about a candidate because of a personal rapport with them, try getting colleagues’ viewpoints on your top candidates to help give a reality-check to your assessment.

Regret #5: “We ignored red flags because we wanted to hire her.”

Ask any manager who’s made a bad hire whether there were red flags during the hiring process, and you’ll nearly always hear “yes.” But managers sometimes ignore these flags or rationalize them away – often because they urgently need to fill an empty position. But no matter how urgently you need to fill a vacancy, you’re nearly always better off keeping the position open and searching for the right person than hiring someone who isn’t quite right. You’ll spend far more time and energy dealing with the consequences of a bad hire than you’ll save by filling the position quickly.

our time off is being rescinded — Hunger Games style

A reader writes:

I work in an office with three coworkers in my department and a manager. We have a satellite office where I work every Wednesday. Six months ago, I requested my vacation for a particular week, which was granted. Three months ago, one coworker (Carly) requested the Wednesday and Thursday the same week off, which was also granted. Last month, another coworker (Regina) requested Wednesday off of the same week, again granted. Now, two weeks before our PTO, the manager sits the three of us in the conference room and states because of scheduling conflicts–meaning she forgot to transfer Carly’s and my PTO into her new calendar as well as three people off Wednesday–one request will be rescinded so someone will work Wednesday.

It is worth mentioning that Regina is notorious for being unreliable with attendance, and with her family beginning the stages of illness, it is a good chance she won’t be there and the main office will be empty, with that point being brought up to us by the manager as well. The clincher is, we have to decide among ourselves who will work. If we can’t, all of our requests will be retracted due to not being team players.

None of us wants to budge because its not our fault she did not organize the schedule or the last coworker has been allowed to have poor attendance. But we discussed it hypothetically. Here are the circumstances. I’m going on a cruise, which I have foregone four years of vacations to save for and will lose all of my money if I cancel. Carly’s husband is taking her out of town to celebrate her five-year cancer-free anniversary, and Wednesday and Thursday were the only days he could get off, as he works weekends. Regina turned in her time last, but is seeing her son off who is going on military tour, which is self-explanatory why she wants her time off. I was told that since I am single and don’t have familial duties, I should be the one to cancel. I don’t think me not having a husband or children should penalize me to always being the fall guy (which has happened a several times before now). This has resulted in some resentment on my end. Needless to say, this is an unfair position for us to be in because of someone else’s negligence. How would you handle this from our end and from the manager’s end?

Wow. It’s one thing to suggest working it out amongst yourselves if there were signs that you were likely to be able to do that and if the stakes weren’t so high for everyone. But that’s not the case here, and it’s unfair of your manager to abdicate her responsibility in this — and it’s especially ridiculous to say that if you can’t work it out, the solution will be that none of you get to take your time off. Your approved time off, no less.

The ideal approach here would be for your manager to find some way of letting you all take the time off that she approved. If that’s not possible — and it’s true that sometimes circumstances change — then she should apologize profusely to Regina but tell her that she approved her time off by mistake, due to a calendar error, and that she needs to rescind it. The reason that’s the right call is because if her calendar had been working correctly, that would have been the answer Regina would have received originally. (Or at least I assume it would have been, since you and Carly already had PTO scheduled for that time period.) She should then work with Regina to see what she can do to minimize the impact for her — such as letting her come in early or leave late that day, or giving her a different day off.

But since she’s abdicating her responsibility to manage the situation, the question becomes what the three of you should do. Assuming that Regina doesn’t respond to the logic of the argument above, then all you can really do is go to your manager and say something like, “I’d love to be able to work this out ourselves, but we haven’t been able to. I think the most logical thing to do is to handle this the way it would have been handled if your calendar error hadn’t occurred. In that case, presumably Regina’s request would have been denied since Carly and I were already scheduled to be out. I think it’s fairest to stick with that, and I hope that’s the solution you’ll choose. I would help if I could, but I can’t afford to lose $2500 (or whatever your cruise costs), when I booked it on good faith after receiving your okay.”

How she handles this will tell you a lot about who you’re working for.

Read an update to this letter here.

should promotions be based on seniority, my boyfriend’s accountant is flirting with him, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go…

1. Should promotions be based on seniority?

I am currently in a department where a woman who was hired five months ago is already outperforming the rest of the team and has shown such efficiency that she’s getting special projects to do. It has been overheard that a supervisor position will be created by the directors and, because she needs to promote internally, the manager informed the directors she would like to put this woman in the position because she is the best qualified and has the most potential. I heard a few coworkers complaining that, while everyone on the team likes this woman and values her knowledge, attitude, and professionalism, several other women should be offered the position first because they have seniority, are older, would be respected more (she is 27), and they have expressed interest in a supervisory position, whereas this woman has never mentioned the desire to advance.

While I like them personally, I feel that many would make less than stellar supervisors because of their temperamental manner in answering team members’ questions, their tendencies to shirk responsibility, and their inability to follow through and meet deadlines. (The newer woman and another coworker were supposed to be training our two new employees, and the woman ended up training both employees by herself due to the team member coincidentally going ghost.) I believe the manager respects her because of her keen knowledge and understanding of concepts in our field, which is much better than anyone else on our team; her ability to collect monies the rest of us would miss; and her willingness to stop anything she’s working on to answer anyone’s question with no irritation towards anyone. Do you feel seniority should play a part when promoting internally? Is it fair to pass her for this promotion because she is new to the company?

People shouldn’t be entitled to promotions just because been there longer. Promotions should be made based on who would do the best job in the position. If two candidates are equally strong, then sure, it can make sense to look at seniority. But when the newer person is clearly stronger, it doesn’t make sense to promote a weak candidate instead just because the weaker candidate has been there longer.

That said, any internal candidate who’s interested in the role should be allowed to apply for it. If the rest of your team feels that someone was simply anointed as the new supervisor without giving anyone else being genuinely considered, it’s going to be a recipe for resentment. So your managers would do well to make the process reasonably open and transparent.

2. My manager keeps putting off the schedule change I was promised

I work for a community mental health agency with approximately 400 employees. My position is as a clinician on a child psychiatric crisis unit, and I love what I do. What I don’t love is my schedule. I’m the night and weekend person, as such a facility needs 24 hour coverage. When I was hired 9 months ago, I was told that I could transition to weekdays “quickly,” as there is fairly high turnover. But when I remind my boss of my desire for a traditional schedule, she says she’s working on it and drops the subject.

Just FYI, I get good performance reviews and I’m also cross trained for another department with 3 openings. It wouldn’t be a huge deal, but I’m a single mom of a toddler and my daughter is developing more cognitively everyday. She has 2 great babysitters, but I want her in a structured day care with a curriculum to maximize her growing mind and skills. I can’t afford both her babysitters and daycare, and there is no daycare where I am that operates nights and weekends.

There are numerous open positions at my agency. When I asked HR about applying for an open position, they gave me a form that I need my supervisor to sign in order to be permitted to apply for any of the current open positions. That seems like a bad idea in so many ways. First, I’m pretty confident my supervisor would be unhappy and limit my opportunities for training as well as deny requested time off. Second, all the open positions are on different campuses, so I have no idea if they are actively looking to fill the position, nor do I know the supervisors so I can’t informally feel out the situation. So to risk my manager’s ire and possibly being forced out of my position, without even the promise of an interview, seems unwise. Will I need to apply outside my agency to get a schedule that works? What are your thoughts?

I wouldn’t apply for a transfer from a job you love until you’re sure you can’t get the schedule you want. That means not just “reminding” your boss that you want a different schedule, but tackling it more assertively. I’d say something like this: “When I was hired, we thought I’d be able to move to a more traditional schedule quickly. My daughter is reaching the age where I need to put her in daycare, so it’s becoming more pressing. Is it possible to figure out a more definite timeline for making the change so that I can plan for it?” (And no, you shouldn’t have to cite your child care situation, but it’s useful when you’re pushing your manager for something to explain why you’re pushing for it.)

If she puts you off again, at that point I’d say, “I really love my job here, but knowing that I do need a different schedule, would you object to me looking at other openings in the agency if we’re not able to switch my hours in the next couple of months?”

3. What’s the best tone for a written response to a negative performance review?

My boyfriend has found himself in a difficult situation, and I am not sure how to help him. He recently had his performance review and it went very poorly. His manager had almost entirely negative criticisms of failure to meet goals (some legitimate, some not) and no positive comments. At this point, we are sure he is going to put on a performance improvement plan. He is currently finishing his paperwork for the review and has written a three-page response documenting all his disagreements and issues with the review. I read it and it is inappropriate and emotional and unprofessional. Although I am sympathetic to how much this sucks, I don’t want him to burn his bridges. He is stubborn and won’t be able to let this go without responding, but I want to help him respond in the most professional and mature way possible. Can you give me any advice on how he should respond in these comments?

Yeah, emotional is not the way to go here. Point out to your boyfriend that the response he wrote might feel satisfying, but it’s not as likely to get him the outcome he wants, and the outcome is the most important thing here. His response is going to be far more credible if it’s calm, sticks to the facts, and acknowledges any legitimate points his manager made.

Suggest that he think of the report an outside observer trying to solve the problems would write about the situation, and use that tone himself. Otherwise, any legitimate points he’s making are likely to be lost.

4. What’s the best way to confirm an upcoming informational interview?

I have an informational interview coming up next week, which was booked a month ago. We had communicated and set up the meeting time via email, and the last I’ve heard from her was a month ago when we agreed to and finalized the meeting place and time.

Because it was booked quite awhile ago and I’m semi-paranoid she’d have forgot about the meeting by now, I was wondering if it would be appropriate to share my personal calendar by including her in the time slot (where you insert all attendees’ emails, and they get something in their mailbox where you can accept or decline the meeting)? I hope this sends the message of “hey! remember me and our upcoming meeting?” (even though I might have seem more organized by inviting her shortly after it was arranged). I’ve had shared calendars for other informational interviews, but they were booked within the week, and they were initiated by the other party.

You’re over-complicating it; there’s no need for any calendar business. Just send her an email that says, “Just want to confirm our meeting this Thursday at 2 p.m. at Teas Unlimited. I’m looking forward to it!” Then, assume it’s on unless she replies back and tells you otherwise.

5. Is my boyfriend’s accountant crossing professional boundaries with him?

I am in a relationship with a very wealthy oil man. About the time I got involved with him, he hired a woman to take over his accounting in his office that he visits infrequently (maybe 10 times per year). Soon after her hire, she became flirtatious with him, professing her adoration of him and her new job. I understood how she would be grateful; she has a wonderful opportunity in a town where there is not much. She sent him a valentine saying she “loves” her boss, then about 6 months later asked him to help her buy a house, then sent flowers and a flirty note on “Bosses Day.” She also sends him notes on the weekends about the weather, etc.

I’m not generally jealous, but it just seems inappropriate. She is doing a good job at work though and getting better at it. I don’t know, but it is annoying and I would be more accepting of it if she were a female friend vs. an employee. I think my own boss is fantastic and we have both expressed mutual support, and respect. But we do not exchange cards of any type.

Is it appropriate to give your boss a valentine telling him you love him? Should you ask your boss to help you buy a house? (By the way, the woman is married with a semi-adult child; shouldn’t she be turning to her husband or at least including him in such a request?) What is this Bosses Day? I live in California and never heard of it.

No, it is not appropriate to give your boss a valentine or tell him that you love him. Nor is it a good idea to ask your boss to help you buy a house. Bosses Day is a recently made-up fake holiday that exists to sell cards.

But you don’t have any reason to be jealous, unless your boyfriend is returning his accountant’s flirtatious and inappropriate behavior. He’s the one whose behavior is relevant to you, not hers. Assuming this is a one-sided flirtation and he’s committed to you, jealousy shouldn’t come into play. (If it’s not one-sided and/or he’s not committed to you, then you’ve got bigger issues that are about him, not his accountant.)

However, from a good-management and sensible-person standpoint, your boyfriend should certainly (a) consider whether he has inadvertently signaled that this behavior would be welcome, and (b) figure out how to create better professional boundaries with her. But that’s really a management issue for him to resolve as part of his workplace dealings; absent some sign that he’s relating inappropriately to her, it should be a non-issue for you (or at least as much of a non-issue as any other management problem on his side would be).

how to reach out to a coworker who was fired

A reader writes:

What is the appropriate etiquette for reaching out to a colleague who was unexpectedly fired?

A manager I used to work under was recently let go from our organization. We weren’t “friends,” but this manager served as a mentor for me and we had a great professional relationship. I’d love to reach out and continue to stay in touch. What would be an appropriate way to do so? Additionally, would the approach be any different if reaching out to a peer versus someone in a leadership role?

Do you have her personal email address?* If so, I’d send an email very similar to one you might send to a colleague who left the organization any other way. If someone left voluntarily and you didn’t have the chance to talk to them before they were gone, what would you say? That’s what you want to say here.

If you’re wondering whether you should reference the fact that she was fired, generally the answer is no. It might be tempting to express sympathy, but that can be pretty awkward for her (and can put you in a difficult position if she’s angry at your company). If she was laid off (as opposed to fired), the situation is a little different — people are generally more comfortable being open about that, and in that case you might more directly reference it.

Either way, the email might sound something like this:

“Jane, I was so sorry to hear you’ve left Teapots Ltd., and I want to make sure we don’t fall out of touch. I’ve greatly enjoyed working with you, and your mentorship has been invaluable to me. (Optional: Include some specifics here about what she has taught you and/or that you admire about her.) I’ll continue to think of you as a mentor, and I hope we can stay in touch. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to be helpful as you look for your next role!”

And of course, if you really do want to keep in touch, you’ll need to take additional actions to make that happen, like checking in periodically, inviting her to coffee at some point, and so forth.

You can send this type of email both for peers and non-peers. Adapt the details to fit the context, obviously, but the overall tone and content are pretty much the same. No trashing your company for their decision, no embarrassing pity, just a message of “hey, I like you and want to stay in touch.”

* If you don’t have her email address, I’d see if you can find her on LinkedIn and contact her that way.

6 small resume changes that will have a big impact

If you’re sending out resumes and not getting many calls to interview, there’s a good chance that your resume is the problem. If you’re like most people, your resume could use some work – and like most people, you’re probably not sure where to start.

But you probably don’t need to start from scratch. You can often significantly improve your resume by just making a handful of changes. Here are six small changes you can make to your resume that will have a big impact.

1. Get rid of the objective. Resume objectives never help and often hurt. Not only do they feel outdated at this point, but they’re all about what you want, rather than what the employer wants, which is what this stage of the hiring process is all about. Your resume should be focused on your showing your experience, skills, and accomplishments. It’s not the place to talk about what you’re seeking in your next job.

2. Add a profile section to the top of your resume. Profile sections or summaries have replaced objectives at the top of current-day resumes. A profile is just a quick list of the highlights of your strengths and experience, summing up in just a few sentences or bullet points who you are as a candidate and what you have to offer. A well-written profile or summary can provide an overall framing of your candidacy, preparing the hiring manager up to see the rest of your resume through that lens.

3. Focus on work accomplishments, not job duties. If you’re like most job seekers, your resume lists what you were responsible for at each job you held, but doesn’t explain what you actually achieved there. Rewriting your resume to focus on accomplishments will make it far more effective, and more likely to catch a hiring manager’s eye. For instance, get rid of lines like “managed email list” and replace them with lines like “increased email subscribers by 20 percent in six months” – in other words, something that explains how you performed, not just what your job was.

4. Get rid of big blocks of text. If your resume is filled with large blocks of text – as opposed to bullet points – there’s a good chance that you’re putting hiring managers to sleep. They want to quick skim the first time they look at your resume, and big blocks of text make that difficult – and make most hiring managers’ eyes glaze over. They’ll pay more attention and absorb more information about you if your resume is arranged in bullet points rather than paragraphs.

5. Shorten it. If your resume is multiple pages, you might be diluting the impact of its contents. With a shorter resume, you’ll ensure that in an initial quick scan, the hiring manager’s eyes fall on the most important things. Plus, long resumes can make you come across as someone who can’t edit and doesn’t know what information is essential and what’s less important. As a general rule, your resume shouldn’t be longer than two pages, maximum. (And if you’re a recent grad, it should only be one page, because you haven’t yet had enough work experience to justify a second one.)

6. Give yourself permission to remove things that don’t strengthen your candidacy. You don’t need three lines explaining boring, basic job duties – especially if these responsibilities are going to be implied by your title. Similarly, you don’t need to include that summer job from eight years ago, or that job you did for three weeks that didn’t work out, or every skill you can think of. Your resume is a marketing document, not a comprehensive listing of everything about you; include the things that strengthen your candidacy, and pare down the rest.

I originally published this at U.S. News & World Report.

should I turn my questions to interviewers into a sales pitch for myself?

A reader writes:

I have read, and made good use of, all of your posts about the best sorts of questions to ask an interviewer and how an interview should be a conversation. However, some issues have been coming up during that part of the interview in a number of recent interviews, and I am wondering if I should be acting differently when I’m asking the interviewer my own questions.

Once an interviewer responds to your question, say about “What sort of person does well at your company,” are you supposed to respond with something like, “I have experience in that sort of situation you mention, for example [x…],” and how extensive should this answer be? The answer to this question seems like it should definitely be “yes” for that sort of question, but does your answer change if I am asking more technical questions? I worry about overdoing it by following up with examples of similar work highlighting my technical knowledge.

No, please do not do that. When you ask your interviewer questions, the goal is to hear the answer — not to turn it into an opportunity for a sales pitch. I hate it when candidates do that; it makes it seem like their questions aren’t genuine and they’re not using the answers to help think critically about whether the job is right for them. And that takes away all the benefits of having a candid give and take — it denies you, the candidate, the ability to assess the interviewer’s answers in the moment, which is key to assessing whether you should even want this job, and it will make your interviewer feel like you’re stuck in sales mode. Not thinking critically, not genuinely gathering information, just … selling.

A dating analogy might help illustrate this: Imagine if you were on a first date with someone, and every time you gave him a thoughtful answer to a question, he used that as an opportunity to advocate for why you and he were a great match. You’d feel like he was overly interested in making you like him, and not nearly interested enough in actually getting to know you. It’s a similar thing here.

So ask a question, listen to the answer, and have a thoughtful response — but don’t make a point of using it to sell yourself.

And sure, on occasion your natural response might just happen to do that anyway. If you ask the interviewer about the workplace culture and in part of her answer she mentions the company’s weekly tetherball tournaments and you just happen to love tetherball, of course it’s fine to share that. But you’d let that happen naturally; you don’t need to go searching for that kind of mirroring after every answer she gives you.

I think I’m in the wrong career, does my interviewer expect his new hire to fail, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go…

1. I think I’m in the wrong career

I have 2 degrees in applied economics; statistical analysis of economic data, effectively. I aimlessly chose this major; it led me to a master’s and I actually started the PhD program, but dropped because I was burned out.
I’ve now applied to 4 positions (probably the 4 I’ve wanted the most) and made stupid, careless mistakes in my cover letters. I’ve addressed them as soon as I noticed, but, honestly, I’m worn out. I don’t even try to say “this is so out of character for me!” because really, it’s not. I write emails at work and forget to include attachments; I notice data entry errors after I was certain I’d taken steps to prevent them (I end up writing a lot of Excel macros to do things for me because I don’t trust myself to not make those mistakes). I have been trained to be detail-oriented, but it’s not natural for me, and so I’m wondering how in the world I got as far as I did (and I think the answer is that academia is a bubble). I’m 25 and I’m concerned the past 5 years have been setting me up for a career I really am not that great at.

I’ve read your posts on how to figure out what you want to do. The difference is, I have a specific skillset and specialized experience. My current job, data monkey with terrible management and horrible culture, feels like it is sucking the life out of me, but how am I supposed to leave if I’m really not as qualified for other jobs as it seems I should be?

You are 25. You are barely at the beginning of your career. It is far, far away from being too late to change careers. You aren’t locked into this one just because that’s the academic path you took. You can do something else. Figure out what that might be, and what the path there would look like, and then start putting yourself on that path.

You have multiple decades of work ahead of you. It would be crazy to consign yourself to decades of misery just because you’re a couple of years down the road on the wrong path.

2. Hiring manager told me he’d call if his new hire doesn’t work out

I had 2 interviews for a job. There were 5 of us and 2 of us were asked back, me being one of them. The decision was supposed to be made after our 2 interviews. I was called on the phone to say I did not get the job. I was told that a last minute resume came in after my last interview and that person had industry experience that I did not have, and that was why I was not chosen. He made it clear that was the only reason and overall I was great and was a close second. Ok, not happy I didn’t get the job, but that happens and I get the reasoning.

The manager then said this: “She will be on 90-day probationary period and if she doesn’t work out I will call you.” I said OK of course, but I was a little taken off guard as I wasn’t sure what to say. “Um, ok I hope she sucks”(because then I will get the job)? Or, “Do you expect her for fail?” Obviously I did not say either one. I almost felt he was unsure of the decision to hire her. Or maybe he was told to hire her?

I am not counting on him calling. I already had a resume out for another company sent out before the rejection. But I am curious on why someone would say that. Just say, “Thanks but we chose someone else.” And maybe the usual “we will keep your resume on file and call if we feel you are a good fit for another position” (or whatever). But why so specific with me about a possible failure of the new hire? If she didn’t work out, he could just have easily called at that point and discuss the position again.

Because hiring managers, even good ones, are human — and therefore are sometimes awkward and word things poorly. But job seekers tend to forget that and instead parse every statement hiring managers make, putting far more weight and scrutiny on their words than the average person’s words could ever hold up under.

This manager probably just wanted to emphasize that you were really were the second choice, because it’s human to feel bad when someone you came close to hiring ends up not getting the job. Or he’s had new hires not work out before, and so it’s on his mind that he might have a back-up if that happens. Move on, and don’t spend any more time thinking about it.

3. I’m being laid off and my boss wants to know how I do my job

My boss informed me that my position will be eliminated on Feb 14. Then she asked me to document everything I do, and how I do each task. Nothing else will change, but they are laying me off, even though I am the only person knows how to do certain things. What are my options? Can I tell her no, I am not going to tell her of how to do my job?

I mean, you can; there’s no law requiring you to do what she’s asking. But there are consequences to refusing, like a bad reference, probably no severance, a really poor reputation among people who hear about it, and just generally looking silly. It’s not a good idea. You’re better off being professional and pleasant and giving her the information she wants — and negotiating a severance payout if you haven’t already done that.

4. I’m thinking of reporting my former employers for child abuse

Would you consider it child abuse if your former employers, who are both licensed doctors, brought their 2 children to work and left them in the break room all day by themselves to watch TV and play video games. One is 4 and has a degenerative bone disease and can’t walk, and the other is 9. This happens frequently and on one day, both of the doctors left for lunch and just left both of the kids in the break room. They didn’t ask us if it was ok to leave them; they said nothing at all. The youngest boy is in his own motorized chair. I was appalled, and their lack of supervision of these two boys drives me crazy. I believe this to be very unprofessional and I am considering calling someone in our state and filing an abuse case.

In general, no, leaving kids in a break room to watch TV and play video games is not typically considered child abuse. It might be bad parenting if it’s happening a lot, and it might be a bad business practice, but both those things are different from abuse.

Whether it’s more of a concern because of the younger boy’s medical condition is something I can’t say from here, but if you’re concerned, I’d start by calling Childhelp (1-800-4-A-CHILD). They can ask you questions, assess the situation, and figure out what your next step should be.

5. Will I hurt my chances of a promotion later if I don’t apply for one now?

I was recently passed over for a position at my organization, but wasn’t too upset as they hired a more experienced candidate. Another position (same level, salary, etc) has been posted, but I’m not sure I want to apply as it’s in a different location. The position is managerial and requires the candidate to run that location.

Despite these jobs being the same on the surface, I don’t feel I’m the right person for this other location (I don’t know if I can offer what this location needs). I could apply and go through the whole interview process again, but if I know this particular job isn’t right for me and I’d likely be unhappy in it, am I wasting the organization’s time if I apply, or am I hurting my chances of future opportunities later by not applying? Does it look bad that I felt one job was right for me and the other isn’t even though they’re essentially the same?

If you’re sure you don’t want the job, you shouldn’t apply for it. If you’re asked about it (and you might not be), you can simply explain that you’re not sure you want to move to the new location.

You shouldn’t be hurt by not applying for it at all. If anything, you’d risk hurting yourself by applying for the promotion and then turning it down, since with internal positions, there’s more of an assumption that if you’re going through the whole interview process, you’re going to accept the position unless there’s some real obstacle around pay, goals for the position, or another substantive issue.

Should a receptionist tell callers when someone is out sick, consolation prize interviews, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go…

1. Should a receptionist tell callers when someone is out sick?

I’m a receptionist. If a salesperson is out sick, I tell the caller that the person is “out of the office” (and offer another salesperson, etc.), and that satisfies most callers. There are those occasional customers who then ask if the person will be back tomorrow, and I really don’t know; I don’t know if they will be all healed up overnight or not. In this case, I say I don’t know (and offer them another salesperson, etc., insert niceties here), but it seems weird sometimes based on the caller’s reaction, like they want an explanation. It just also seems weird to let customers know that an employee is sick; it seems like a private thing to me.

This is really context-specific. There are many offices where “she’s out today” would be the only information released, but there are plenty where “she’s out sick today” is a normal thing to say. In the second group, it can sometimes be in people’s interest to say it — because it explains why the absence might have been sudden (useful in cases where a clients would have otherwise expected to be notified someone would be unavailable) and it explains why you can’t say for sure if the person will be back tomorrow.

In any case, since you’re unsure, I’d ask your manager how she prefers you to do it — or ask the individual people whose calls you screen. Different people may have different preferences.

2. I’m an attorney who wants to be a paralegal

I am a barred attorney with bipolar disorder, which has deeply affected my life over the last few years. I am now stable, but no longer wish to practice law because the stress of appearing in court and constant arguing makes it difficult to handle my condition. I recently moved to another state and am looking for a job in the legal field, but not as an attorney. My license is in good standing and I have never had an ethics complaint or malpractice claim against me.

I have been applying for higher level paralegal positions, which I believe I have the skills for and in which people with a law degree often thrive when they do not want to do traditional attorney work. I have only gotten a few interviews, unfortunately, and I know it is because I am being viewed as overqualified. I do not expect attorney-level pay and understand that working as a paralegal is different from working as an attorney, although the jobs do overlap somewhat. I try to address this the best I can in my cover letter.

My question involves how to address why I am not applying by motion for the bar in the new state I am living in, which would allow me to practice here, both in interviews and when applying for jobs. The truth is, I do not apply because of my history of bipolar disorder, which I would have to disclose on my bar application and would most likely disqualify me from admission in the background check (I was grilled heavily about this in my home state when I applied there, years before I had an escalation of the condition).

I don’t want to get into my medical condition with any potential employer because there is still a stigma against mental illness when it comes to many employers, especially in the legal field. I know that chances are I would be automatically rejected by any potential employer who found out about it. However, I worry that I come across as shady when I try to answer vaguely about this (i.e. wanting a better quality of life,etc.) I still have the legal skills, endurance and creativity needed for the field, but am at a loss as how to address why it is I no longer practice.

So many lawyers have found after they started practicing law that they aren’t actually thrilled with the career choice they made that I think you could have a compelling answer that loads of lawyers would relate to. I’d identify the less pleasant aspects of being a lawyer that don’t overlap with paralegal work, and focus your answer on those. Maybe it’s the hours, or having to spend time on X, or so forth. Then your answer could sound like, “I love legal research and writing, but I realized I dislike __ and __, and I’ve figured out that being a paralegal work lets me do what I loved about being a lawyer and am good at, without the other parts.”

If you say it with confidence, I don’t think this answer is going to be an issue for people.

3. Explaining consulting work on a resume

I moved across the country several months ago (for my partner’s career). Since then, I have continued to work for my employer remotely to help transition my projects, but that arrangement will be ending soon. Meanwhile, through other contacts, I’ve been able to pick up a couple of contracts for various pieces of work (e.g. writing projects). Once I’m no longer an employee of my company, how should I reflect my work status on my resume? Could I list my current job as “independent consultant,” even though I’m not really set up as one and I’m searching for a full-time position? If so, should I limit the description to the type of work I’ve actually been doing, or is it okay to list other things I could potentially do as a consultant? I don’t want it to look like I’m unemployed, but I’m unsure how to reflect my situation in a clear and accurate manner.

It’s fine to list your current work as “consultant” (I’d leave off “independent”; it’s unnecessary). However, you should only list consulting work you’ve actually done, not things you could do — since employers will assume it’s the former and it’ll look a little deceptive if they find it talking to you that it’s the latter. In other words, treat it like any other job you list on your resume and stick to what you’ve actually done.

4. Is this interview a consolation prize?

I interviewed at a library for a position that was 11 hours a week. I did not get the job. They decided to go with someone who they had interviewed several times before. They did, however, grant me an interview for a job that I had previously applied for. This job has more hours and is actually the one I was more interested in. My question is, did they grant me the interview because they liked me or is this just a consolation prize? The fact that the interview is for a better position makes me nervous.

It’s pretty unlikely that they’re going to spend time interviewing you a second time just to soften the pain of rejecting you; employers reject people all the time and are used to having to do it. I’d assume it’s a legitimate interview.

5. Periods on resumes

I am revising my resume, and for the most part, I am using bullet points with no periods at the end of each line. There are three instances where I wrote a full sentence when describing my accomplishments under bullet points. From what I’ve been reading, you should go all or nothing on the punctuation, but it looks stupid to leave a full sentence dangling with no period. What are your thoughts?

I agree with you — full sentences need periods. But resumes look weird when some bullet points end with periods and some don’t. If you don’t have any full sentences, you can pick either way (periods or no periods), as long as you’re consistent. But in your case, you do have some full sentences, so the no-period option is taken away. Thus, you must use periods at the end of all the bullet points, to be both correct and consistent.

your employer can wipe your phone clean, American bosses, and more

A few miscellaneous things —

1. Your employer might be able to wipe your phone clean … remotely

Here’s an disturbing Wall St. Journal article about how if you use your own cell phone for work, your company may have the right to remotely wipe your phone. A scary excerpt:

A former employee of Hopkinton, Mass.-based cloud-computing firm EMC Corp.EMC +0.12% who requested anonymity said his phone was wiped a few years ago after he was terminated for not hitting sales quotas. The employee started the job without a smartphone, and EMC didn’t provide one, but he said he was missing late-night notices of meeting changes and other important information, so he purchased an Android device.

On midnight of the day he was terminated, the phone went blank. “I was completely surprised,” he said. “I know it’s so they can protect their data assets, but if that’s such an important policy, we shouldn’t be mixing business with personal.” He has no memory of signing a release or user agreement, though he concedes that a dialogue box may have appeared when he first connected to EMC’s server “and like everyone else, I was like ‘OK, check.'”

2. Cultural workplace differences

A reader sent me this interesting clip about cultural differences in the workplace. She writes: “It’s a staged conversation between an American boss and a Danish employee intended to show how the high-energy and relatively authoritarian American style clashes with the low-key and egalitarian Danish style. The gist of the conversation is that the American boss is informing the Danish employee that he will be relocating to a department based in another city, while the Danish employee is blindsided because he expects to get a say in such a decision. The clip was created by a Danish consulting company that has many years of experience teaching Danes and foreigners how to work together without tension.”

The American manager in the clip is pretty horrifically repugnant, and I don’t think at all representative of most American managers — but I’m sure there’s truth in the style conflict that’s presented, even if it’s caricatured here.

3. Miss Manners on gifts for your boss

Since questions about giving gifts to managers have come up frequently here, you might be interested to see Miss Manners tackled it earlier this week, in response to a question about a manager who received a gift from an employee just minutes before firing him.

4. “Ask the readers” posts

Thanks to a suggestion from a reader, we now have an “ask the readers” category in the archives, where you’ll find all past “ask the readers” posts.

my coworker brushes her hair with a fork and cleans her false teeth at her desk

This was originally published on January 28, 2010.

A reader writes:

I work for a company that has the FDA (Food and Drug Admin) come in often for audits. Every single thing every employee does can be audited. Therefore, procedures are put into place that must be followed.

A co-worker takes many shortcuts and does not follow these procedures. I have pointed this out numerous times to my team leader and even went to Human Resources at one point. We have an employee handbook of sorts that states specifically that if an employee does not follow certain procedures, it is grounds for terminition. I have been told by my team leader and HR that this is none of my business and to “sit down and pay attention to your own work.” Another co-worker and I have documented proof, but no one wants to acknowledge it. Each of us have our own customers and many of them have said specifically they do not want her even to touch their forms.

And as if that weren’t bad enough, she has no sense of manners. She has sinus issues and snorts all day long. Ok, I know some people can’t help it and yeah, I can probably let that slide. She also talks on the phone…all…day…long. Literally, hours. These are personal calls. Calls to her mother, sisters, sons, friends from church. I know everything there is to know about who did what to whom, who isn’t paying child support, who is cheating on their husband…Again, this has been pointed out by not only me, but many other co-workers and again, nothing is done. Supposedly, she has been talked to in 1 on 1 meetings with the team leader, sent emails and also “reminded” in group meetings to limit her personal phone calls. After such meetings, she gets on the phone and complains to every family member she can call about how unfair it is that she has been pointed out unfairly.

Then there is of course the fact she takes her teeth out to clean them while sitting at her desk. She also uses a fork to brush her hair as well as talks with her mouth full of food, even if she’s on the phone with customers! She also listens to her radio (w/ headphones on) but has the volume up loud enough for everyone to hear anyway. And she makes these noises that honestly sound as though she’s about to have a sexual experience. Most days I feel like I’m working in the porno industry.

She says that if you were to come to her and ask her to stop something, she will. However, whenever someone has, she blows up and pitches a huge fit. One day she came to my desk and was very upset because I asked her not to do something that was not procedural. I said it kindly and have witnesses. She stood over me (I was sitting in my chair) and yelled at the top of her voice at me. She and another co-worker got into a shouting match with each other and the Manager of the entire department had to come down and break them apart. Again, nothing is done. I was reprimanded for asking her not to do something against procedures.

I love my job, really I do! But working with her is taking its toll. When she isn’t here, the entire mood of the department changes. She is a joke to everyone. Even my team leader has called her lazy in our 1 on 1 sessions. HR refuses to do anything. Management refuses to do anything. What can I do? Just grin and bear it?

I’m not sure what you can do if your managers are uninterested in dealing with it, and she herself yells at people when confronted.

Your real issue here is less about her and more about having management that won’t address an obvious problem. It sounds like they’ve made a decision — for whatever reason — to live with it. They’ve also told you clearly that they don’t want to hear from you anymore about it.

I don’t know why they’ve made that decision. Most likely, they’re wimps who don’t like having awkward or unpleasant conversations with people. Or, it could be that they don’t really care about having procedures followed. Or they do care but they’re addressing it with her privately and aren’t going to share that with you. Or maybe you work for a company that requires reams of paperwork to be assembled over many months before someone can be fired, and they’re in the process of doing that.

On the issues of her personal habits, as opposed to her work, it could be that no one has presented this to your manager in just the right way. Framed in a certain way, it could sound petty. It could be more effective to explain that her constant personal phone calls make it hard for you to concentrate on your own work and ask if you or she could be moved to a different area. (You might get her moved and/or your manager might take the info about her phone habits more seriously because you made it impersonal.)

But overall, it seems like your managers, for whatever reason, have heard your complaints and told you to stop raising them. That’s the reality you’ve got to accept.

And you know, you’re often going to end up working with people who annoy the hell out of you. It’s just the reality of having a job, most of the time. You can keep looking for ways to be direct with her about what she’s doing that bothers you, and maybe trying to get your coworkers to weigh in too, but this woman really doesn’t sound particularly open to feedback or personal change. Ultimately, you probably have to resign yourself to living with this, as long as you and she are both employed there.

But really, the best way to handle this might be to see her behavior as amusing instead of infuriating. You have someone brushing her hair with a fork and cleaning her false teeth at her desk, for god’s sake — are you really not entertained by this?

As I’ve mentioned before, my sister always advises me, when visiting annoying relatives, to pretend to be one of the many long-suffering characters in Jane Austen novels who have to be pleasant to and patient with irritating relations. It’s remarkably effective; it reframes things in a much more amusing (and bearable) context. If you’re not a Jane Austen fan, pretend you’re on a sitcom. This advice is good for all areas of life.

Good luck.