updates: boss renegotiated my start date behind my back, meetings in the metaverse, and more

Here are three updates from past letter-writers.

1. My boss renegotiated my new job’s start date behind my back

I took your advice with the exit interview and shared just enough for them to understand exactly why I was leaving without having to say it outright, without getting into detail or emotionality about it. I’ve since run into a number of former colleagues from that company at conferences, many of whom expressed their support for me leaving – it seems like word has gotten around about B’s behavior and folks were upset about the circumstances of my departure, though as far as I know, B is still at the company so it sounds like not much has really changed there.

One commenter asked how it went when I informed B that I wasn’t changing my end date. The answer is, remarkably smoothly! B did express that they were upset I didn’t “negotiate” with them more before putting it in writing, though by that point HR was involved in the situation and was explicitly backing me up, so I suspect they knew that throwing a bigger fit about it would cause them more problems than it would me.

Many commenters expressed concern that my new boss C had given into B’s demands and what that would mean for our working relationship moving forward. That’s a valid worry and I appreciate everyone who brought it up, though in this case (and as some commenters noted), there were a lot of factors at play that were pressuring her into agreement, not least the close relationship between the two companies. She was pretty transparent about the complicated politics behind the decision, and I opted not to push the issue of the start date so as not to put her in a more difficult situation than she had already been cornered into by B. I’m very fortunate to be in a situation where being without work for a month was more of a vacation than a hardship, but I recognize that I’m very lucky for that to be the case!

I’m happy to report that over six months in, things are going swimmingly. The job is a big step up professionally, I’m enjoying it, and my new boss is great to work for. We’ve been able to acknowledge the bumpy transition period at the start, and she recently expressed to me that she thinks I handled the situation very professionally, which was a relief to hear. Everything has worked out well in my favor, and I’m so glad to have made the choice to leave the previous company. Thanks to all the AAM readers for your validation and support!

2. Meetings in the metaverse (#39 at the link)

A while back you answered a quick question about meetings in the metaverse.

You will perhaps be unsurprised to learn that the company that purchased expensive Oculus headsets so that everyone could join one 30-minute weekly team meeting in the Metaverse was rapidly running out of money. They laid off the head of HR and asked me to step in and manage some of her responsibilities (I was the CEO’s EA and had absolutely no HR experience or training). That was the third round of layoffs since I’d started – I was finally laid off during the fourth round.

It wasn’t a surprise, given that my first team meeting included a layoff announcement, so I’d been applying for other jobs from the get-go.

A friend of mine was laid off the same week, so we both decided to make an irresponsible choice and traveled to Ireland. It was fantastic! When I got back, I was hired into a new job pretty quickly and have been there for over a year. It’s a decent job with a boss that I like, and since we’re a nonprofit we’re far less prone to making expensive purchases for shits and giggles.

What happened to the headset? It made me nauseous and I couldn’t wear it for more than 5 minutes. You can join the metaverse using a web browser, so I just did that. When I was laid off, I was told I could keep the headset and my company-issued laptop (because the CEO didn’t feel like dealing with the logistics of taking them back). I gave the headset to a friend, and he seems to be enjoying it.

3. My company wants me to start a new job without a raise for a “test period” (#3 at the link)

Wanted to share a happy update. I wrote to my head of people outlining my hesitations in frank but unemotional terms, noting my investment in the company, track record of exceeding expectations, and that, most importantly, a new hire would not be treated the same way.

It worked! Whether I simply called their bluff or changed their hearts with dazzling rhetoric, they agreed that I would be paid my new salary on my official start date. I’m working remotely for now but am settling into my new role, loving the work and the new salary, and preparing to move from my home in the upper Midwest to our office in sunny California next month. Thanks so much for your input; you confirmed my suspicions and gave me the courage I needed to stand up for myself.

when you work with cheaters: share your stories

In response to the letter earlier this month about two engaged coworkers where one was cheating with another coworker, someone shared this hilarious story:

We had a situation where two managers (married to other people) were seeing each other. They thought they were being discreet but … they really weren’t. The guy’s wife worked elsewhere in the company. The woman was divorced. They’d travel to her house together on specific nights. A few coworkers took the same bus. The secret couple didn’t sit together. The female manager’s stop was the second stop, so several of the coworkers would make a point of talking to the male manager, who could not get off the bus when he wanted and would end up riding to the end of the route where he’d have to wait for the return bus. The coworkers took turns doing this (“Hey! Since when are you on this bus line?”) just to drive the managers crazy. A couple of times, someone would ride back in the other direction too. (“Oops! I forgot I’m meeting my wife two towns over! Why are you riding back this way?”) We’d also come up with ways to delay one or the other of them when they were trying to leave together. It was childish but really satisfying. They were terrible people.

We clearly need to discuss cheating at work — coworkers cheating on coworkers, coworkers cheating with coworkers, and related drama. Please share in the comment section.

employee made a racist comment, my senior coworkers think I earn too much, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go…

1. Employee made a racist comment to her office-mate

I work in a fairly small office. We have about 12-15 people in the office. Recently, our company hired two new CSR’s. “Anne” is white and in her late fifties/early sixties. “Leah” is Black and probably in her thirties.

Anne and Leah share an office and were getting along great. You could hear chatter and laughter throughout the day coming from their office. Then yesterday, Anne made a comment to Leah about “those colored folk.” Leah told her that was inappropriate and offensive. Anne immediately got defensive and claimed that she didn’t say anything hateful.

I heard their direct manager make the comment to someone else in the office that Anne is from an era where that kind of talk was acceptable. This is raising alarm bells for me. Also, Leah is currently the only Black employee we have.

I feel like this is being mishandled. They are talking about separating them to keep the peace. What do you think should be done in this situation? I don’t manage these people, but I’m curious what your take would be.

If Anne is in her late 50s or early 60s, she’s not from an era where that phrase was acceptable. But even if she were, it doesn’t matter; she’s had decades to catch up with the times. Moreover, not only was her language not acceptable, but neither was her reaction when Leah let her know that. The right response was, “I didn’t realize, thank you for telling me, I apologize.”

As for what should be done, someone in authority needs to talk to Anne and explain that. I don’t believe in making adults apologize, but someone should have the sort of conversation with Anne that makes her want to apologize of her own volition. From there, wait and see how things go. Meanwhile, someone should also check in with Leah and see how she is and whether she’d prefer to have a different office-mate at this point.

Read an update to this letter

2. I’ve heard my senior coworkers think I earn too much

I work a job that is often considered entry-level in my field (think paralegal or medical scribe), but most of the folks on my team are quite seasoned and have been doing it for a decade-plus because we enjoy the work and have never been in a financial situation to afford additional degrees.

I am quite close with some of the junior professionals in our office, and I often hear from them that two of the high-up professionals who I’m often assigned to assist, Sasha and Erin, have a lot of disdain for our team and spend a lot of time badmouthing us at work lunches. They complain about how uneducated and unqualified we are and how easy our work is compared to theirs — that we are lazy and “basically do nothing all day.” One comment I heard that they made at a recent work lunch really ground my gears, though: They complained that we are overpaid. Specifically, they said our work “is basically intern work” and so we should “be paid like interns.”

Since hearing this, I haven’t been able to get this comment out of my head whenever I have to assist Sasha and Erin (who are, of course, perfectly nice to my face). Clearly Sasha and Erin don’t know this, but I make minimum wage, as does pretty much everyone who holds our position: We could not legally make less than we do. Fortunately we are not in a high cost of living area so the money is not a problem, but I still feel so angry working with these two people who have this opinion about me (and who certainly make way, way more than I do).

Is this comment, which I heard secondhand, a reasonable justification for me to ask not to have to assist Sasha and Erin anymore? If not, any suggestions for how to cope with this frustration?

Hearing that secondhand is not enough justification to ask not to assist Sasha and Erin.

It’s possible Sasha and Erin didn’t even say those things, or didn’t say them about you, or that the people passing it along to you are pursuing their own agenda in some way. In fact, in your shoes I’d be concerned about why the colleagues telling you about it are telling you about it so often; it’s one thing to give you a heads-up, but hearing it from them often sounds like they’re trying to stir the pot, and I’d be wary of that — and would consider telling them to stop (“I’d rather not hear this; I need to work with them and it’s easier if I’m not hearing a steady stream of this stuff”).

Focus on how Sasha and Erin actually treat you.

3. My employee works long hours even though I’ve told her to stop

I am a manager of a small department, where I have one full-time employee and one part-time employee who I share with another department.

My part-time employee has horrible work-life balance. She will not stop answering emails from home or when she is on PTO. She will come into work when she is sick or on work-from-home days. She is non-exempt and I know she’s not tracking this time.

I have forced her to turn off notifications before she leaves for the weekend. I have had conversations about it being okay for people to wait, or that it is hurting the rest of the department when we do not reply after-hours and people get mad. Despite her complaining about the workload, she will not take steps to help herself.

Despite being on the same page with me, the other manager seems content to tell her to work less and leave it at that. Ideally, I don’t want to escalate this to HR — she would fail the PIP or hide her actions, which would be worse. She is a wonderful person and I hold her in high regard. There may be nothing I can do, and I definitely to not want her fired. Do you have any other suggestions for ways I might be able to encourage her to sign off and stay off?

Because she’s non-exempt, you’re required by federal law to ensure that she’s not working during her off hours or that she’s paid when she does (including time and a half if she’s ever over 40 hours in a week). Legally, you don’t have the option of just encouraging her to set boundaries; legally you need to require it.

Sit down with her and let her know that your past conversations about not working in her off hours are no longer suggestions; they’re requirements of her job. Explain that she’s opening the company to legal liability by not reporting those hours, that you personally could get in trouble for allowing it, and that effective immediately it cannot happen — and if you see it’s continuing to, you’ll need to treat it as a disciplinary issue. Ask if she foresees any problems sticking to that; if she does, you want her to raise it now so that can get worked out.

From there, you need to enforce it. If you can’t do that on your own, then you do need to alert HR; again, this is a legal liability for the company, and it’s a big deal that you’re not letting them know. (In fact, you should loop them in regardless, because it sounds like your company owes your employee for unpaid hours.) You mentioned you’re worried the employee would fail a PIP, but this isn’t PIP territory; it’s a clear warning, maybe two, and that’s it. If you really think she’d ignore a clear, unambiguous warning about federal law, I think you’ve got to revisit the regard you’re holding her in.

my staff keeps working unauthorized overtime even though I told them to stop

4. Is it unprofessional to raise issues with your coworkers?

Over the last month, our team has had some major and minor changes to management, policy, and procedures. These changes have varied in inconvenience for the team, ranging from an extra few minutes to major team staffing changes with no previous notice.

I brought up in a team chat that it is concerning for these changes to be made with no real chance to voice our opinions, and was told that I was being “unprofessional.” This is my second time in the same month receiving the “unprofessional” feedback for voicing concerns. A coworker told me that I should save my opinions for 1:1s with my manager.

Previous to this job, I worked on a close team where we were encouraged to discuss team issues in a team setting. So now I am wondering if my previous team got me used to an unprofessional norm. Is it “unprofessional” to discuss concerns with your fellow employees? I’ve been proud to be a resource that some of my fellow employees have come to regarding topics such as wage disparity, benefits, and how to address issues with management, but maybe I’ve been giving bad advice based on unusual job experience.

I’m now waiting for my next 1:1 to get some additional feedback on how to increase my professionalism, but thought I would get some feedback from a neutral third party whose advice has served me well.

It’s not unprofessional to raise issues that affect your team within that team.

It can be problematic if you’re aggressive to the point of rudeness about the way you do it, or if you keep pushing when it’s clear the conversation needs to move on, or when it’s more venting than action-oriented. Even in those situations, though, it’s not necessarily unprofessional; it might be more impolitic than unprofessional. And sometimes issues need to be raised even when it’s impolitic, and sometimes “rude” really means “you’re making people uncomfortable, but you’re not wrong.”

Of course, you need to read the room. If the culture of your team or organization is that dissent is frowned upon … well, it still wouldn’t be unprofessional to raise issues, but you’d want to include that in your calculus so you can decide how much capital you’re willing to spend. (Also, that would be the sign of a tremendously unhealthy organization. Good managers want to hear about issues affecting their teams.)

But I’m curious who’s telling you that you were unprofessional. It sounds like at least once it was a coworker. Was it ever your manager? If you’re hearing it from multiple sources, there’s still important info here — either about your approach or about your team’s culture — but I’d consider the source(s).

Also: under federal law, you have the legal right to discuss wages and working conditions with coworkers. It can be to your employer’s advantage to make you feel weird about doing that. So factor that in too.

5. Asking for a raise based on a job title you don’t officially have

Asking a question on behalf of a friend, who I am encouraging to ask for a raise.

The friend joined a company two years ago as a temp with very little experience, and was hired full-time onto a newsletter marketing team. It turns out that even though the company is big and important in its field, the software and workflows for sending out the newsletters are counterintuitive, annoying, and really out of date.

My friend was so bored and annoyed that they taught themself how to code and automated the most annoying tasks. Now, they’re currently spending most of their time working with their manager and the web team to code programs and extensions to make their systems work better, which has already improved a lot of the process.

However, their title is still something like “newsletter assistant,” even though the work they’re doing now is much closer to “software developer.” Can they ask for a raise that references the market rate for a software developer, or would it be better to just list their achievements, even if they fall far outside their job description?

They should ask for a raise and a title change, framing it as “I was brought on to do X, but my role has become Y, and I’d like my title and salary to reflect the work I’m doing.”

That said, “software developer” might not be the appropriate title or pay rate; it sounds like their work has a fairly narrow focus that doesn’t necessarily match up with the way “software developer” is normally used, and if that’s the case, asking to be paid for that job’s market rate will come across as out-of-touch. But there’s a case for some sort of title change and raise.

your non-compete isn’t illegal after all (at least not yet)

Remember back in April when the Federal Trade Commission announced it would ban non-compete agreements for most U.S. workers, saying they stifle wages?

That was supposed to become law next month, but yesterday a judge in Texas blocked the new rule, saying the agency lacked the authority to issue the rule.

The FTC is likely to appeal the ruling.

Non-competes are already banned in California, North Dakota, and Oklahoma, and 11 more states and Washington, D.C. prohibit them for hourly wage workers or workers below a salary threshold.

toll collectors, fear of being set on fire, and other things we believed about work when we were kids

Last week we talked about weird things we believed about work as kids. Here are 12 of the funniest misunderstandings you shared.

1. Firings

When I was 4 or 5, I tended to take most things literally. So I thought getting fired meant that if you were bad at your job, you were taken out of the building and set on fire as a punishment.

2. The talk show guest

I always assumed I would be interviewed by Johnny Carson as a guest on The Tonight Show (U.S. late night TV talk show). I watched other interviewees and tried to figure out what I would wear, the best way to sit, how best to be gracious to Ed McMahon sitting on my other side, how much to laugh vs. be serious, etc.

I never thought about what professional accomplishment I was being interviewed FOR, I just assumed that any job would eventually lead to a Tonight Show appearance.

3. The toll booth

When people asked me what I wanted to do when I grew up, I always said I wanted to work in a toll booth. My parents finally got tired of that and investigated why that was my dream job. I thought they kept the money.

4. The 401(K)

I thought a 401K had something to do with $401,000 (and not a tax code). Like, when you retire that’s the amount you get in your retirement account.

5. Meetings

I thought being someone who was constantly in meetings was the gold standard and would be really cool/impressive.

6. The geometry professor

My dad was a college professor in a field related to geometry. This should have been a really easy thing for a child to understand: I had teachers, I knew what shapes were, he was a teacher who worked with shapes.

Except I never saw him actually teach, just office hours (when I was waiting for him to pack up and a student or professor would engage him in a last-minute question). So he would talk with them while drawing something on the whiteboard, then they’d mark something on his picture, then he’d add something else.

So I grew up with the vague idea that my dad played really fancy games of tic-tac-toe for a living.

7. Language confusion

Mine were mostly language confusion: believing that “blue collar” and “white collar” referred to actual shirt colors you were required to wear, and confidently saying my dad was “blue collar” on days when he wore a blue shirt. Likewise, believing that work done without wearing a shirt with a (white or blue) collar was…still work, but somehow different (like maybe not taxed)?
Also that “working under the table” meant scrubbing the floor under furniture.

8. The rings

My dad would sometimes take client calls at home and end the call by telling them that he’d “give you a ring” later. I thought he meant an actual, physical ring that you’d wear on your finger. I didn’t even associate this with proposals or marriage – I just thought that giving each other rings was just something that adults did as part of business.

9. Day-to-night

When I was in my teens/early 20s, it felt like all the magazines ever routinely had a spread on “day-to-night” outfits. How to turn your boring office garb into something fashionable and fun for a night on the town. Usually consisted of swapping pants for a skirt and changing from high heels to higher heels. It was the ultimate grown ass woman goal to be the office-to-happy hour chameleon with the right outfit for every occasion all in one day.

I must say, even when I was a younger person who attended regular happy hours, this vital wardrobe transition period was… not a thing.

10. The entrepreneur

Coming from a family of small business owners, I was under the impression that the *only* work was starting a business. I distinctly remember telling a cousin “Doing anything else is just to stay busy until you start your business.”

11. Sack races

I thought having company picnics with family sack races was going to be a much bigger part of working life than it is. I blame all those 80s/90s shows where somehow the outcome of the family sack race would determine who got promoted.

12. The bike

When my daughter was three, she saw me go off on my bike every morning and arrive home on my bike, and she was shocked one day when I took her to the office where I worked. We did a little bit of investigation and it turned out she assumed I was just cycling around all day whilst she was at nursery.

I joked about a coworker’s slowness … and he overheard

A reader writes:

I am the manager of a small group. I sometimes work with non-management staff outside my group, one of whom is an exceedingly capable, but idiosyncratic, person, “Karl.” He is very focused and will go far above and beyond to make sure that everything is clear, organized, and exactly right. This is great if that’s what you want, and is perfect for his primary work responsibilities (which often involve planning and executing tasks that could be unsafe if done improperly), but he can be a bit slow in getting things finalized and his intensity for his work can be a bit off-putting sometimes.

A few days ago, I was discussing some work with “Bill,” who manages Karl’s supervisor, in a meeting in his office. I was telling Bill what a great job that Karl had done on a project, and how Karl’s thoroughness had led to a good result. I also commented that it took longer than expected, which caused Bill to smile and laugh a bit, knowingly, since he knows Karl well.

I then did something foolish and unprofessional: In parting, I made a joking comment about not expecting speedy work from Karl (something like, “Well, Karl’s who you go to when you want thorough, but definitely not when you want fast!”). I then turned around to leave and saw Karl nearby, speaking to the admin. Karl looked up at me, looked away, and left. I wasn’t sure if he had heard me, but he has rather obviously dodged me in the hall several times since. My comment seemed fairly gentle to me at the time, but from Karl’s perspective, I can see why it might have been upsetting.

Prior to this, I had a good working relationship with Karl, and I enjoyed talking to him. I feel terrible that I offended him with my thoughtless, stupid joke.

I would like to try to repair the relationship, apologize to him, and express that I appreciate his work greatly. (Which I do!) Should I try a direct approach, knocking on his office door and apologizing in person? Should I do something less direct, like sending an email to him, copying his manager and expressing my appreciation for his excellent work on the project in question? (Such a letter is justified, regardless of my contrition.) Or should I just let it drop?

I answer this question over at Inc. today, where I’m revisiting letters that have been buried in the archives here from years ago (and sometimes updating/expanding my answers to them). You can read it here.

I’m worried a wedding vendor will complain about me to my boss

A reader writes:

This starts with my wedding. To make a very long story short, my wedding dress alterations were a complete disaster. The seamstress produced such awful work that I had to have an emergency appointment with another shop to fix the dress, just days before my wedding. The new seamstress showed me how my $5,000 dress had been totally butchered. She was able to save it with some incredible work, though, and it turned out so beautifully.

So, how this relates to work: I’m an events manager for a local nonprofit. After the wedding, I sought a partial refund for the botched alterations. Turns out, the shop owner, Abby, is completely unhinged. She went off the rails, accusing me and my mother of lying about our experience, and making blatantly, provably false claims. After almost two weeks of abhorrent emails from her, I decided to drop the request — it was still a huge amount of money, but I just don’t have the capacity for stress right now, during a busy season at work and a move into a new home. Plus, she had roped in my grandmother as well, and I was very worried about my sickly grandmother dealing with awful emails calling her granddaughter all sorts of horrible, childish-bully type names.

I emailed Abby that while I found her correspondence completely unacceptable, I was dropping the refund request to avoid further stress on my family. I asked that she stop all contact with my family and assured her that we would also stop contact with the shop. I got yet another unhinged email back, saying we were “dishonest people” and she would “MAYBE CONSIDER” stopping contact if we proved that we wouldn’t contact them further. What? But whatever, fine. My relatives and I completely stopped responding to her.

Today, after much reflection, I took a deep breath and wrote a one-star review on Google. I knew it would be seen by bananapants Abby, but I felt it was important — her shop produced horrendous, expensive work, and then attacked my family when I asked for a partial refund. If I’m not getting money back, I’m at least going to post about my experience. Almost immediately, Abby emailed that she was filing a police report against me, as a negative review is harassment. I audibly laughed and shrugged it off. I called the local police just to make sure, and they basically laughed too, assuring me there’s nothing Abby can actually do.

My concern is that Abby mentioned twice, in email, that she knows I work in events, and that I’m a “scourge” on the name of the industry. She went on to say that my “lies” and “manipulation” tell of my reputation. I never mentioned where I work, but honestly, I’m a little concerned that this woman may look me up and call my workplace. My boss would definitely laugh in her face, but still, I don’t love the idea of some unstable lady being out to get me professionally. Maybe I’m wrong — I’m almost wondering if she assumed I’m a wedding planner, and thus competition for the planning arm of her business, and that’s part of the reason she was so vile.

I should mention, one of my coworkers is aware of the situation. She used to be a paralegal, so I asked her to look over the correspondence and tell me if I needed to be concerned (for the record, she thinks I have a harassment case against the shop). But do I need to mention this to my boss, as a heads-up? Or would that do more harm than good? I don’t plan on mentioning this to my vendors — they all know me well and I don’t think they’d be fazed by Abby, if she ever unearthed any connections. I don’t want to run a smear campaign. I just want this to be over, without worrying about harm to my reputation.

You don’t need to mention this to your boss, but you can if it will bring you peace of mind.

Personally, I will nearly always try to find a way to say the potentially awkward thing in order to buy the peace of mind that comes with not having to worry about it after that. Worded something strangely and worried later that the person took it wrong? I’ll go back and clarify. Accidentally hugged the CEO in the elevator because it looked like they were initiating an embrace when they weren’t? I’d speak up. Concerned something weird and misleading will make its way to my boss and I want to ensure they know the real story? I’ll tell them. It can make for a mildly awkward conversation sometimes, but 100% of the time I’ve been glad I’ve done it — because it’s a chance to make sure the other person isn’t left with the wrong idea about something I care about. And even when it’s turned out they didn’t have the mistaken impression I was worried they’d have, I’ve still been glad I didn’t need to worry about it anymore.

So in this case, I’d say something! It doesn’t need to be a big deal — just, “Hey, I have a weird situation. I asked my wedding dress seamstress for a partial refund for botched alterations and left an honest review, and she’s gone off the rails — bombarding me with hostile emails and harassing my family. I’m hopeful it’s over but she’s unhinged enough that I wouldn’t put it past her to try to contact my workplace. So I wanted to give you a heads-up in case she does.” (And make a point of saying “wedding dress seamstress,” not “vendor.” Since you work in events, I don’t want your boss to have even a minute of thinking, “Oh no, could this affect our rep with other vendors?”)

You’re already confident your boss would laugh in Abby’s face if she did contact her, but I think you’ll feel better getting it out in the open and then not having to worry about it.

On the other hand, not everyone shares my bias toward “just say the thing and get peace of mind.” When you envision having this conversation, if you feel dread rather than relief, it would also be fine to just leave it alone and give your boss the context only if it ever does come up — which it’s very likely not to.

is chest hair unprofessional, wife doesn’t want me to hire a woman, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go…

1. Is it unprofessional to show chest hair at work?

I’m an admin at a large university in the midwest. I wear collared shirts every day, and given the recent heatwave, I unbuttoned an extra button to try to be a bit more comfortable in our stuffy office.

My boss (who is an oddball on several fronts) told me that it was inappropriate for me to do so because it exposed a little bit of chest hair. She said it would be fine if I shaved my chest or wore an undershirt, but “body hair should never be visible in the workplace.” There’s nothing about body hair or chest hair in our dress code, just a note that people’s appearances should be “neat and well-kempt.”

So far, I’ve just sucked it up and kept my shirts buttoned all the way, but is the “no chest hair” rule a norm?

I should note that my dress shirts are not see-through at all and that I dress on the more formal side of business casual while most of my coworkers are in jeans.

“Body hair should never be visible in the workplace” is not a rule. Your boss made that up. If that were true, men with hairy arms could never roll up their sleeves. (Or for that matter, anyone with an average amount of arm hair.) I suspect what your boss means is “chest hair feels out of place at work in a way that arm hair doesn’t” which … okay, I can see that. It’s one reason a lot of men wear undershirts. But it’s not a rule and she’s being overly rigid.

That said, when you say you unbuttoned an extra button, how many unbuttoned buttons is that? (Try to say that out loud five times fast; you cannot!) One unbuttoned button should be fine. Two without an undershirt might be pushing it for your particular office and your particular chest.

(For the record, all these conventions are BS! But they exist nonetheless.)

Hairy legs at work

2. My struggling new hire takes long lunches and leaves early

I am a first time manager with one direct report, Jared. Jared has been with the company for two months but I’m noticing that he will often take a really long lunch and leave early. I feel I should say something to him but I’m not sure if this will seem a bit rigid.

The problem is that, as a junior, he is still very much in training and I feel it’s better that we have as much face-to-face contact as possible. He is (self-admittedly) a visual learner.

In addition, he typically starts earlier than I do (7am) and I don’t arrive until 8am. But the last two weeks, I’ve noticed that he is never online at 7am and seems to only log on closer to 8am. But he still leaves early like he would if he had arrived on time. I suspect he thinks I don’t notice because I arrive after he does. How can I address these issues?

For context, his performance is not good and I have already discussed this with him. My boss has been kept in the loop but he is not a very active manager and isn’t really interested in resolving anything. Unfortunately I don’t have the power to fire him.

Just name what you want him to do differently and be direct and matter-of-fact about it: “Our expectation is that you’ll work a full eight-hour day, so if you’re arriving at 7, that means you’d stay until 4 if you’re taking an hour lunch. Lunch is a maximum of an hour unless you make special arrangements. It’s fine to start at 7 if you’d like to, but I do need to see you logged in then.” Also, given that he’s struggling and may need more time with you to learn (or just need more supervision, frankly), would you rather he start at 8? If so, it’s fine to tell him you want that (or at least to ask if it’s possible), or even to say, “I noticed you’ve been logging in closer to 8 and while we’re working to get your performance up to speed, let’s formalize your schedule as 8-5 so you and I overlap more.”

This isn’t excessively rigid; it’s a normal expectation that people will work a full work day — in any situation, but especially when they’re new and struggling. Address it now, because the longer you let it go on, the more he’ll think it’s okay.

3. My wife doesn’t want me to hire a woman

I run a small business and am about to make a significant hire. This new employee will work very closely with me, although will be located in another state. My wife is adamantly against this being a woman. I have three applicants left, and the two who are most qualified are female. What should I do?

Hire the most qualified applicant and seek marriage counseling with your wife because there’s a lack of trust in your relationship that’s going to cause problems in other ways too (and likely already has).

You can also point out to your wife that it’s illegal to make hiring decisions based on gender.

4. Facebook comments from job-seekers

We recently posted a job ad on our Facebook for a part-time position. We got one comment that was a plain and simple, “What are the hours?” A message asked the same question so that they know before they “bother” applying.

This is a desk shift with a rotating schedule, based on the weekend rotation and others’ availability, so we don’t have set hours for it right now. The job posting itself says that it includes day, evening, and the occasional Saturday.

My coworkers and I have been discussing both the wording of these questions and the fact that they’re on our Facebook page. It feels a bit like they’re forgetting that Facebook questions are still reviewed and answered by an actual person who might have hiring power over this position.

Personally, I feel that even if they are asking over Facebook, they should ask the question with a similar level of courtesy as they would if they emailed the hiring manager directly. Some people feel that they shouldn’t ask the question at all, and should save it for the interview, since many of these types of part-time jobs operate in the same way. Others don’t feel there’s any harm in asking at all, even over Facebook. Most agree that a message is more appropriate than a comment, though. What’s your take?

I suppose you could argue that a message is more appropriate than a Facebook comment — but if you’re posting the job on Facebook, it’s not inappropriate for people to respond there. It might be ineffective (a lot of companies aren’t that active in their comments) but it’s not inherently inappropriate. Either way, though, Facebook is an inherently casual medium, so it’s not surprising that the interactions have a more casual feel to them.

But I don’t agree with your coworkers who think candidates should save the question about hours for the interview. They may end up needing to save it for the interview because a lot of employers don’t answer that kind of query beforehand, but it’s reasonable for people to want to know about the hours before investing time in applying. The fact that they’re asking is a sign that your company should be including that info in the ad up-front so that people who aren’t interested in that type of scheduling can opt out. (Why waste your time or theirs in an interview if that’s going to be a deal-breaker?)

5. Should I tell an old boss why I was falling asleep at work?

In my first job out of grad school, I fell asleep at my desk twice. Both times were accidental. Once a coworker saw me, and the other time a client noticed and reported it to my supervisor. My supervisor handled it really well. He called me into his office and said what amounted to, “You are an adult, falling asleep at work is not acceptable, figure out how to get enough rest so you are awake during work hours.” His boss, however, sought me out to give me a real dressing-down, telling me that what I did was “inexcusable” and I was a disgrace to the company. This was humiliating, as you can imagine, and left me with a strong dislike for this manager.

A few months later, I transferred to a different division. I was still struggling with staying awake but did manage to stay awake most of the time. It was so bad that I built extra time into my daily commute to get to work safely, just in case I needed to stop and stretch to stay awake or stop for a 20-minute nap. I was legitimately trying to stay awake and just couldn’t. I finally spoke to my doctor about this and received a diagnosis and treatment (more than a year after my supervisor had spoken to me).

I’ve always wondered if I should have gone back to my supervisor (we stayed on friendly terms when I transferred) and explained that I had received a medical diagnosis and the excessive tiredness had been a symptom. I really had been trying to stay awake but it really was something I couldn’t have helped at the time.

You didn’t need to, but there could be benefit to it. Something like “I wanted to let you know that I figured out the cause of the sleep issues I struggled with while we worked together; turns out it was a medical issue that I’ve treated and it’s now fully under control” might put it in context for your old boss and made it a non-issue in his head. Knowing it was a medical issue that’s been resolved could make him much less likely to include it his thinking if he’s ever asked to comment on your work for him. That said, if he was only aware of it happening once, it might be a non-issue anyway — although I wonder whether he might have noticed you struggling to stay engaged other times too.

Again, there’s no need to say anything, but in your shoes I’d probably like the peace of mind of closing the loop on what had been happening.

Relatedly, there’s a longer discussion coming later today on the benefits of just saying a thing that will give you peace of mind!

my boss jokes about our bodies, our sex lives, our pregnancies, and more

A reader writes:

The manager of my department has a habit of saying inappropriate things.

It seems like she means them to be jokes, or perhaps it’s a misguided way of trying to connect with people. Regardless of her intentions, she has been making everyone increasingly uncomfortable as time goes on.

Before she was a manager, she would make occasional inappropriate jokes (for example, joking about my partner and I having a lot of sex while I was on vacation) but people mostly brushed them off. She’s been manager for several years now, but she has never stopped making these comments. In fact, it seems like she’s gotten worse. The things she’s said that I know of include:

* Multiple comments about people’s bodies. When I had a meeting with her to discuss accommodations for an issue I was having, she commented that she knew something was going on because I had gained so much weight. I met with her later to discuss why that made me uncomfortable, and she said she would avoid those comments in the future but didn’t seem to understand why it was an issue.

* Raunchy jokes and speculation about employees’ sex lives. I’m not a prude, but it’s way over the line for a manager.

* Currently, we have a few employees who are pregnant. This has been a gold mine of material for her “jokes.” She has said multiple things along the lines of “so, you’re still going through with this pregnancy, haha just kidding.” (That is of course a horrible thing to say in any context, but we work in the medical field and our work involves pregnancy loss specifically. You’d think she would be more sensitive.)

* “Jokes” about how the employee who is getting married next year better not get pregnant while several people are on maternity leave.

It’s getting to the point where most of the staff avoid having conversations with her at all, because we’re bracing for her next comment. I didn’t think her behavior was appropriate before she became a manager, and it’s certainly not appropriate now.

We’ve had discussions amongst ourselves about what to do. Our HR department has been highly unhelpful when we’ve dealt with them in the past, and is unlikely to take action against a higher-level manager like her. I doubt that our immediate supervisors (one level below the manager in question) would want to get on her bad side by having a conversation with her about this, and we don’t know anyone higher than her in the management chain who we could contact.

Ideally you would escalate this. Your manager is creating a hostile workplace (in the legal sense, not the colloquial one) and opening your company to legal liability for discrimination and harassment based on sex, disability, pregnancy, and I’m betting a few other things too. Even if your company’s HR has been crappy in other ways, if they’re at all worth their paychecks they should want to know a manager is putting them at legal risk.

But if you don’t want to go that route, the other option is for all of you as a group — or at least as many of you as are willing to push back on this — would tell her clearly, every time, that her comments aren’t okay.

Can you all commit to responding in the moment when she makes inappropriate comments? It can be as simple as “wow, that’s really inappropriate” or “please don’t comment on my body” or “stop joking about people’s sex lives; it’s really uncomfortable.”

You can speak up when you’re her target, and also when you’re not her target — “Please don’t joke about sex at work” is reasonable to say whether you’re the target of the joke or not. The same goes for “please don’t joke about people’s pregnancies that way” or “whoa, that was out of line” or “hey, that’s not okay to say at work.”

Show through visible and audible reactions that her comments are disgusting and socially unacceptable. You don’t need to pretend they’re not!

Jane may start acting as if she’s being persecuted for joking around. Don’t let that deter you. Keep calling out the comments as inappropriate every time she makes them, and in time she’s going to learn that your team isn’t a receptive audience. (But even if she never stops, you’re reclaiming some power if you push back every time.)

But really, this is something you can escalate too. Even if your HR is wimpy about dealing with it, if they at least tell her there have been complaints, that’ll be additional pressure on her to cut it out. And if one of you ever does want to take it further — and someone might, at some point!* — it’ll be helpful to have already started a paper trail.

* That goes double if her opposition to maternity leaves shows up in other ways, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it does.

my boss says I need to socialize more with my team

A reader writes:

I’ve been in my job for about two years, and I’m just going to say it: I don’t have a great manager. The biggest sticking point has been his over-emphasis on the team hanging out and “getting to know each other.” He never bothers to schedule work time for us to do that, but when we have mandatory work events outside of normal hours, he wants the team to continue hanging out after the event ends, often late into the night.

We recently came back from a huge work event that had long days, mandatory team dinners, and other required events. Some of these events went on until late at night (10 or 11 pm). When they were done, I’d say my goodbyes to everyone and then go back to my room to recharge and sleep, or go meet a local friend for a dessert or cocktail before going back to the hotel to sleep.

When we got back to the office, my manager asked for a meeting to debrief the event, but the first question he asked was how much time I was able to spend with the team while were there. I was confused since this was a week-long event and I was with the team the entire time, so I reiterated that I was at all work events and receptions with everyone else. He replied that it seems like the team doesn’t really know me very well and I should spend more time getting to know them. All I could figure out was that he was upset that I hadn’t continued to hang out with my colleagues after the work agenda ended each night.

This is not the first time that he has brought this up to me, and it has always seemed like he is the only one who cares. My other colleagues and our senior leadership have never raised this, and in fact I have great relationships with many of them – to the point where, when they’re in my town, we’ll go out to dinner with our families or grab breakfast in the morning before they head to the airport.

And yet for two years now, I’ve received pretty constant feedback from my manager (and only my manager) that “the perception is that people don’t know you.” When I ask him to explain exactly what that means and how I can get to know them better, he never has any answers. In this latest conversation, when I asked what he thought I should do to get to know my colleagues better, all he said was, “I don’t know.”

I’ve always held firm that although I’m happy to attend a happy hour or networking event, once my work hours are done and I’m not required to be somewhere, I can do what I please (especially if it’s late at night!).

I’m frustrated that he keeps bringing this up and it doesn’t impact my actual work. Am I right to be upset about his not-so-subtle suggestions that we all need to keep hanging out even after our work days are done? I feel strongly that I should not have to constantly hang out with my colleagues, but I don’t know where to go from here.

You can read my answer to this letter at New York Magazine today. Head over there to read it.