should I demote an employee who can’t do her job?

A reader writes:

I have a staff member who was promoted beyond her capability. I have tried coaching her, and she simply does not have the skill or aptitude required for the job. I do think she could work in her original role — but to have the budget to replace her, she would need to take a significant pay cut. Is this ever advisable?

My instinct tells me it should be avoided because it runs the risk of causing bitterness, bad attitude, etc. But it feels unkind to fire someone because of how I guess she might respond.

I answer this question — and three others — over at Inc. today, where I’m revisiting letters that have been buried in the archives here from years ago (and sometimes updating/expanding my answers to them). You can read it here.

Other questions I’m answering there today include:

  • How can my company let candidates know we’ll accommodate their religious needs?
  • If I give bigger gifts this year, am I setting a precedent?
  • Alerting contacts’ kids to career opportunities

update: how to tell my boss his second-in-commands are making it impossible for me to do my job

It’s “where are you now?” month at Ask a Manager, and all December I’m running updates from people who had their letters here answered in the past.

There will be more posts than usual this week, so keep checking back throughout the day.

Remember the letter-writer asking how to tell her boss that his second-in-commands were making it impossible for her to do her job (#5 at the link)? The first update was here, and here’s the latest.

I thought this saga was over, but I have yet another, now definitely final, update to this mess.


Long story short — I’m no longer working at that company. I was white-anted and thrown under the bus, but not by either of the Goons, in fact, Goon 2 reached out to me after I resigned to send his well-wishes.

The Judas among us was my admin. Who I had hired, trained, and covered for countless times whilst wondering how on earth she was so “overwhelmed” with her workload whilst I was trying desperately to take things off her plate to lighten her load whilst drowning under my own workload. Well, it was because she was spending all her time actively subverting me to my peers and my director.

I could never understand why it was that despite my work being of a high quality, a proven record of saving the company tens of thousands of dollars in my first few months there, and external counterparts singing my praises, I still persistently was being undermined, not listened to, and generally bullied by a few of my colleagues. I then started being “performance managed” by the director, despite my work quality staying the same and still garnering praise from other colleagues. The director could never explain exactly why he was performance managing me, and I was never placed on a PIP, he just made it exceptionally difficult for me to do my job effectively.

It was because my admin had been spreading abhorrent lies about me in an effort to find herself in my chair, without understanding exactly how uncomfortable and soul-sucking that chair was.

I had been asked to find a confirmation email in the inbox that I shared with my admin, but when I searched for it, another email popped up from my admin to my director which was filled with accusations about me which were either greatly exaggerated or outright lies. An example of an exaggeration was her assertion that “MyName demanded I tell her whether I’m planning to have another baby and when, which made me feel intimidated and is illegal to ask.” What had actually occurred was that she told me one day that she was thinking of having another baby, and I had made a joke that she should let me know when so I could get pregnant at the same time and we could have maternity leave together and have a break from work. She laughed, I laughed, I thought that was the end of it. An example of an outright lie was that she said that at an industry awards night, I had gotten so drunk that I attempted to proposition her husband. In reality, I had two glasses of wine that night, and I’ve never met her husband.

She also accused me of taking credit for her work, which had absolutely never happened, in fact, I frequently, in a misguided attempt to help boost her confidence, gave her credit for my work.

The email was about 3 pages long, concluding with, “I don’t even know what she does, but you’re paying her a lot of money to do nothing all day.”

As I finished reading it, everything made sense. I decided then that if she wanted my job so badly, she could have it, and typed out my letter of resignation with immediate effect.

The reason she didn’t know what I did all day was because it was way out of her scope of understanding. I didn’t tell her what I was doing because she was not capable of assisting me with it. Whilst she was dressing up as an office mascot and writing the office newsletter, I was desperately trying to fill all the compliance gaps that if discovered would have the company shut down.

So I left. I told a few of the office big mouths what had happened, and I’ve since heard that the story has gotten out, they have indeed lost an important accreditation (that I initially secured for them), and that their financial situation is not great. Meanwhile, I’m now working in consulting, and am slowly but surely recovering from the horrific burnout and depression that that company left me with.

I never realized just how toxic that workplace was, but your readers did. I should have listened then, and I would’ve saved myself much heartache and ill-health. But things are looking up now, and I hope that if I ever find myself in an environment like that again, I’ll spot it sooner and GTFO.

I don’t want to be in the middle of my coworker’s crush, a burping boss, and more

I’m on vacation. Here are some past letters that I’m making new again, rather than leaving them to wilt in the archives.

1. I don’t want to be in the middle of my coworker’s crush

Justin is a new coworker who just joined my small team and is in training for the same job I do. I am not in charge of him in any way, but have been showing him parts of the work we are required to do and am involved in the training because I do this work and a lot of the training is on the job. While working on some training, Justin told me that he has a crush on Britney, who is in another department, and began asking some pointed questions about her status and making comments about trying to pursue her romantically.

I have no problem with what Justin does on his own time. These questions and conversations in the workplace do, however, make me uncomfortable. Especially because this conversation involves another coworker who I know only on a professional level. Our team is small and we do occasionally share things about our lives and maybe what we did over the weekend, as well as funny stories about kids and partners on occasion. I really don’t want to escalate this in any way, and the last time I just kinda answered and then “bean-dipped” to another subject. I don’t want to overreact on this, and I am concerned that I am. I want to be able to appropriately respond in a way that is polite and doesn’t damage the relationship. I also don’t want it to feel like I am reprimanding him for poor behavior or anything. I would appreciate your insight on how to handle any further remarks in this regard.

Ick, yeah. I don’t think you’re overreacting. If he wants to ask out Britney, that’s his business, as long as he does it in a work-appropriate way and immediately takes no for an answer. But by talking to you about it, he’s making you part of your colleagues’ romantic concerns in a way that’s inappropriate at work. (It’s also a really high school thing to do. Any chance he’s very young? If he’s not young, this is actually creepier because he should know better after a certain age.)

If he brings it up again, say something like this: “I feel uncomfortable hearing this about a coworker. Can you leave me out of it?” Or, “Sorry, dude, I’m not up for talking about your crush on a coworker. So about (insert work-related topic)…” And if he asks you questions about Britney, tell him, “You’re going to have to talk to Britney directly if you want to know that.” Or, “I don’t feel right having this conversation about a colleague; please leave me out of this.”

I know you asked for polite, and these might not feel super polite, but it really is gross for him to be making this A Thing with coworkers without Britney’s involvement or consent, and you’re doing him a favor by pointing that out.


2. I can’t get my coworkers to read my updates or come to my meetings

I am interning in an office for the next three months, and have been tasked with leading a project. The result of this project will be launched several months after my internship has concluded, so my fellow project team members will take it over once I leave.

My issue is that I don’t think my coworkers are as concerned about this project as I am. To give a few examples, I send weekly updates via email that no one reads and I schedule meetings that team members skip without notice beforehand or acknowledgement after. When we have work to be completed, I’ll ask my team members to choose which portions they want to work on, and one particular team member just doesn’t follow through, even after I get our shared supervisor involved.

I don’t know how to address these issues. I’m an intern and have little clout in this organization. The only method I have of holding team members accountable is reminding them repeatedly of deadlines, letting them miss the deadline, and notifying the supervisor if the missed deadline seriously impacts our work. I feel like I want to stop working so hard to keep them up-to-date if they don’t care about this launch as much as I do. I have a sneaking suspicion that once I leave, they’re going to let this project fall through the cracks, but that will not be my problem. How should I continue to address these issues until my internship ends in the next few months?

Well, it’s possible that they’re actually prioritizing correctly — they may have work that takes precedence over this project, and that’s why they’re not invested. And they might not actually need the weekly updates or the meetings. Or maybe they really are supposed to be more involved, and they’re shirking their responsibilities. If that’s the case, that’s not something you have the power to change on your own; you’d need your boss to handle that.

Either way, the best thing to do is to talk to your boss. Explain what’s going on and ask if you’re expecting more involvement from people than you should, or whether you do actually need them reading updates/attending meetings/doing pieces of the work. If it’s the latter, then say this: “I’ve tried talking with people about this quite a bit, and I think it’s at the point where they’ll need to hear it from you, since I don’t have the authority on my own. Could you talk with people about how you need them to be involved?” And if that doesn’t solve it, then go back to your boss and just loop her in — as in, “I wanted to let you know that I’m having trouble getting ___ from people. So I’m doing X, Y, and Z, but I want to make sure you know those other pieces may not be finished by the time I leave unless Jane and Fergus have time for them.”

Beyond that, though, look at ways to streamline what you’re expecting from people. Unless your boss says otherwise, it might be that weekly updates aren’t necessary, and maybe the meetings aren’t either. When people are busy, it’s often the case that if you ask for less of their time, you’ll get it more reliably. (And if this is your one big project while they’re juggling a bunch of things, it’s understandable that you’re more focused on it than they are.)


3. My boss has a burping problem

I’ve been at this job for a couple of months now and work with a very small team, about seven, all under one manager. My manager is great, except for one thing — she has a burping problem. She’ll burp loudly throughout the day, every couple of minutes, and usually doesn’t say “excuse me” or pardon herself at all. It’s jarring and frankly irritating, and I find myself glancing up from my computer every couple of minutes when she does it. The office is very small (one room) so there’s no separation or anything.

I don’t know if there’s any sort of medical issue that could be causing it or if it’s just a bad habit. She will typically start each day with one to two bottles of soda, which I’m assuming may contribute.

I don’t know what to do here, or if there is anything I can do. I tend to be on the reserved side and avoid confrontation, personally, so I haven’t broached the topic with any of my coworkers to see if there’s more background/a reason/why no one says anything about it. I’m honestly just kind of nonplussed about the whole situation and thought I’d reach out to see if there was any advice!

Well, it’s possible that it’s a medical condition, which she wouldn’t necessarily disclose to people. (You might be thinking that if that’s the case, the soda is an odd choice as it might exacerbate it, but plenty of people drink soda without regular burping and her beverages aren’t really our business anyway.)

If it’s not a medical condition, that is a lot of burping, so we might as well lean toward assuming it is. And really, if it’s not, there’s nothing to lose by being wrong about that.

Regardless, there’s not really anything you can do to address this. If it’s a medical condition, it’s definitely off-limits … and you’re not likely to find for sure that it’s not — which leaves this in the realm of an annoying behavior that you have to learn to live with.

One adjustment to your thinking that might help: It’s probably better that she’s not saying “excuse me” each time. With it happening every couple of minutes, wouldn’t that be more distracting?


4. Should I quit my new job if I can’t get the week of Christmas off?

I started a new job at the end of September where I am a contracted employee through March and I am trying now to get time off for Christmas. In late October, I requested the week off, and was finally told this week that I can only have Christmas Eve and Christmas off. I work a coverage-based job and I am basically the lowest on the totem pole, so I get why that happened.

However, my family is 900 miles away and I would really like to go home for Christmas, which isn’t an option if I don’t have more days off. Am I crazy to quit this job just so I can go home? Maybe I’m acting entitled because I’ve been lucky enough until now to be in school or have more flexible jobs, but I really want to be able to see my family, some of whom I haven’t seen since last year, especially because I didn’t go home for Thanksgiving.

For some added context, in May I was fired from the job I moved here for and my employment has been patchy up until I started my current job. I’m also planning to start a grad program in June. Will quitting this job for a probably petty reason screw me over forever? I’ve already asked my contracting firm, but there’s nothing they can do.

I feel frustrated because I’ve had a bad year what with the firing and also struggling with other non-work stuff, and I’d really just like to be home with my family. I feel like you’ll say I have to suck it up, because it’s only one year, but the work isn’t particularly meaningful, nor is this an important job for my career that would make it feel worth missing Christmas.

It won’t screw you over forever, no, but you’ll need to leave this job off your resume (since you’ll only have worked there a few months). The big question is about your financial situation — can you support yourself if you don’t get another job until you start grad school in June? It can be tough to find jobs for just a few months, but if you can (which might mean temping, retail, or food service), then you’re likely to get a bit of a reset with grad school anyway. But if you’re not certain you can do that and can’t support yourself otherwise, be cautious about walking away from a steady paycheck.

It’s also worth looking at whether something bigger is going on. The combination of the patchy work history, the firing, and your inclination to leave after a couple of months despite that context makes me wonder if there are other pieces to examine: Are you quick to leave jobs when something isn’t to your liking? Do you get bored quickly? Are you picking the wrong jobs? Maybe it’s nothing like that and this has been a string of bad luck, but it’s worth reflecting on (especially before you spend the time and money on grad school!).


Read an update to this letter here.

a good news story

A note from a reader:

I’ve been an avid reader for years, and have always appreciated your no-nonsense advice. I hadn’t realized quite how much I had absorbed until I needed it, though.

Earlier this year I started a new role in an industry I’m very familiar with. I was assigned to work with Cedric, who was at the same level as me in our organization’s hierarchy. It’s a small industry and word had gotten around about Cedric — that he didn’t deliver on projects, took 4-5 days’ sick leave each month, started late and left early — but it was made clear that I wasn’t his manager, so I just had to learn to work with him (the frustration was evident!). Our manager works from a different location and would be managing us remotely.

In week three, Cedric took me aside and said that he had been going through a significant mental health crisis over the last six months and had also been diagnosed as autistic, but didn’t feel safe raising this with our managers. He asked if I could have oversight of delegating his work, because he felt comfortable and safe with me.

I had a chat with our manager who was very happy to trial a new system where I oversaw the overall work program and Cedric’s workload, but development and performance were still managed remotely.

It’s been three months and everything is coming up Millhouse! It turns out he had been given big projects like “organize a llama grooming workshop” with no input from others, and no clear due date, milestones, budget, or agenda — no wonder he was floundering when you added in mental health challenges and neurodivergence! We now have daily and weekly catchups and one-pagers for each project with clear outcomes, we’ve designed some new processes together, and most importantly he knows I have his back. He still has some “wobbles” (his words) but they are much less frequent, and he’s been super proactive about working out what has caused the wobble so we can address it. (For instance, we have moved to a quieter part of the office with less sensory overload, and our catchups are mid-morning once he has settled in for the day.)

My manager is astounded at the turnaround, I’ve been promoted to team leader, and Cedric is smashing his work program. I’ve kept his confidences about his health, so if anyone asks I just say we’ve got some new ways of doing things that Cedric seems to gel with.

All that advice you dole out on the regular — be up-front about expectations, be kind, look for practical solutions, be friendly but don’t be friends with your subordinates, acknowledge that everyone has something going on in the background — has been gold.

update: should I correct students who address me as Mrs.?

It’s “where are you now?” month at Ask a Manager, and all December I’m running updates from people who had their letters here answered in the past.

There will be more posts than usual this week, so keep checking back throughout the day.

Remember the professor asking whether to correct students who address her as Mrs. (#3 at the link)? Here’s the update.

I am the college professor who wrote to you about my students addressing me using the honorific Mrs., rather than Ms. or Dr.

The comments and suggestions I received in response to my letter gave me the confidence to view the beginning of the fall semester as an important teachable moment. When I introduced myself at the start of class, I clearly explained not only how students should address me (“Dr. Green”) but also how they should NOT address me. In addition, I included with the course materials a blog post explaining how to address women in the workplace.

On the downside, it took less than a week for me to receive my first “Dear Mrs. Green” email. On the upside, now at 11 weeks into the semester, the use of “Dr. Green” has increased significantly, Ms. is used rarely, and Mrs. has almost disappeared.

In addition to my decision to be more clear and direct about my preferences (and provide the blog post), there are two other factors that may have caused the switch from Mrs. Green to Dr. Green. First, my very large class happens to have a great group of students this semester (every class is different and I lucked out this time). Second, I became department chair during the summer, so I may now seem more important.

It will be a few months until I know if my use of the teachable moment will be mentioned in my teaching evaluations. But in any case, I have experienced less annoyance from reading or hearing “Mrs.” this semester and I will definitely continue my crusade with future classes. Also, I believe that I have probably helped some of my students avoid annoying their post-college colleagues, so I feel good about that.

update: is it OK to vacation with a friend from work?

It’s “where are you now?” month at Ask a Manager, and all December I’m running updates from people who had their letters here answered in the past.

There will be more posts than usual this week, so keep checking back throughout the day.

Remember the letter-writer asking if it was OK to vacation with a friend from work (#3 at the link)? Here’s the update.

Thanks so much for your advice on going on vacation with my work friend (as well as all the comments!). I’ve got a quick update for everyone.

I did decide to go on vacation with my coworker Brad, and nothing untoward happened while on the trip. No lines were crossed, we finished the trip cordial but slightly less chatty. I assumed that was because we ran out of things to talk about after a few days by the pool, but it’s clear that wasn’t the case.

It’s been 3 months or so since the trip, and things have been a bit frosty between us. Occasionally I’d texted Brad to grab dinner or something after work, but I always got turned down. All conversations and messages were clipped/rude, including conversations about work topics.

After being in my new department for 6 months now, I’ve picked up some red flags about Brad that I missed before (or chose to ignore due to our friendship). He is consistently rude/uncooperative/unhelpful with the whole department, to the point of people being nervous to talk to him.

I’ve stopped messaging/talking to Brad unless I have a work request, and even then I’m wary of approaching him. Occasionally I’ll get a late night text asking to meet him at the neighborhood bar after he’s had a few drinks, but then he’ll go back to avoiding me the next day.

All things considered, I’m still glad I went on the trip with Brad, it was a nice vacation and it opened my eyes to how he is. I don’t think this strained our work relationship, from what I can tell he now treats me like he treats everyone else on the team (minus the drunk texts!).

Thanks again for all the feedback from everyone in the comment section (and Alison of course!)

update: my coworker’s obsession with coffee is an all-day distraction

It’s “where are you now?” month at Ask a Manager, and all December I’m running updates from people who had their letters here answered in the past.

There will be more posts than usual this week, so keep checking back throughout the day.

Remember the letter-writer whose coworker’s obsession with coffee was an all-day distraction? Here’s the update.

I loved reading your advice and feedback. I sent the email after a day or two that was particularly filled with Bill’s coffee talk on a couple of very stressful morning. It was great knowing I was not alone. A few readers pointed out, I probably used some hyperbole. It is more coffee talk than is warranted but most days are not the multiple hour diatribes. (To some extent, Bill does have quite a few hobbies and interests that I get to hear more than my share about so they add up along with his work chat.) Here are a few updates and things I did to help cope.

1.) Bill is still being Bill. He does have a new boss. His old manager is in another position. It seems quieter now so I’m not sure if his new boss has had some talks about his general time management issues or if he is trying to make a better impression.
2.) An office right next door to mine came open. It puts me one door down so it mutes some of the coffee talk, but I still get to be close to my team. That was a huge help.
3.) I did go ahead and opt to keep my air pods in my office both for after work (de-stressing) workouts and distractions.
4.) Last one is probably not the fun update, but I left out that I had a traumatic experience the year before that had amped up my anxiety at work. (Natural disaster related) I took some time off to finally deal with it over a year after the incident. I learned a lot of coping strategies and have even found a mindfulness meditation podcast that I sometimes close the door to do a mediation when I’m feeling irritable.

In a moment of profound growth, I even complimented one of the new coffees last week and told him how good it smelled. For now, I’m not going to let it break my peace of mind and I’ll learn to let little things go whether its hearing about the coffee, the importance of Star Wars: the Clone Wars lore, random facts about obscure Holidays, or Premier League Football. He is very good at certain types of mundane tedious work that most of us hate. He’s just got a lot of chronic insecurity that is a roadblock for him. I’ll have the talk with his manager if it becomes an issue as it pertains to my team’s work.

updates: custodian says we have fleas but we do not, and more

It’s “where are you now?” month at Ask a Manager, and all December I’m running updates from people who had their letters here answered in the past. Here are five updates from past letter-writers.

There will be more posts than usual this week, so keep checking back throughout the day.

1. Our custodian says we have fleas but we do not (#2 at the link)

I wrote in asking about how to deal with the alleged flea infestation that only our custodian could see.

Around the same time I wrote to you, Flea Man [in my head I say this the same way one would say He-Man like from the 1980s cartoon] met me at the staff door as I came in to work. He had waited for me specifically so he could show me evidence of the fleas.

He had drowned several fleas in one of the library toilets and had left them there intentionally so I could see there really were fleas in the library. I told him that although I did indeed see the drowned fleas, that no one else had reported any flea activity at all and even our exterminator hadn’t found any evidence of fleas.

He apparently decided I wasn’t taking him seriously enough and left a note for our business manager, explaining again that he thought we had fleas. His letter ended with the line, “My hair can’t take that chance.”

Because his work was so poor and his absenteeism so frequent, we fired him shortly thereafter and he and his fleas have not been seen again in our building.

2. I heard alarming information from a coworker’s old manager — should I tell our boss? (#3 at the link)

Thank you for replying to my letter! I did apply your advice regarding tone, but thankfully, the situation worked itself out regardless.

To clarify something that came up in the comments: I had left this out for brevity, but Juan actually texted Emma himself to tell her he was working with me. So: he commented on her post, I asked how he knew her, and he texted her like they were friends. Then I got the call from her, which is why I found the whole thing particularly odd.

Shortly after your post, my boss’s role was split into two. Although Juan and I were still on the same projects, we had different roles, so Juan got a new boss while I stayed with mine.

I learned from my boss that Juan’s new boss had immediately flagged these issues and put him on a Performance Improvement Plan. There were even complaints from clients about him. My boss asked me to keep an eye out for any issues Juan might cause and let leadership know immediately, which gave me a chance to casually share my concerns. I told him I had it on good authority that Juan had had similar issues before and had even been fired over them. My boss was unfazed and just said, “Oh, I’m sure he has.”

Juan was let go a month later, on good terms.

Here’s the funny part: a few days after that, Emma called me again to say Juan had reached out to her, asking if she knew of any openings! (The very person who let him go—I’m honestly bewildered.) Emma was really concerned that he might have jeopardized my job as well by trying to shift blame onto me or generally make me look bad, but fortunately it wasn’t.

Juan is still liking and commenting on all of Emma’s posts—and now on posts from my company’s leadership, too. It seems like he’s over-representing his connections just as he does with his technical skills, or maybe he just lacks self-awareness. In any case, I’m glad it all resolved with minimal drama.

3. My company let me buy a house, then laid me off — then pulled the rug out from under me again (#2 at the link)

Ultimately, the move worked out in the end. I had moved in part for more opportunities and one came up for an internal transfer to a different department. I got a decent pay bump and some other incentives, enough so that I ended up in a better position than if I had taken the original position. I was a bit concerned about the transition since it is to a new department — and moving to a customer-facing role, when my prior team was internal-only — but I’m working on a lot of the same projects and regularly asked to consult on questions about the old team and their processes. There’s been a lot of adjusting to what is an entirely new role, but the trial period went through fine and my new team is thrilled to have me. We work a lot with my former team on projects, and my operational knowledge has helped speed some things along that they had been struggling with for months). I’m also quite happy with the move. I had reasons to move states beyond the job, the biggest being the political climate, and I probably would have moved regardless of the work situation.

The biggest factor for me in deciding whether to stay or look elsewhere was thinking about prior experiences. I also considered some of the comments that suggested it might have been something that Sara was fighting for and other managers or higher ups ultimately made the final call over her objections. I still don’t know exactly who made the call or when, nor when Sara knew officially. But before everything that happened in July, management and I had a great relationship. I had been promoted and assigned some major projects. There were some extra development opportunities that I was selected for. This was really the first time being blindsided at work. And in the aftermath of the first position falling through, Sara arranged for me to start some new projects that ultimately are how I got referred to this new department. I’m more willing to write off what happened in July as a bad judgment call — they didn’t want to share bad news until it was final, even if I really needed to be in the loop before then. Certainly something I will keep in mind if I ever find myself in a managerial role.

In retrospect, I’m even somewhat thankful the first position fell through. I’m in a better position now at work, and my new team is well managed. Moving departments has allowed me to train on new subjects and get some new opportunities, and I’m still early enough in my career that I can afford to move around. From what I’ve heard through the grapevine, the first position had (and still has) a lot of growing pains and the manager overseeing it still hasn’t quite worked out what they want it to be. I get a sense as well from the stories I’ve heard that this manager is not the most organized or considerate.

4. Navigating small social/networking circles as a manager (#4 at the link)

Thank you for reassuring me I was reasonable in my decisions and didn’t need to feel guilty. Iris didn’t invite Petunia and I’ve kept going as often as I can to the dinners. Petunia’s home challenges has continued though and she’s back and forth on reconciliation vs divorce all of which is very stressful for her and affecting her mood at work. I feel for her and as a manager have offered appropriate support, but am still deeply grateful I can keep my outside life dinners separate.

5. My employer wants us to list our dietary restrictions publicly (#3 at the link)

I emailed the person who set up the catering privately to share my concerns, and they recorded my dietary needs privately. We haven’t had another catered meeting since so I’m unsure if the procedures changed, but I got my needs across without having to share them in public.

Now if only I can convince them that cross-contaminated utensils and a single salad isn’t enough gluten-free food…..

update: I’m buying a business — how do I tell one employee (who’s currently my coworker) that I’m not keeping her on?

It’s “where are you now?” month at Ask a Manager, and all December I’m running updates from people who had their letters here answered in the past.

There will be more posts than usual this week, so keep checking back throughout the day.

Remember the letter-writer who was buying a business and needed to tell an employee that she wasn’t keeping her on? Here’s the update.

To answer one thing from your reply back in March, Sue is also an old friend of the previous owner so I did not see him letting her go any sooner with or without severance as a possibility. He was also a very hands-off manger in general and many people who should have been let go stayed on for much longer than I would put up with personally.

So here’s what happened: I set up a formal interview with Sue and one other coworker 1.5 months before the purchase with the clear messaging that I was definitely keeping on every member of the team who had been there longer than one year but wanted the opportunity to meet with the newer hires to decide if they would be a good fit to bring to the new practice. I also tried to open my mind up to the possibility that Sue would actually surprise me in her interview and possibly didn’t realize how she had come off in the past.

The interview confirmed my feelings that Sue saw going right to management as the best way to handle everything despite saying she craved a “team player” environment, and she denied every instance I pointed out of her going against her coworkers’ training and advice (I had personally witnessed or overheard the ones I presented). There was also a clear disagreement between Sue and me on when it is appropriate to take on others’ tasks without being asked first and a clear unawareness of her propensity to make mistakes. Therefore, I met with Sue a few weeks later to officially let her know that I did not see her being a good fit and she would not be starting work at the new practice.

She did end up buying and renting out the property next door and other than a few dumpster-sharing issues that in the end are still the old owner’s problem (it’s his dumpster as I rent the practice building from him and he is the one who sold her this adjacent property), her having a close proximity to the practice at times has not been an issue yet.

I will add that she reached out about a month into the new practice to ask to return and reported how blindsided she was by my reasoning to let her go and that she thought I had been misled by what others said about her. She also asked for a meeting. I declined to meet with her and let her know I was not considering bringing her on to the practice, reminded her I have never been her employer, and offered as a courtesy to write up a short summary to remind her of what we discussed in that final meeting which had nothing to do with gossip. She accepted this and despite a reply to my written statement that she disagrees with my read on the situation (I did not reply) I have not heard from her since.

Her daughter and I appear to still have a good relationship but she has still been unable to return to work due to her family situation. I could see us making space for her in the future if it works out later, but am also okay with the outcome of her not returning.

coworker doesn’t follow her own fragrance ban, son-in-law won’t show up on time, and more

I’m on vacation. Here are some past letters that I’m making new again, rather than leaving them to wilt in the archives.

1. My coworker doesn’t follow her own fragrance ban

I have a coworker who’s sensitive to smells. It’s so bad that our entire office is under a strict “no heavy perfume or scented lotions” rule. The person who’s “sensitive” is so sensitive that she claims to get asthma from strong scents. She has been known to stand over people with her hand in front of her face “gagging” or complaining of migraines from a smell she smells.

Here’s where the hypocrisy comes in. She herself wears a perfume DAILY. And it’s not just a light pleasant aroma that’s barely detectable. Oh no — it’s actually gag-inducing and lingers for a half an hour if she’s used a room for something. She’s hugged me for various accomplishments and then I was stuck with that scent until I walked outside to air it out for 15 minutes.

Is there a tactful way to approach her, because the rest of the building adheres to a rule in place FOR HER, but yet she doesn’t adhere to it.

People who have bad reactions to fragrances don’t always have those reactions across the board — one scent might set someone off while another doesn’t. So the fact that she has at least one fragrance that she knows is safe for her doesn’t mean that she’s misrepresenting her fragrance sensitivity in general (which I think is what you’re implying, based on your language here).

However, if there’s a fragrance ban in your office, she needs to follow it. She might be figuring that it was put in place for her and she knows what will and won’t set her off so she can wear things she knows will be fine for her — but that’s not how this works. There may be others there who need the ban as well but who didn’t think they needed to speak up about it because it already existed … but even if there aren’t, it’s an office rule and she needs to follow it. And really, that’s in her best interests anyway, since otherwise other people will figure they can get lax about it too.

Ideally you’d talk to her directly: “Jane, you’re wearing a scent that I seem to be sensitive to. Can I ask you not to wear it to work, in line with the office rule about fragrances?” But if you’re frustrated to the point that you can’t give her much benefit of the doubt, you’re better off having HR handle it. It’s reasonable to ask HR to enforce this kind of policy; just be sure when you talk to them that you frame it as “this is giving me a physical reaction” and/or “can you help enforce this policy?” and not as “Jane is a huge hypocrite.”


2. Our son-in-law works for us and won’t show up on time

We have had a family-owned business for 18 years. My dilemma is I have a 30-year-old future son-in-law who has been in our family for 10 years and worked for us for seven. He is a great employee as far as handling things around our shop, working steadily doing day to day tasks. He takes his job seriously when he is there. The problem is he comes in late every day and does not clock in or out. Everyone else is expected to do this, but he does not. My husband sat him down and talked with him about it just yesterday, and today he showed up two hours late and still did not clock in or out.

I am confused by this behavior. Obviously he feels that he is superior to everyone in the shop and does not have to go by this rule. I do not want to start a big fight as we have had a huge problem in the past with a family member taking advantage and had to let him go. He has not done this for the whole time he has been employed with us, just for the last couple of years. I have tried to talk with him before but he has told me it is different for him because he is a member of our family. I do consider this my error in letting it go for so long, but have no clue as how to talk with him about it, and my husband will just blow up and possibly let him go, which will ruin our family relationship with our daughter. How do I speak with him about it and what are some good suggestions for making him come in on time?

Well, you can try telling him very directly that, contrary to what he’s said in the past, he’s not exempt from your business’s rules just because he’s family, and that you need him to be on time and clock in and out. And you can tell him the only way you can continue employing him is if he plays by the same rules as everyone else. But if you say those things and don’t really mean them — in other words, if you’re not willing to hold him accountable as you would other employees — then you’re effectively ceding all power over to him, and at that point you’re just relying on wheedling and cajoling him into changing his behavior. That puts you in a really bad situation. Do you want to employ a son-in-law who won’t respect you as his employer and refuses to abide by your workplace policies?

It sounds like you and your husband need to decide if you’re willing to hold him to the same expectations as everyone else or not. One way to go about it that might minimize tension with your daughter (or maybe not, depending on how fair and reasonable she is) is to frame it as, “Bob, it’s up to you if you want to keep working here. If you want to stay, you need to arrive on time and clock in and out like everyone else. We hope you’ll decide to stay, but this is non-negotiable — and if you don’t do those things, we’ll assume you’ve decided the job isn’t for you anymore, and we’ll need to mutually figure out an ending date.”

Alternately, if you want to preserve family harmony at all costs, you could think about whether there’s a way to restructure his job — or your expectations of him — so that he has more flexible hours and isn’t required to clock in. If you do that, though, realize that you’re valuing family harmony a lot more than he is, which sucks but might be the reality of it.


3. Employer wants to post photos of my kids online

I have a strict policy of my children’s images not being posted online. I learned, today, that my husband’s brand new employer is asking why he doesn’t have pictures of his children on his Facebook page, wants him to post pictures of his children online, and plans to take family pictures of us and post them on their website and Facebook page. I in no way want my husband to feel like the odd man out or to negatively impact their “family friendly” company marketing in any way. However, I don’t feel that I can compromise my children’s safety or happiness. Do you have any suggestions for how we navigate this?

My husband’s company is not one that relates to kids in any way. (Think roofers or similar.) They are a small, local company and are trying to show that they are all local families who are invested in the community so folks will choose them over some larger, multi-state company.

You’re completely entitled to keep photos of your kids offline!

Can he blame this on “family policy”? As in, “My wife and I have a strict family policy that we don’t post photos of our kids online.” He could add, “I’d be glad to appear in photos myself though” if he’s willing to do that.

It sounds like he might not have given them a clear “no, we’re not going to do this” yet, so hopefully once he does, they’ll back off. If for some reason they don’t, he can get firmer: “It’s just not an option for me. I share the company’s family-friendly values, and that means I can’t violate my family’s rules on this.”


4. My boss deleted an email from my account

I have been at my job for a year and half, a small company in the interior design industry. Since I started, we have had a very (almost alarmingly) expensive health insurance program that has proved unaffordable for me over the past year. And it keeps getting more expensive. I wrote an email to my bosses and their office administrator (who handles all the details of the plan) asking if there was some way we could find a plan that was more affordable and more in line with what the average New Yorker pays monthly. I cited some reports from Kaiser Health News, along with some reports from the city and state, all showing that we are paying almost three times the average.

After sending this email, I was called into their office and one of my bosses scolded me for being disrespectful and not appreciating the amount of time she puts into researching/choosing our health insurance plan. And she insisted this plan was the best option for everyone and there was nothing more she could do. This clearly touched a nerve, as she seemed very upset and a little embarrassed. I conceded and just let them know I am having a hard time paying bills, noting that we haven’t received any indications of an annual salary increase to balance out the increase in insurance premiums.

Once I returned to my desk, I wanted to go back over the email to ensure nothing was too offensive in it, and it was completely gone from my sent mailbox. It was the only email that was missing. It was also deleted from the office administrator’s email before she read it and was away from her desk. When I mentioned this unusual phenomenon to my coworker, who has been at the company much longer than I have, she let me know this wasn’t the first time that our boss has gone into other people’s email to delete damaging emails from the record.

I did not bcc my personal email, and have no way of accessing the email any longer. I understand she technically owns the email and all of its content, but isn’t this bad business practice? Do I bring this up to her or do I let it go? Should I bring this up to her business partner/my other boss? We do not have an HR department, so there is no one else I can talk to about this.

Yeah — that’s not a normal thing for her to do. It’s a violation of trust and of office norms. It makes her look like she has something to hide, and that she’s too insecure to tolerate even a hint of questioning of her decisions. It also makes her look like a terrible manager and coworker.

If she’s one of two partners there, I don’t think there’s much to gain by raising it with the other partner. I’d just mentally file away this information so that you know your boss is untrustworthy, paranoid, and willing to do shady things if she thinks she’s being challenged.