update: the CEO is obsessed with me and wants me to be his emotional support

It’s “where are you now?” month at Ask a Manager, and for the rest of the year I’ll be running updates from people who had their letters here answered in the past.

There will be more posts than usual this week, so keep checking back throughout the day.

Remember the letter-writer whose boss was obsessed with her and wanted her to be his emotional support? The first update was here, and here’s the latest.

Your readers may remember me as the executive assistant who wanted advice about the increasingly obsessive behavior of their CEO. Shortly after reading your response, I began job hunting in the public sector. I was disillusioned by my recent experiences and the thought of landing a position that was even remotely similar made my skin crawl. Fortunately, I was able to land a position in my local government after a relatively brief search. I’ve been in this new position for a few months and it’s been the single most humbling experience of my life: the caliber of people that I work for and with is astonishing; I’ve never been part of a team that operates this way and it’s incredibly gratifying. However, I’ve been struggling to find my footing and rather than hit the ground running, I took two steps and face planted. I feel like I’ve gone from playing with Lego Duplo to Lego Creator Expert sets overnight — one of the many astute comments left by your readers suggested that my old job was doing nothing for my skill building and they couldn’t have been more right! However, I’m happy to say my new boss has been incredible at every turn: they understand it’s been a rough transition and they are willing to see me through. I’m learning and growing in fantastic and challenging ways for the first time in my adult career. It’s been really hard, but the kind of hard that makes a person better for having experienced it.

As you can expect, it’s been a really bitter pill to swallow, now that I have first hand knowledge of what an appropriate EA/executive relationship should look like. In an effort to insure that my ex-boss is no longer able to leverage his title and position to manipulate or out-right force women into these relationships with him, I’ve retained an attorney and am currently working through the list of options available to hold him and the organization accountable.

And I’m still married, happily for the most part (ha!)

I remain forever grateful that you responded – you and your readers showed me everything I was missing when I was too close to see.

dog rampage in the office, temps accused me of bullying, and more

It’s four answers to four questions. Here we go…

1. Misbehaving dog rampages around the office

About four months ago, we were asked to return to the office after two amazing years working from home, first two days a week, then Monday through Thursday.

We are a five-person design studio with three associates who own it, and one of them got a dog, Pepito, about a year ago. The dog is an absolute nightmare. The owner has tried a bit of training with the help of a trainer, but I don’t see much effort (or authority) on her end to actually correct her dog’s behavior. He chews on everything, bites people when we walk around the office, loves to counter surf (and any other surface for that matter), and plays with loud toys and with a dog that another person that works here brings sometimes (even that dog gets tired of playing with Pepito and has to be locked up). I am completely in awe that neither of the other two associates say anything to her about it and just normalize everything the dog does.

This has made the work environment completely dreadful to me. The constant yelling at the dog trying to make him stop the shenanigans he is always up to, being alert when I have lunch so he doesn’t try to eat it and that I don’t get attacked when I’m finally leaving, etc. is causing me stress. We always have a meeting at the end of the year, and I thought maybe I could bring it up at that time, but I’m unsure of the best way to discuss this because I am also planning on asking for a raise. Do you have any suggestions for this situation? I feel trapped, and I am seriously considering (if I don’t get a raise and this dog thing continues) looking for another job.

Because the dog belongs to one of the owners, your options may be limited. But do any of the other owners seem annoyed by the situation? If you’ve ever seen signs of that, talk to that person! Otherwise, is there one of the owners who you have an especially good rapport with and who you know values your work? You could talk to that person, explain how disruptive the dog is, cite the specific problems he’s causing (biting should be at the top of that list since that could create legal liability for the company), and ask if they can talk to Pepito’s owner about keeping him at home (or at least getting him training).

Alternately, you could try alerting Pepito’s owner every time the dog is misbehaving — “Jane, Pepito is biting people, can you keep him in your office?” … “Jane, Pepito is chewing on wires, can you keep him in your office?” … “Jane, Pepito is digging through the trash, can you keep him in your office?” … etc. But that sounds exhausting, and I’m not convinced it’ll change anything, given the pattern so far. You could also try a more straightforward “It’s really hard to work with Pepito rampaging around and getting yelled at so often” — but how well that’ll go over depends on what the owner is like and how they deal with messages they don’t want to hear. Their total lack of consideration isn’t encouraging, but there are some people who are this oblivious but are still willing to change things up once someone tells them they need to. This person may or may not be in that category.

You’re probably better off using one of those methods rather than bringing it up at the year-end meeting; with the latter, there’s too much risk that others won’t chime in with support (especially if taken off-guard without time to prepare) and you’ll end up looking like the only one who has a problem with the situation. It might turn out you are the only one who objects, and if that’s the case, you’ll have to decide if you’re willing to stay in these conditions or not. But raise it first and see if anything changes. (Also, this conversation should be totally separate from your raise conversation — one has nothing to do with the other.)

Read an update to this letter

2. Two temps accused me of bullying

Last year we were very much a toxic workplace and I’m the only survivor. I didn’t find a new position before the current manager quit, but it wasn’t for lack of trying.

My grandboss become my boss and HR assigned him some one-on-one time for outside coaching, as my boss flat out lied about him on her way out. She started out saying she was going to take his job and when that didn’t work moved on to a “burn the place down” mentality.

We got behind on our regular work and starting using temps. We’ve been through 13 temps in a year, not counting the three we currently have. Two became full-time in our department, one full-time in another department, and a few didn’t last a whole day or only a couple of days because they didn’t like the work or they found full-time work outside of our company. However, two have now left, personally attacking me and calling me a bully. I know I’m a little warped from surviving the toxic phase, which is why I have sought out opportunities to work closely with other departments and attend trainings to reset my mindset. Both temps have had similar issues of being late, preferring to play on their phones, and parking in our visitor parking and having to be asked repeatedly to put their phones away or move their cars. Expectations are set up front for phone usage, parking, and a set 8-5 schedule.

The most recent one was this week, and I got a horrific six-paragraph text attacking everything from my looks, my current/future children, my profession, and my childhood. I know that isn’t all true, but it was extremely hurtful in the moment. But I am concerned about having two now refer to me as a bully. As far as parking, I’ve always asked (after HR told me there was an issue), “Hey, are you parked in visitor parking by any chance?” and once they confirm I’ve asked them to move their car and gently reminded them that they need to park in general parking. For phones I’ve asked, “Oh hey, whatcha working on?” and if they responded that they didn’t currently have anything, I’ve found them work and asked that in the future they let me know when they’ve run out of work. If they currently did have something, I’ve asked them to put the phone away so they could concentrate on the task.

I’m not a new manager but I am a new manager at this company. My promotion was only a partial replacement of my boss and I’m working on a master’s degree to fully qualify. I’m worried I’m going to put time and effort into additional education that I didn’t really want and then I get told I’m no longer eligible because of complaints.

Am I off-base? I’ve only asked about parking when HR reported to me there was an issue. I’ve never singled anyone out in a group setting. I’ve only asked what they were working on when the phones stayed out over a 15–30-minute period or they were watching videos/TV on them. The only way out of my office is to walk by everyone and I am up and down all day either for meetings or the bathroom (hello pregnancy).

When someone attacks your looks, your children, and your childhood, the problem is with them.

None of the actions you described taking sound unreasonable. That doesn’t mean there’s not more to it — for all I know, you could be a terrible manager in all sorts of ways. It’s possible you are a bully; I can’t say that you’re not, but the stuff about parking and phone use certainly wouldn’t qualify. Could there be other stuff going on? Sure, there could be. But someone who attacks your looks, your children, and your childhood is someone of terrible character, with terrible judgment. Their assessment of you shouldn’t carry much weight, because they’re out of their gourd.

It’s still worth getting feedback from other people you manage, since you’ve now had complaints from two separate people and especially because you note that you know working in a toxic environment has warped your norms. There could be real work you need to do to change how you manage (stuff that might have nothing to do with the parking/phone issues). It’s important to find out. But it sounds like at least one of the two people who accused you has their own severe toxicity issues, and you’ve got to factor that in too.

Read an update to this letter

3. What do people who work in offices do?

I have only ever worked at non-office jobs (Kroger, waitressing, currently a hospital employee, etc.) and it seems like an overwhelming number of people who write to you work in office jobs. So, what is everyone doing? I feel like I’m ignorant of a whole other world.

There’s no way to give a comprehensive answer to this, so I’m just going to list out everything I can think of in 60 seconds to give you a sense of the breadth of the types of office work: writing, editing, pitching clients, servicing clients, creating marketing campaigns and materials, analyzing the effectiveness of those campaigns, raising money, designing and building products, software engineering, writing product documentation, analyzing legislation and regulations, training, gathering data, analyzing data, building and maintaining websites, benchmarking costs, assessing legal risk, issuing invoices and ensuring they’re paid, paying bills, running payroll, tax compliance, procurement, managing transportation logistics, processing claims, making financial projections, accounting, medical coding, sales, lobbying, developing public policy, processing orders, managing grants, writing and managing contracts, writing legal briefs, planning events, managing supply chains, evaluating programs’ effectiveness, designing curriculums, managing investments, doing the administrative work that supports all of the above … and that’s barely scratching the surface!

You’d probably find it interesting to look at the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ website, where they list just about every job you can imagine, divided by category, and give info about each of them.

4. Does LinkedIn need to match my resume?

For the first time in many years, I am searching for a new job. As a 40+ woman who has generally worked administrative jobs, I am concerned about ageism. The resume I plan to use is one page long, contains the last 15 years, and leaves off my college graduation date. Since LinkedIn is my public/online resume, the information on my LinkedIn should match the resume I’m using — is that correct?

It doesn’t need to. Obviously you shouldn’t have conflicting information on LinkedIn, but it’s fine if LinkedIn contains more info than your resume does and vice versa. In your case, where you’re specifically trying to avoid age discrimination, you might choose to tailor LinkedIn the same way you have your resume, but there’s no rule that they must match in general. (In fact, it would be really difficult to have them match if you ever tailor your resume for the specific job you’re applying for, since you might have multiple different versions of your resume depending on what skills and experiences you’re emphasizing for any given job.)

updates: my boss sent me a message urging me to follow Jesus, and more

It’s “where are you now?” month at Ask a Manager, and for the rest of the year I’ll be running updates from people who had their letters here answered in the past. Here are four updates from past letter-writers.

1. My younger employee doesn’t know professional norms

Thank you to Alison for your advice and to the commenters as well. I wasn’t able to be in the comments in real time, but appreciated the feedback (and drubbing haha). I’m happy to report that my employee continues to thrive in his role and that we sorted out the issues in the letter. The most important thing to address was being on time to our check ins, which I brought up and we haven’t had an issue since. I mostly decided to let the “boss” thing go, although I did let him know that it should stay in internal communications. Finally, I learned from my employee (and from my brother and in the comments) that there are actually a few different interpretations of the 😤 emoji! He intended it to communicate “Yes, I’m hard at work!”. Like, you are grunting from the exertion of doing your task. I let him know that since there’s a few different interpretations of its meaning, that we should probably keep it out of social posts. (We had a separate funny conversation about how millennials use 😂 but Gen Z prefers 🤣. Still learning a lot about which emojis are in these days!)

Overall, I’m very happy with my hire for this role. In addition to the coaching I provide him as his manager, we also secured funding to hire an outside consultant who has been helping him shape his work plan, which I think has been invaluable professional development for him. His role is one that we haven’t had a dedicated staff person for in years, so it’s a huge boost to our organization’s impact to have him there. Excited to see how he continues to grow into the role!

2. I’m taking six months off to hike — should I tell people what I’m doing? (#2 at the link)

I did end up telling folks why I was taking off for 6 months and it was pretty much a non-issue. People were generally excited for me, supportive and curious. I recently got back after completing the trail, and have gotten absolutely no negative feedback, even though I ended up extending the trip by two weeks. My one remaining team member had a fairly miserable May/June but she is more frustrated with my boss than me, b/c he also took off for more than a month in her busiest season. I also ended up getting the promotion I had anticipated (while I was on leave already, gotta love those sloooow government processes) and have had overwhelmingly positive responses to that – my team member/new direct report has been particularly effusive as have all our internal partners.

3. My boss sent me a message urging me to follow Jesus

Unfortunately I never texted back or reported but as the job was a a grocery store I still shop at I have run in to her. When it happens we both have acted like it didn’t happen. I don’t really want to risk her being fired as she retires this year. But I did tell a lot of the coworkers there about it.

4. My coworker/friend keeps coming to work drunk

Unfortunately, my story did not have a happy ending. Despite my and my coworkers’/supervisor’s best efforts, my friend ended up being caught drunk on the job a second time and was terminated back in the spring. She has recently started to look for work again but did no additional substance abuse counseling and I’m positive she’s still drinking. It’s really very sad.

update: my boss won’t stop texting me — and I’m in a hospital bed

It’s “where are you now?” month at Ask a Manager, and for the rest of the year I’ll be running updates from people who had their letters here answered in the past.

Remember the letter-writer whose boss wouldn’t stop texting her while she was in a hospital bed? Here’s the update.

First, I want to thank the commentariat for all the well wishes for my recovery and for those who shared their own stories of cancer/major illness. Reading your supportive comments got me through a difficult month. I’m six months out from surgery and just had a good scan and follow-up appointments. I’m seeing a therapist who specializes in patients who have/had cancer and have my first visit with the exercise oncology group next week. Things are looking good.

Before I get to the update itself, I also need to thank Alison who, on the day of and after my letter was posted, kindly and quickly dealt with my mental fog and opioid-induced paranoia. At my request, she made several edits to the piece (e.g. removing the word-for-word text messages I originally included) and removed my comments, which is why the comment section seems confusing. There were LOADS of identifying details in the post and in my comments, so I freaked out a little. She was great and reassured me as well as made every change I asked for.

Now, on to my update and to answer a few questions that commenters had. The flowers were purchased via a PO sent to an admin — not personally paid for by my team. More than a few descriptions of my boss were spot on: wants to be acknowledged for “kindness,” extrovert who is projecting her needs onto others, narcissist, has boundary issues, believes she is empathetic but shows it all wrong, and performative just to name a few. Several readers caught that I said these were just the texts my boss initiated, speculating that I’d been encouraging the communication. While, yes, I’d replied to her texts, I wasn’t the one to start any of the conversations. Grumpy Elder Millennial’s comment summarizes why I responded to them: “I’m guessing that OP is concerned about the interpersonal and career consequences of [ignoring them].” I also didn’t want my boss to have the phone numbers of any friends/family members (I’ll probably do this with a Google number next time), which is why she only had my number.

Now for what I did. I used Alison’s advice and some of the suggestions made in the comments to craft a reply that said I (1) was settling back in at home (I’m out of the hospital), (2)  was wiped out and focused on rest/recovery (I’m exhausted and healing), and (3) would get back in touch closer to my return date when I was feeling more up to it (I’m not at work so leave me alone). I also thanked the team again for the flowers and conveyed my appreciation for their concern. My coworker (we are a team of 3) reacted with a simple heart within minutes. Boss never reacted at all — no email, no text, no call, zero reaction. I hear nothing from her until I emailed several weeks later letting her know I would be able to come back half days a week before my return date, so all the advice worked. The relationship between the two of us is fine now. She’s back to her oversharing self but not hounding me like she was when I was on leave, which I can deal with now that 90% of my energy isn’t spent healing my body from a 10+ hour surgery with a surprise organ removal.

An unrelated, final thought for the readers who didn’t understand the difference between “Did they get all the cancer?” and “How did everything go?” Although people and cancers are all different, you should really never say that. Even if the surgeon or oncologist thinks they got it all, you really have no idea until you hit a 5-year (or more) mark — or when it comes back. There is literally no way to know if they “got it all” until years later. different pseudonym’s comment sums it up nicely: “There is a difference between cancer and ‘not feeling well,’ and when you speak as though they are the same you are being cruel.”

Thank you to everyone who engaged in the comments. I can’t tell you how much I appreciated it!

update: new hire keeps kneeling in front of me

It’s “where are you now?” month at Ask a Manager, and for the rest of the year I’ll be running updates from people who had their letters here answered in the past.

There will be more posts than usual this week, so keep checking back throughout the day.

Remember the FASCINATING letter from the person whose new hire kept kneeling in front of him? Here’s the update.

A while back I wrote about a new hire that had a strange habit of kneeling in my office. First of all: the comments are always so unexpected. Commenters were convinced it was cultural, or that Sam was deaf or blind and needed to be inches from me to communicate, or that he was super tall or super short, or that he had some chronic wasting disease that made sitting in an office chair impossible and painful, or that my cubicle size/layout made the extra chair impractical. It really was just as simple as I suggested: a new employee just didn’t really get it.

Anyway, after I read through the response and the comments I decided I would ask him explicitly to sit in the chair. He came into my cube, and I said something like “hey dude, I don’t mean to make a big deal about this, but I’m gonna need you to sit in the chair. It’s just a little weird, especially when [president of company] walks by, you know?” He said OK (albeit somewhat confused), and sat in the chair. I had a hunch he may just be sick of sitting, so I said “you know [our company] has a bunch of extra sit-stand desks, right? You can ask for one.”

So, the next day Sam had a sit-stand desk. And then a few months later I moved cities to be closer to family. No telling if he’s gone back to his subservient ways or not.

update: our boss is demanding a gift with an accounting of names and how much each person contributed

It’s “where are you now?” month at Ask a Manager, and for the rest of the year I’ll be  running updates from people who had their letters here answered in the past.

There will be more posts than usual this week, so keep checking back throughout the day.

Remember the letter-writer whose boss was demanding a gift with an accounting of names and how much each person contributed? Here’s the update.

Here’s what happened. Feeling more brave after reading your and readers’ responses, first I tried a lowkey version of asking for help from HR. When I asked them about the grievance process in general (I did not provide any specifics) , they said the first step in the official company process is to talk directly with the person to try to resolve the issue one to one. They said this was true whether it was a peer or a supervisor — even though I hadn’t asked that question. Which reinforced my belief that HR protects the company, not any of the human beings in their employ. This was an effective dead end because I neither wanted to share more details with HR, nor confront the boss about the whole messed up pay-for-performance-review system.

Then I asked around to get an idea of what other employees were planning to do. A few had already made substantial “contributions” but many hadn’t done anything yet because they were feeling stuck too. I suggested those of us remaining contribute to a gift made “in honor of the Boss’s leaving the company for XYZ Corp” to a local organization that focuses on people facing food insecurity. I liked the suggested idea of making a donation to a cause Boss would find odious. But we all agreed that doing something that would ameliorate suffering in our community would be more impactful. It would be something good to come of the bad situation we found ourselves. So that’s what we did. And then we waited.

The deadline for performance reviews came and went. Cartoon Villain Boss left town for the new gig. I assumed she passed her review of me to the new boss, so she would have the satisfaction of cutting me down and forcing another person to deliver the bad news, and also poisoning the new boss about my work as an added parting-gift evil bonus.

In my first meeting with New Boss I mentioned, Lt. Columbo style, “I noticed it didn’t seem as if Former Boss uploaded my performance evaluation before she left. Wasn’t sure if you might have it?” New Boss responds “It turns out Former Boss didn’t do performance reviews for ANY of her employees!”

I was relieved, perplexed, and annoyed, all in equal measure. Reviews are tied to our annual raises, tied to advancing in the company, etc. Turns out there was an upside and a downside. New Boss made sure supervisees got the base raise, thereby immediately gaining our good will. But she told us we won’t have a performance review for another year because New Boss hasn’t supervised us until now. For some that had outstanding years, this was not great because it kind of makes it as if that outstanding work never happened.

Your advice and that of readers was of great value in terms of possible routes of action I could take, as well as providing general affirmation that the situation I found myself in was not cool.

With appreciation,
Loyal Reader, Who Now Has A New Boss Who Is Not A Cartoon Villain

ice-breakers don’t have to suck

In response to the recent post about excessive ice-breakers at work, Sarah Lichtenstein Walter shared the guide she created for her team about how to design good ice-breakers and what to avoid. I love it and am sharing it here with her permission.

Lots of icebreaker questions can feel overly personal, put people on the spot, feel irrelevant to working together, or unintentionally feel exclusionary if someone doesn’t relate to the topic. A great icebreaker question: -Helps people get more comfortable with each other -Reveals something useful about someone’s personality -Relates to working together -Doesn’t require sharing outside of the bounds of work Work-related ice breaker ideas: – Who is your favorite person at company who is not on this team? – What are your favorite and least favorite work activities (e.g., making pivot tables in excel, updating the database, giving presentations, writing grants)? – What is the best piece of company advice you’ve ever received? – What is your go-to (productive?) procrastination move? (Think: organizing your desk rather than starting a project.) – What do you like about working from home? What do you miss about being in the office? – What’s your favorite standing meeting?

Sarah says, “My favorite of these is the favorite/least favorite work activities — it legitimately helped my team work together better. I hate longer form writing and love doing data matching in Excel. I have a teammate who is the exact opposite. She edited/rewrote a grant proposal I was working on and I created a template for her to manage a process she’d been struggling with!

The favorite person at the company who isn’t on the team was actually really nice too, and our VP shared the nice things that had been said about people with them and their bosses.”

update: governor yanked telework for state employees and my office is in chaos

It’s “where are you now?” month at Ask a Manager, and for the rest of the year I’ll be running updates from people who had their letters here answered in the past.

There will be more posts than usual this week, so keep checking back throughout the day.

Remember the letter-writer whose office was in chaos after the governor yanked telework for state employees? Here’s the update.

Soon after my letter posted and there was related press coverage, two things happened. The first was that Governor Youngkin’s administration backed way, way off the enforcement of the new telework policy with only my agency. We heard through official channels, but nothing in email, that all employees and supervisors were to “use their best judgment” when July 5 rolled around and to “be flexible and use common sense.” So if an employee struggled to abide by the new telework agreement, that was okay. My friends in multiple other agencies said this was NOT the case in their offices. The second thing is that the Governor’s staff were cracking down on leaks, specifically this one. It’s no a secret that Youngkin decided to run for president soon after he became Governor, and he has been laying the foundation for that since he took office. Leaks are considered a fireable offense so while the Youngkin staff were nice in meetings, they were privately trying to find out who contacted you and other media outlets. They chatted with multiple friends of mine across different agencies, asking specific questions and names of potential leakers.

July 5 came and went with no fuss. You couldn’t tell the difference between the previous week and start of Youngkin’s new telework agreement.

Regarding the ADA accommodations, there was a lot of intense press scrutiny so the Youngkin administration backed off that matter too. One minute our ADA agreements were being scrutinized, and the next we weren’t required to show or do anything beyond what we had already done. I haven’t heard anything about the ADA since I wrote you.

Regarding the office space challenges, I did what you said. I drafted an email that outlined all the resources my staff required to return to the office. I never heard back, and my agency head hasn’t brought up the subject since the negative press coverage. I consider that a closed matter.

The most concerning detail is that we learned all the telework agreements were going to be printed and signed by hand by the Governor’s Chief of Staff. We asked multiple times about who was going to print them, where this information was going to be stored, and how long the Youngkin administration had to retain this information per FOIA. To this day, none of us got any sort of response. I’m still very concerned that all of my personal health information, which I gave under duress, is sitting in a random office or unlocked storage room somewhere where anyone can read it, copy it, etc. Quite frankly, I’m afraid to ask.

Given the hoopla around requiring a signed telework agreement on July 5, multiple agency employees and a few of my direct reports never got theirs back. Technically, those people are supposed to be working Monday-Friday, full-time in the office, but I decided to honor my direct reports’ telework agreements as if they’d been signed by the Governor’s office. I didn’t want the people on my staff who didn’t have signed agreements being resentful of the others who did. I assumed my decision would fall under the “use your best judgment” directive the Youngkin administration gave us.

While this update may seem like return-to-office screeched to a halt, things are ramping up again. After seeing several empty cubes and offices in our space, high-level managers above me are now insisting that people are not adhering to their telework agreements so anyone who is out of compliance will face official disciplinary action.

Finally, a number of high-level, long-time people quit for a variety of reasons, including the new telework policy rollout and the Governor’s use of state agencies for his presidential ambitions. (We don’t do politics at my agency. One of my coworker’s official government email address is now on multiple GOP campaign mailing lists, and they are furious because they only signed up for official press releases.) I love what I do, and I wanted to retire here, but I’m nearing my breaking point. If I’m forced to participate in ratting out my direct reports over their telework agreements, I don’t know what I’ll do.

I wish I had a better update. Your advice and reader comments were awesome though!

I’m starting to hate my customers, employee wants a month off in our busy period, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go…

1. I’m starting to hate my customers

I work in telephone based collections for a credit card and loan provider, but increasingly I’m getting frustrated by the attitude of the customers we deal with. I find myself uncharitably thinking that they’re lucky that we are willing to work with them to craft repayment plans as opposed to sending them straight to debt collectors.

Intellectually, I know there are a vast array of complex reasons why people fall into debt but it’s difficult to bear in mind when speaking to customers who have taken out dozens of pieces of technology on credit and they’re not able to repay these. They get frustrated and annoyed with us, and feel that we are treating them unfairly. Yet it is money they have borrowed from us and they are not able to repay it, I would hope my attitude doesn’t come through on the phone calls but I fear that my lack of patience is starting to show.

Try to keep in mind that you can’t know a stranger’s circumstances. You’re just seeing one very small piece of the picture with limited info. You don’t know if the person you’re talking to had an unexpected medical crisis, or a divorce, or lost their job, or all sorts of other things that can change a person’s financial situation without warning. But even if they did make bad financial decisions, a lot of people don’t get good (or any) financial education in this country, and credit cards companies employ armies of people to convince consumers they can afford to put purchases on credit.

Are there some people who are just flagrantly irresponsible deadbeats? Sure. But you have no way of knowing if you’re talking to one of them, or if you’re talking to someone who had a personal crisis blow their life up. You’ll do a better job — and be a generally kinder person — if you default to assuming it’s the latter, not the former. (If that doesn’t work, another trick: How would you want a bill collector to talk to someone you loved? Talk to them the way you’d hope someone else would talk to your grandma.)

2. Employee wants a month off during our busy period

I am a firm believer in using your vacation time – it’s part of your compensation package, you’ve earned it! – and am vocally supportive to my team members about taking time off and truly disconnecting when they do.

I have one team of four who work closely together, all pulling work from the same queue. Back in October, the team lead for this group asked for the entire month of December off to deal with a family issue. December is a busy month for us, and I knew it would put a strain on the rest of her team, but she’d already discussed it with her primary counterpart and come to an agreement on a division of labor that would minimize the impact, so I approved it. Today I got a request from a second employee in that same group to also take off four weeks of December and I’m torn.

Could the remaining two members cover it? Yes and no. Safety-critical work would get done. Other work would start to pile up. The team has annual goals on turnaround times, which they’re currently meeting, but the average would drop to a point they’d miss the target for the year. It would also mean starting the new year with a backlog and a turnaround deficit. In the circumstance of unexpected medical leave or a team member leaving of course we deal with the missed deadlines, but I’ll have a harder time explaining and excusing these missed deadlines when we’re fully staffed.

If I only approve two of four weeks the employee doesn’t lose anything – the vacation time will roll over. But I feel … icky. I hate the thought of denying PTO, especially when he’s a really strong performer and hasn’t taken any time off yet this year.

As a manager, is it worse to deny well-deserved PTO or to put the other team members in a position to have to pick up the slack / be penalized (via lower performance ratings) for missed deadlines? Is it fair that the team lead essentially had the same request approved just because she requested it first?

Giving only a week’s notice for four weeks off during your busy season is a really big request. It’s reasonable to say no, that’s our busy month and we’re already down one person. Yes, you approved it for someone else, but that was with more notice and when the coverage looked different. If you approve this request, it sounds like it would be a burden on other staff members and deadlines will be missed … and you’re saying people might even get lower performance ratings? If that’s the case, I don’t see how you can approve it, at least not without a really compelling reason (like a medical issue).

If you can give him two of those four weeks without those consequences, do that. And tell him you’ll work together to make sure he gets to take all of his vacation time next year — because he shouldn’t have ended up in a situation where he goes 11 months with no time off — but you can’t accommodate a full month on short notice during such a busy period. (And as with the letter-writer last week, it sounds like you need to be more proactive in general about ensuring people are taking time off throughout the year.)

Read an update to this letter

3. How to deal with a complaining coworker

I have a coworker who really likes to complain. We work together on a fairly small team (four people) in a big organization and frequently have to collaborate with other departments. We both began working here last year during a really hectic and somewhat toxic transition, so she would often rant to me about things she found unreasonable. This wasn’t too bad, but I’ve never liked complaining, especially about other people. I felt like it was important for her to have some kind of emotional release, so I would mostly smile and say, “Yeah, that’s hard.”

Fast forward to a year later. Our managing team has been almost completely replaced, and I received a promotion within the same department. We no longer work the same position, but my coworker will still come to me and complain or even stop me when I walk in the mornings to start complaining. She’s been doing this about things that I find reasonable and using a high, mocking voice with exaggerated language that I’m certain none of our coworkers or partners actually use. I’m highly uncomfortable with this, especially as it’s in our workplace and I now work more directly with the people she complains about, but I’m worried that I’ve already set precedent by allowing her to complain to me in the same position. She’s very sensitive as well and tends to take any feedback personally. How can I tell her that it makes me uncomfortable without hurting her feelings?

If she’s sensitive and takes things personally, there might not be a way to do it without hurting her feelings — but that can’t be a reason for you not to speak up. The worst case outcome here isn’t that her feelings are temporarily hurt; the worst case outcome is that someone overhears her complaining to you and you sound like you’re agreeing. (Your “yeah, that’s hard” response could be interpreted that way — and really, any neutral response when she’s complaining about people you work with carries that risk.)

So you do need to shut it down. If you disagree with her, you could say “Hmmm, I don’t see it that way” or “I find Jane very easy to work with” or “wow, that’s really uncharitable to Jane” or so forth. I’d argue that your integrity demands that, especially if she’ll otherwise think you agree with her. And it’s possible that if you do that enough, she’ll no longer find it satisfying to complain to you and will stop on her own.

But if she doesn’t, you could try saying, “I’m finding we complain a lot when we talk, and I’ve realized I’m a lot happier at work when I don’t do that. So I’m trying really hard to avoid complaining, and I hope you’ll help me stick to that.” She might not like that, and that’s fine; you can’t control her feelings (and it’s unrealistic to try), only your own responses and boundaries.

4. Can I include links on my resume?

When (if ever) is it appropriate to add links in your resume or cover letter, if those links lead to work you’ve done?

I’m a children’s librarian and during 2020/2021 my library building was closed to the public, so we went virtual. This resulted in me making recordings of things like storytimes and book talks, which are now posted publicly on the library’s Facebook and YouTube pages. Now that I’m job searching, I’m wondering if it would be a good idea to put links to these videos in my resume, so a line on the resume might read something like: “Skilled at storytime for ages 0-3. *link*” (I’d probably word it better than that, but you get the idea). These are skills that I use daily in-person as a librarian, so it would be relevant to any employer to see my skills in those areas. However, unlike writers, or anyone else who has had to provide examples of their work when they apply to jobs, this is new territory for librarians.

You can include links! If you end up wanting to include more than two or three, consider creating a website with links to all of your stuff and then just linking to that site from your resume with a note about the specifics it includes.

5. A work Christmas market … for one

I just received a work email from the VP of HR with a calendar invite (using the company email and scheduling system) for a Christmas market in the office after work next week.

Turns out this “market” will sell beauty products from one employee’s personal business … and that’s it.

I’ve been with the company for 1.5 years, and have never seen anything like this before. It would be one thing if anyone could apply to sell their wares at this market, but I definitely didn’t see an email go around, and the market’s name cheekily refers to this employee.

This is weird, right? Is it worth speaking up, even though I’m just a contractor? I’ve never spoken with the VP of HR, and my manager seems unlikely to care. It just seems like weirdly preferential treatment in an otherwise normal office.

P.S. It does seem to be a legit small company and not an MLM.

It’s definitely weird. And it’s likely to cause resentment if there are other employees with side businesses or if it makes anyone feel pressured to buy things from this coworker. It also risks emboldening employees to start trying to sell products at work in the future (potentially including MLMs at some point).

All that said, as a contractor you’re not well positioned to speak up. Let it go and hope someone else raises it.

updates: the physically demanding team-building, the weekend sleepover, and more

It’s “where are you now?” month at Ask a Manager, and for the rest of the year I’ll be running updates from people who had their letters here answered in the past. Here are four updates from past letter-writers.

1. Can I recover from two angry explosions at work?

I went through the EAP and was eventually connected with a therapist, whom I’ve been seeing this year. We worked on some anger management techniques that have been helpful, and the sessions have broadened into general talk therapy now, which has been good to have again.

When my letter posted, one of the commenters noted that it sounded like I was very burned out, and boy howdy was that person correct. This year has still been a challenging one, both in terms of the work and in my relationship with my boss, but I’ve also come to realize that a lot of my frustration stemmed from issues with management that were really out of my control. Realizing and dealing with that has helped me and my mindset tremendously. The underlying issues are still there, but I’ve been able to get some mental distance from them. I also plan to start looking for a new job in the new year, and I did some back-of-the-envelope math and know I have enough savings to leave and be OK financially for a good chunk of time. All that combined to say that I’m in a much better mental space as the year ends than I was when it began, but I am also very, very eager to look 2022 in the rearview mirror.

2. We’re doing a physically demanding “team-building” exercise

Thank you to Alison and everyone who was so kind and helpful in the comments! I have a mixed bag update. I spoke to my manager (let’s call him Mike) and he indicated he was already concerned that a team builder at an obstacle course escape room might not be inclusive and he was totally on board to switching. Mike spoke to the organizers and we switched to the place with the 2nd most votes: a golf driving range bar. Luckily, this worked for everyone on my team. The person who had suggested the obstacle course escape room (Angela) seemed to suspect I was the reason we changed and was a bit cold to me for a couple of days. This resolved itself and while I don’t think Angela and I will ever be friends, we are cordial. Which is unfortunate as Angela and I are the only 2 women on our team and she’s part of a clique that includes the majority of our team (they get lunch together during work, walk out at the end of the day together, and are friends outside of work/talk about what they do together on the weekends). They’ve known each other for years, I’ve been on the team less than 2 years, and the 2 others not in the clique joined the team less than 6 months ago, so I doubt it is personal. I’m neurodiverse (and used to it), so not terribly bothered. Plus, being on the board for our disability employee resource group is quite fulfilling (I’m even leading a diversity initiative on campus that is receiving recognition!).

But all of this might be moot as my company (one of the largest tech companies in the world), is struggling and a leak to the press forced them to announce a huge company wide lay-off but they have been very vague regarding the parameters, we won’t know for another few weeks who is likely to be affected. I’m slated for a promotion in Q1 and they announced raises will be affected next year. And they wonder why they receive such poor marks for transparency and trust on employee satisfaction surveys.

3. I can’t afford to keep paying for work I’m not receiving from our nanny

So, it’s a mixed ending. We do still have our nanny and have fought hard to keep her. We have had to engage a lot of backup childcare from family, looked at day-only options where we can pay per day, and get creative with our hours while she is out for vacation so we can save our own PTO for illnesses only. Sometimes we split working on weekends while one parent parents the children. It’s been stressful and we don’t often do anything recreational because we devote all our time off and many weekends to covering childcare, but I just didn’t feel like I could take her vacation and sick time away from her and so we kept everything in the same quantities.

Some changes: because my daughter is now (finally) vaccinated and I was able to receive a bivalent booster in my third trimester with my son, and we have all had COVID (my son in utero), we have come to a different understanding about exposures. There have been so many on both ends (hers and ours) that we couldn’t reasonably continue paid leaves for her exposures and, if we as a family have an exposure and everyone is testing negative and not symptomatic, she needs to either take her own PTO or unpaid time if she doesn’t feel comfortable coming to work. She was in agreement with the change, as she dines indoors now, goes shopping, socializes in large groups, etc. – and so we both have similar overall risk levels. We still disclose all known exposures and test the adults on day 3, but we only quarantine or test the children if someone shows any symptoms. My daughter will soon be old enough to use rapids, and so we will test her as well going forward.

If we are ill at all, we give her paid time that doesn’t count against her total and test everyone before she returns. If we are COVID negative, the paid time ends when we are symptom-free. If we were to test positive, we would pay a full quarantine. If she is ill, she can use her sick time if she would like to or take it unpaid. We ask her to take a COVID test before returning (at our expense) and if she ever were positive we would pay her to quarantine for the CDC recommended period.

This is still a lot of leave, but thankfully a mixture of vaccines, COVID infection, luck, and risk management with NPI’s has meant we have all been COVID-free and not continuously reinfected even as it rips through my office what feels like every other week.

4. My team is having a weekend sleepover at a coworker’s house

When I wrote in asking for advice about how to ask for details about a work retreat where my team would be sleeping over at a vacation house together, both you and many commentators basically said “just ask about the details!” I realized I was being overly anxious that even asking would make it obvious that I felt very reluctant to go.

I did ask, and learned that we would be sharing bedrooms, yikes, but it ended up being moot because yet another wave of covid swept through our area right before the scheduled weekend and multiple team members ended up in quarantine due to family members or themselves testing positive.

That said, now that I’ve been at the job longer, I am starting to appreciate the way everyone on the team is so close, and if we did another retreat in the future I would be more enthusiastic about it. I think part of my hesitation was that at my last job, a lot of colleagues were nice to each other’s face and complaining behind their backs, and I couldn’t conceive of a team that was actually this nice, but they are! I’m much happier now.

Thanks for your advice! Sometimes it’s best to just assume the best and act reasonably and assume people will act reasonably in return (even if they haven’t always in the past!)