coworker gives me praise I don’t deserve, employer asks if applicants are registered to vote, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go…

1. Coworker keeps giving me praise I don’t deserve

When I got my current job a year ago, I filled a specific niche that they really needed. For the first few months, I was making a ton of new content for the organization, and making edits to existing content. Some of this was honestly low-effort, but because no one knew anything about my field, I was getting high praise for just about anything.

Then after those months, requests for new content trickled down and I only had to make edits every once in a blue moon, so I shifted to doing more administrative parts of my role. Eventually I got to a point where there’s not much else that needs to be addressed and my required workload is fairly light. I’m not complaining!

Now, though, the busy season has started up for me again and I have a coworker who I love working with, but she gives me so much praise I feel I don’t deserve! Example: She requested help with some content I had made last year, and gave me insight that I had overlooked a feature, so I made a simple change to a piece of content I had made and apologized for not including the option originally. She responded with a gushing email saying it’s super fine, I’m so busy making so much content with requests left and right, etc.

But I’m not! And this is a common theme with this coworker; anytime she has a request, she assumes I’m super busy because when I first started and had a backlog of content to make, I was. But most of the year I was not busy, and I just feel so awkward when she says things like that. Minor problem, I know, and maybe it’s not a problem really at all. But I’d like some advice!

One option is to just let it go. It’s not a big deal that she’s super gushy. But if you really feel uncomfortable with it, you could say, “Truly, I have plenty of time for work like this and I’m happy to do it.” Or even, “Our content is in a good place right now so I’m not spending as much time on this stuff as I was originally — and I really like doing it, so don’t ever hesitate to ask me to help with it.”

If she keeps gushing and assuming you’re swamped after that, so be it. You’ll have attempted to set the record straight and don’t need to keep explaining. At that point you can shift to, “Always happy to do it!”

2. Can employers ask if you’re a registered voter?

Yesterday my husband asked me That Question: “Is this legal?” I offered to email you and he agreed.

Husband is retired and saw that a local campground had part-time openings for the summer, mainly being on-site and available to guests. The application, along with more typical questions, asks, “Are you a registered voter and if so where?”

Background: Our area is rural and the small, touristy town that operates the campground has a Resort Board, two or three homeowners’ associations, and probably a local taxation district — which always seem to be feuding with each other and/or the mayor.

What worries me is that they might want to see proof, like his voter ID, which has his party affiliation. The vast majority here are both Republican and ardent supporters of the current administration/regime. Husband isn’t either one (neither am I).

Is it legal for a potential employer to ask if you’re registered to vote and where? In any case, what should he answer, or should he leave it blank? If it comes up in an interview, any suggested responses? (I did tell Husband I thought it might be a legal but possibly unwise question.)

They can legally ask if you’re registered to vote, but it’s an odd question and I’d want to know why they’re asking. There are some positions that specifically set out to hire locally, or are required to hire people who live in a certain county or township, but they typically just ask if you’re a legal resident of X; voter registration is a whole different question.

If your husband is interested in the job, he might as well go ahead and apply and either leave the question blank or answer “yes.” If he advances in their interview process and they ask anything more about it, he can respond, “Why do you ask?” and see what they say. You’re allowed to do that with intrusive or surprising questions in interviews! When you apply, you’re not committing to lay bare anything the employer might inquire about; you can push back, ask why they’re asking, or decline to answer. There may be consequences to doing that, of course, but if the alternative is that he doesn’t apply at all, I’d say he should throw his hat in the ring and see how it plays out.

3. I’m being ghosted by my current employer — can I tell my team why I’m leaving?

I’ve been a contractor to a start-up for three years doing projects for a particular team. After their manager quit on short notice, I agreed to be interim team manager. Legally I’m an hourly contractor but functionally I’m an employee. While I was clear I didn’t want this role, I said I’d do it temporarily because I believe in the company. After much back and forth without any path out of the manager role, I quit (with my next gig lined up for 30 hours/week).

My boss’s boss asked me if there was any time I could spare and I agreed to 10 hours/week in a different role related to the team (an analyst, not the daily operational support to the team) since they can’t afford to hire full-time. He said he’d get the contract to me ASAP, and then … crickets the past three weeks.

My manager contract ends in two weeks so I had to tell my team I’ll no longer be their manager and vaguely said I’d be moving to another role internally. My direct boss really doesn’t know what’s happening so he hasn’t communicated to me or the team.

I’d understand the decision to reneg on the 10 hours/week offer since they may not have the funds or the need, but there’s no communication at all. I’ve checked in politely a couple times on Slack, and just set a meeting on my boss’s boss calendar called “contract check-in.” I don’t want to assume I’m being professionally ghosted and am continuing my duties, but all signs point to it. If that’s the case, can I just tell my team that’s what happened? Otherwise they won’t realize it’s goodbye, or will think I’m just flaky.

It’s a small industry and I’m tempted to work for their direct competitors with all the industry knowledge I’ve gained from this company, which is more a spite move than anything else. If I were truly spiteful, I’d pursue through legal means since they’ve done “hidden employment” and really should be paying into my government’s payroll taxes. I know spite is never the answer but boy am I tempted! My boss’s boss thinks he’s invincible and I’d just like to take him down a peg personally. Financially, I’m FIRE and moving out of the industry anyway so I don’t see any real repercussions here.

Yes, you can tell your team what’s going on; you don’t need to just disappear one day without explanation. The professional way to do it is to keep it neutral but factual (i.e., don’t sound bitter about it, even if you are): “I’d agreed to manage the team short-term but not as a long-term solution. My contract for that work is coming to an end on (date) and we’d discussed my staying on in a part-time analyst role, but from what I can tell, it doesn’t look like that will be happening, so as things stand right now I’m planning for my last day to be (date).”

Also, it’s not spiteful to hold a company to its legal obligations! There can be political considerations that complicate that, but give real thought to pursuing the pay you’re entitled to.

4. Can I ask a full-time job if they’d consider hiring me part-time?

Is it ever okay to email an employer to ask if they would consider hiring a part-time candidate for a position advertised as full-time?

This particular company is hiring on a “continuing basis” (it’s a support staff position), and when I have been there they typically have three or four people working at a time. Is it ridiculous to contact them and see if a 40-hour position could be made 20 or maybe even 30?

And if they say no, would that affect my chances if I decide I do, in fact, want to apply for full-time?

Sure, you can ask. They may or may not be open to it, but there’s nothing wrong with asking. When you email, include your resume so they can get a better idea of whether you’re someone they’d consider it for.

Even if they say no, it’s unlikely to harm your chances with that employer in the future, although if you do decide to apply for full-time work there at some point, they might want to probe into how committed you really are to full-time (to make sure they’re not setting up a situation where they hire you full-time but you quickly ask to move to part-time).

5. When should I tell prospective employers I won’t need health insurance?

I’m taking my retirement from the federal government after 26 years of service, which includes health insurance. I’m only in my late 40s so I’m searching for a new job outside of government. At what point in the application/interview process do I mention that I don’t need health insurance? Thanks to the annuity, I don’t need to have as high pay as I did while working for the government. Not sure how to convey that while also not shooting myself in the foot.

It shouldn’t come up until the offer stage, at which point you can explain that you won’t need health insurance and ask if they offer a credit for employees who don’t use their plan. Some companies do (typically as a separate line item in your benefits, not just added to your salary) and some companies don’t — but it’s more of an administrative item to raise at the offer stage, not before that.

how do I handle endless rounds of nitpicky questions from coworkers?

A reader writes:

Lately I’ve been subject to a technique by coworkers that I call “death by a thousand questions.” It goes something like this:

Q: Hey, are we getting in the combination llama/alpaca wool?
A: I don’t have a date yet, I’m hoping for the 20th.
Q: So the 20th.
A: It’s not confirmed. I’ll let you know as soon as I know.
Q: Who needs to confirm it?
A: The freight forwarder.
Q: Well, haven’t they confirmed it before?
A: Yes, and when they confirm it they will let me know.
Q: Why can’t they confirm it now?
A: I’m not sure, but they are a reliable company.
Q: Is it their provider?
A: I don’t know.
Q: Is it their supplier?
A: I don’t know.
Q: Is the problem the llama wool or the alpaca wool?
A: I don’t know.
Q: Shouldn’t you know?
A: There’s no problem that I am aware of. The company is not late. They said on or about the 20th. If it turns out it’s late, they’ll tell me then what the issue is.
Q: So is the 21st considered late?
A: What?
Q: You said on or about the 20th. When do you get late? When do you start asking questions?
A: I don’t know. We’ve never had issues with this company.
Q: We need to get the date confirmed.
A: I agree. It should happen this week.
Q: When this week?
A: Sometime this week? Is there an issue I need to know about? On or about the 20th is typical delivery time. Is there an emergency?
Q: Don’t you think every delivery is important? I think the people relying on that wool think it’s important.
A: I know it matters to people. As soon as I have confirmation, I’ll send it out.
Q: You know the answer. You just don’t want to share it.

I’ve also had email rounds like this. How do I shut this down without killing someone?

What on earth is going on in your office that this is happening with multiple people?

If it were a single person, I’d think it was just something about them — anxiety interfering with their work, maybe, or an excessive degree of rigidity/inability to deal with any ambiguity, or … well, I don’t know what. But something about them.

But multiple people?

And with that accusatory twist at the end (“you just don’t want to share it”)?

That makes me very curious about the context this is happening in! For example, have there been ongoing issues with late deliveries or other problems, and has no one informed the people affected in a timely way or acted with enough urgency to resolve them? Have there been issues with you or your team hoarding info and not sharing it with people who would benefit from knowing it? Are there other trust issues in play — either trust in people’s competence or trust that everyone is working toward the same goal?

If those issues aren’t in play on your team, are there other teams in the company where those have been issues, and so now the people you’re dealing with approach everything through that lens?

Or, are they mirroring to you what they get from their own manager? Sometimes when someone works for a manager who micromanages the crap out of their work, they start passing that down the chain; they know their manager will be asking them these questions (“so the 20th? well, who needs to confirm it? well, when will that happen?”) so they try to get out ahead of it by asking you all that up-front. (Sometimes people realize this is dysfunctional but it’s the best way to survive with their boss, and other times they absorb that way of operating as the norm and don’t even realize it’s dysfunctional. Even more fun, sometimes those people then carry that habit with them to other jobs where it’s completely out of left field.)

As for how to shut it down, a few options:

1. When you know you’re dealing with someone like this, try to give as much of the info as you can up-front. It’ll take more time initially but it’ll save you time in the long run by cutting out a lot of the back and forth. So for example:

Q: Hey, are we getting in the combination llama/alpaca wool?
A: I don’t have a firm date yet. I’m hoping for the 20th, but once it’s confirmed they’ll let me know. If it’s not the 20th, I expect it will be within a few days of that. This company is very reliable, but if there’s context on your end that I should be aware of, please let me know!

2. If you find yourself in the middle of one of these long back-and-forths, pause and say, “From your questions, it sounds like there might be special context around this delivery? What’s going on with this one — anything unusual I should factor in?”

3. If it happens repeatedly from the same person or the same team, address the pattern: “You have seemed very concerned about our deliveries lately, so I wanted to give you some big-picture info about how they work. We generally know the rough timeframe something is expected to arrive in, but the exact date isn’t confirmed until the week before. The companies we work with are very reliable, and their estimated dates are usually correct. Is anything going on on your end that’s causing worry about them?” (And if the problem is with multiple people on a team, you might have this conversation with their manager.)

how do I apply for a job internally without my boss knowing?

A reader writes:

I have many questions about applying to internal jobs, something I have never done. At my current company, a new role came up that is a dream job for me. But it is also a reach, as it would be a bit of a career change. Knowing this job might open up, I’ve been making efforts to get to know the hiring manager, and I think we have a good relationship. But how do I actually navigate applying?

I know it’s best practice not to tell your manager when you are job hunting, but what about when the job you’re applying for is an internal one? My manager is fair and a nice person, but I still don’t want them to know I’m looking to move on.

Would it be beneficial for me to reach out to the hiring manager before the job is posted, or should I wait and apply through the usual process once the posting is live? I’m inclined to contact them first, as we have a solid, though relatively new, rapport.

If I tell the hiring manager discreetly about my interest in the job, can I ask them to keep my interest under wraps? Or is that weird and not done? I’ve expressed a lot of interest in their work, so I don’t think it will be a massive surprise that I want to apply.

I believe I have a better chance at a stretch job at a company where I already work and have a strong reputation, compared to applying for a stretch job externally. However, is it worth the risk of upsetting my current manager or damaging my reputation here for an internal opportunity? If I want to apply for a job that’s a reach, would it be less risky to do it outside my company?

My preference is to get this internal job, but if I don’t, I’ll be applying outside the company eventually, although I’m in no huge rush. I think the smart thing to do would be to start my external job hunt at the same time as internally applying, so if my manager is upset or my reputation is dinged, I’ll hopefully have other options.

Honestly, I’m feeling super overwhelmed just thinking about a full-on job hunt with everything else going on in my life! But do I just need to buckle down and go for it?

You can read my answer to this letter at New York Magazine today. Head over there to read it.

did I scare off a new member of our professional organization?

A reader writes:

This isn’t for my job, but it’s for a nonprofit organization related to my career that involves some level of professionalism. I’m afraid that I scared off a new member by coming on too strong to her.

I volunteer at a STEM-related organization that mentors children. My position is at the state level, and a new person just joined at the group level. I met her for the first time at a regular group meeting.

I’ll admit, I’m really attracted to her, but I still wanted to get to know her regardless of whether or not she’s interested. She’s the only other woman I know who’s in my field with some of the same interests I have, and she’s incredibly driven and smart. But I only got to see her for an hour, so I had no real chance to get to know her.

She put her number into my phone, and when I texted my name to her, it showed up on her screen. Here are the texts I’ve sent her since:

[Day we met, T+0]
[STEM-related meme]
Hey just wanted to say it was great meeting you tonight :)

Have you been to Teapot Museum by any chance?

The one by [location]?

Hey! Can I call you sometime today? Because there have been some new policies that Organization wants to implement that I’m worried could affect what you want to teach at Teapot Group.

Hi! Just wanted to let you know that Cool Teapot Event is happening on [date] that the kids might want to know about!

All these text messages were labeled as “delivered” until T+8, when they all went to “read.” She didn’t reply to any of them.

I had also found her on LinkedIn and sent a (still pending) request on T+9 (I haven’t done this with other members). On T+10, I invited her to a monthly Teams meeting that I schedule for our group, and she still hasn’t sent an RSVP. On T+12, I called and left a voicemail about future lessons. I’m writing this letter to you on T+14.

I didn’t think much of it at first because she has a job and a master’s program that she’s probably busy with, but to not reply to any of my attempts to reach out? And although none of these are urgent, everything I sent her is related to our organization. Why wouldn’t she have replied at some point? (At this point, I’m also worried that she might not reply if there *is* something urgent.) I can understand forgetting to text back, but there were multiple chances to interact. Not to mention that our organization’s state conference is next month, and I don’t know if she knows about it. (On her end, it’s an opportunity for her to meet other members and learn things about the organization, but also a chance for me to hang out with her again.)

Did I scare her off? Can I still reach out to her?

Nooooo, do not reach out to her again! This is way too much contact when it’s not being returned.

Really, you should have stopped after the second text (the one asking if she’d been to the museum). At that point things were in her court, and continuing to contact her was much too pushy.

There are all kinds of reasons why she might not have responded. Maybe she’s really busy with other things in her life. Maybe she’s not a big texter. Maybe she meant to respond initially but forgot, and then got put off by how many texts accumulated after that. Maybe she picked up on your interest and doesn’t return it and didn’t want to engage for that reason. Maybe she thought, “Whoa, I just attended one meeting of this group to check it out and now I’m being inundated by an amount of contact I didn’t sign up for and which is disproportionate to my level of involvement.”

What’s most interesting to me about your letter is that you have reached out to her eight separate times (!) without any response from her without realizing you needed to stop, and you’re still considering reaching out again! If the roles were reversed — let’s say you went to a meeting of a professional organization and someone you met there texted you six separate times over 10 days without any response from you, then tried to connect on LinkedIn, then left you a voicemail, wouldn’t that feel awfully aggressive and crowding? Like that was a level of investment from them that wasn’t warranted by the existing (minimal) relationship?

I am sorry to say, there is a pretty high likelihood you have scared her off from the organization (or, well, from you). You definitely should not contact her again. You do not need to inform her about the state conference next month. If there is something urgent that she must be contacted about, someone else from the organization should do it, not you (although I’m skeptical that will come up since she has only ever attended a single meeting and may not even remain involved).

You mentioned seeing the state conference as a chance to hang out with her again, but at this point you should assume that won’t happen … and if she does show up there or to another meeting (the chances of which may be quite low now), the only thing you should do is to give her a large amount of space. Do not approach her, and do not go out of your way to try to talk to her. Don’t freeze her out either, since it will make things even more uncomfortable if you seem like you’re upset; smile and say hello if you encounter her, but then leave her alone, to demonstrate that she doesn’t need to worry about you continuing to crowd her.

If by some chance she is interested in getting to know you better (let’s say she was in a coma through all these messages and was delighted to find them when she awoke), your interest in getting to know her has already been made clear and she can approach you. But unless that happens, you really, really need to leave her alone from now on.

new coworker told me to “slow down,” suing the government, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go…

1. What if hiring a spouse is truly the best choice?

I know that having a manager supervising their partner is fraught with peril — I have read enough AAM to have some great examples! But if the partner is truly the best candidate, are there guardrails you recommend? This is in a church context, and the minister’s partner is supremely qualified to be our music director. They are both being totally up-front about it, looking at alternate supervisory roles (could have a board member be the partner’s supervisor?), checking with the denomination for policy recommendations, etc. I am on the board and the hiring committee and looking for guidance.

There has also a suggestion that the partner be supervised by our volunteer HR committee. This seems awful. Even if these volunteers are completely qualified as supervisors, there will be disagreements and possibly unclear chain of authority. I keep thinking of cartoons about things designed by committee.

You shouldn’t hire the partner at all. Even if they’re the best candidate, hiring the minister’s partner is way too fraught! What if the person needs to be fired? Can everyone involved be 100% sure the situation won’t be dragged out in painful ways while everyone tries to avoid firing the minister’s partner? Can everyone involved be 100% sure that firing the partner won’t cause issues between the board and the minister? To say nothing of all the other issues that can come up with you hire a top person’s partner to work in the same organization?

There are other candidates who don’t come with those issues. The partner is not the only music director in the world.

But if you go forward with it anyway, definitely don’t have them managed by committee; that’s a recipe for ensuring they’ll receive either inadequate feedback or no feedback, issues are unlikely to be addressed in a timely manner, and they won’t have a single point person for guidance and support, and it would be unfair to them as an employee. It’ll also highlight the special nature of their situation to other employees, compounding the discomfort that’s likely to already be there.

This is a bad idea all around.

2. My new coworker told me to “slow down”

I recently received some feedback that I don’t know how to interpret. My coworker told me I needed to “slow down” and that “I didn’t need to prove myself because I was already on the team.” I feel like I did something wrong, but I’m not sure what.

I’m getting mixed messages here because my boss told me she wanted me trained on all practice areas by April, so I’ve been busting my butt trying to learn everything.

I don’t think I’ve been making any mistakes in my work, I’ve been asking good questions, and trying to take initiative on some projects. I’m not sure if this has anything to do with it, but I transitioned into this role in local government after several months of being unemployed and coming off of 8+ years in corporate roles. I’m scared to lose this job because I really enjoy it and my teammates, but “slowing down” is not really something I’m used to.

Well, it’s possible that your coworker told you to slow down because you’re moving at a speed that’s out of sync with their culture and are at risk of making mistakes, overlooking important context, or alienating team members … but it’s also possible they told you that because they’re threatened by you and/or worry about being outshined. I don’t know which of those it is, but your boss will probably know and this is a good conversation to have with her. At a minimum you should sit down with her and ask for her sense of how things are going … and ideally as part of that you would share the feedback you heard and ask if she agrees with it (and maybe whether it points to any context on the team that you should be taking into account).

3. Applicant lied on resume; should I tell her boss?

I am a director and recently received a resume from an employee at a partner organization. Our industry is small, and it’s common for employees to move between organizations. However, after reviewing her resume, I am certain she is misrepresenting her job duties.

I am friends with the director of her current organization and recently spoke with her about this employee. She has caused significant disruption within her current organization, including issues with a program we collaborate on. The duties she listed on her resume are not ones she was responsible for. I know this because we worked with different employees on these projects. Additionally, she included several responsibilities that, according to her director, were not part of her role and even led to disciplinary action.

Normally, I would not disclose to another organization that their employee is job searching. However, I also feel a sense of responsibility to inform my colleague that this employee is falsifying job duties under their name. If the situation were reversed, I would want to know. Should I tell her?

No. The appropriate consequence for lying on her resume is for you not to interview or hire her; it’s not to have her job search outed to her current employer.

4. Should I tell companies I’m interviewing with that I might be suing the government?

I was just fired by DOGE. I was not a probationary employee, and there is reason to believe the firing was due to political considerations and therefore illegal. I’ve been told that I may be a strong lead plaintiff for one of the class-action lawsuits that are being teed up. I am considering participating in one, for the sake of helping my fellow feds and preventing DOGE from destroying the government.

In the meantime, I also need to find another job outside government. Do I disclose to potential employers that if they hire me I could end up suing the government while working for them? It could impact them in three ways: (1) I would need to take time off at various points to spend on the lawsuit; (2) I could end up in the news, and my current employer would probably be mentioned in news reports, which would be viewed as a negative by some people reading those reports; (3) if the company does work for the government, a lawsuit by one of their employees could prevent them from winning new contracts.

Does the answer change if the company I’m applying to work for prefers to fly under the radar and generally tries to avoid press coverage?

My instinct is that, to protect my own interests, either I shouldn’t mention it at all until I’m hired, or I shouldn’t mention it until after I have an offer in hand. But this feels icky.

For people who don’t know what’s going on: Probationary employees in the federal government are being fired and are having it documented as being for “performance reasons” even when they’ve had glowing performance reviews and even when their managers oppose the firing. A slew of letters doing this to people went out on Saturday night (of all times). This is not only profoundly shitty from a human standpoint — being told you’re being fired for performance when your work has been good — but it will have practical ramifications too, since if they apply for another federal job in the future, this will come up during the background check.

Anyway, you definitely shouldn’t disclose the lawsuit/potential lawsuit until you have an offer, at the earliest — at which point you could maybe frame it as, “I want to let you know about this in case it’s something that you foresee causing issues.” But I’m not even convinced you should disclose it at that point; I see a stronger argument for not disclosing it at all, until and unless something specifically related to it comes up.

5. How to treat a coworker who’s struggling at work and has been moved into a different job

One of my coworkers who has been on my team has been transferred to a different role in the organization as a final Hail Mary before being fired if she doesn’t shape up.

It’s going to be awkward going forward because not only are we hiring for her old position, I am moving into her old desk. I will still see her daily and I’m wondering if it’s better to just pretend there’s nothing wrong and say nothing except pleasantries when I see her, or if congratulate her on her “new role” as if I don’t know why it’s happened (even though I have known for weeks and have been part of the decision-making around moving her). She has directly been told this is her last stop at our organization. Hoping for some professional guidance!

Treat her the way you would treat anyone who had just made an internal move that hadn’t been forced on them. You don’t need to congratulate her on the new job if you think that would be awkward, but otherwise try to mentally frame her in your head the exact same way you would anyone else who had simply changed roles. (Which means that you don’t need to feel weird or apologetic about having her old desk either.)

update: anti-vax employee is pressuring a coworker not to vaccinate her baby

Remember the letter-writer whose anti-vax employee was pressuring a coworker not to vaccinate her baby? Here’s the update.

I really appreciated your advice and several of the thoughts from the commenters as well.

I have weekly one-on-ones with each member of my team, so after reading your response, I used that next meeting with Cordelia as an opportunity to step in, after taking care of our usual business.

I used the framing about how if the roles were reversed, if Dawn didn’t want to vaccinate and someone was pressuring her to, I would need to shut that conversation down, because Dawn deserves to be able to come to work and not be questioned or hassled about any or all of her medical decisions … just like you, Cordelia. I would never let anyone pressure you or give you a hard time about not getting vaccinated, and now I need you to give your coworker that same respect.

She teared up and said, “I just wish someone would have told me not to give my little boy all of those poisonous shots; he would still be alive now,” and then started sobbing. It was horrible.

I gave her some tissues and a little bit of time. After a reasonable amount of time, I told her that I understood that Dawn’s pregnancy might have brought up a lot of really hard and painful memories for her, and that I was ready to support her in any way that was reasonable, but that did not and could not include pressuring Dawn in any way. She nodded and said that she understood.

At this point, there were less than 30 minutes left in the workday, and I asked if she wanted to go ahead and leave a little bit early. She agreed, got her coat, and left work.

I stayed at my desk for a few more minutes to steady myself. (I am not someone who typically makes other people cry, and even though I knew I was doing the right thing, it was still deeply unpleasant.) Once I felt like myself again, I went to Dawn’s desk to check in with her.

After asking if she was okay, I said that I’m sure she had already noticed that pregnant women often get a lot of unsolicited advice and information, and that if she was ever feeling pressured or harassed by a coworker to please let me know, because that wasn’t acceptable at work. She said, “Oh, that’s why Cordelia was upset? Thanks for talking to her. I really appreciate it.” I told her I was happy to do it, that it was my job, and that I was sorry it had taken me so long to notice and put a stop to it originally, but that if there were any further issues, please let me know right away. We had our regularly scheduled one-on-one two days later, and I reiterated this point, but she said everything was good.

Cordelia has seemed more or less like her usual gregarious self since them. The three of them have continued to have lunch together most days and as far as I can tell without truly egregious eavesdropping haven’t been talking about anything more serious than the weather (very cold), Taylor Swift (very talented), and Willow’s new haircut (very cute).

Dawn is just a few weeks away from going on her maternity leave, and is as happy, anxious, excited, and exhausted as you might expect. As far as I can tell, this particular issue is entirely resolved.

Also? Thank goodness for this blog! I am someone who ended up in this role because I was very good at doing the work that Cordelia, Willow, and Dawn are doing, so I guess my bosses figured that I would be naturally good at supervising people doing that same work. But I don’t have any previous experience with managing people, and even with just three people, it is really HARD; it doesn’t come naturally to me at all. I’m very thankful to have this collection of good advice to read, and when push really came to shove, to be able to ask my specific question. Thanks again!

update: my doctor’s office constantly leaves me on hold — how do I deal with this at work?

Remember the letter-writer whose doctor’s office constantly left them on hold while they needed to be working? Here’s the update.

I wrote in a few months ago about struggling to schedule doctor’s appointments when I worked at a busy reception desk. Thanks very much to both you and the kind commenters who offered sympathy and suggestions. It was nice to receive confirmation that there wasn’t some easy solution I was missing, and I appreciated the suggestions to use an earpiece from other people who’d done front desk work.

I also saw a few suggestions that my question wasn’t really a work question, which got me thinking about why I’d written in the first place. The real concern underwriting my (admittedly not well-phrased!) question was that having to make these calls was hurting my standing at work. I am (mis)classified as exempt and expected to remain available to answer the phone and address clients during my lunch. Any time I spend where I’m not visibly working as hard as possible is regarded with suspicion, and as I mentioned in the original letter, it has been suggested that I might have to start using vacation or sick time to cover these calls I have to make outside my nonexistent break time. When I wrote in I was concerned less with dealing with my doctor’s office (which I felt sucked and wasn’t going to change) and more with managing the optics/potential consequences at a workplace that, on reflection, also sucks and also isn’t going to change.

So ultimately, I did resolve the doctor’s office problem with doctor’s office solutions. First, I spoke with my doctor, and they gave me permission to use the client portal’s chat functionality, which is supposed to be exclusively for non-urgent medical questions, to request appointments. But more importantly, I changed one of my medications to something I can self-administer at home instead of one I have to go to the doctor’s office multiple times a year for. This reduces the frequency of my scheduling attempts and has the added benefit of saving me sick time. I’m lucky I had this as an option.

I hope this information is helpful to anyone else in a similar situation, and I hope in a future update I’ll be able to tell you I’m working somewhere different.

Me again, here to say that if you’re a receptionist you’re almost certainly not legally allowed to be treated as exempt, and they owe you overtime pay (including back pay) and you should contact an employment lawyer in your state. Meanwhile, carefully log all the hours you work so there’s a record of what you’re owed.

can I use dark humor at work?

I’m off for the holiday, so here’s an older post from the archives. This was originally published in 2019.

A reader writes:

I have a dark sense of humor. I now realize that my boss does not. During a standard “how was your day off” conversation between my supervisor, manager, and a few peers, my manager mentioned that he was a chaperone for one of his kid’s field trips to Gatorland. Naturally, I asked if any of the kids on the trip got eaten by an alligator. When the response was no, I followed up with a “darn, you should get a refund” joke that everyone laughed at and then the conversation and the morning carried on.

Being the day after Mardi Gras, someone from our office brought in king cake, and our manager asked if anyone found the baby. The coworker who brought it in stated she didn’t hide the baby in the cake because of the chance of someone choking on it. I then followed up with a joke that using a piece of real baby would avoid this issue, provided it’s deboned. Most of my immediate work group found this hilarious, but my manager nervously laughed and had the most concerned look on his face. I then realized the timing of this joke was just a bit later in the morning following the previous joke, and now there’s a chance my boss thinks I’m a kid-cannibal.

My question is: Any tips for navigating humor in the office? Obviously everything was said and understood to be all in a joking manner, but I’m concerned he was a bit weirded out by it. While I’m sure it’s a fine line between what’s hilarious and what’s not okay in an office setting joke-wise, I’d appreciate any help (or even just any good stories) regarding this.

A good guideline at work is to stay away from jokes about harm coming to things that people around you are likely to hold dear — like kids and animals — or jokes that feel mean-spirited.

Dark humor at work is tricky. I don’t want to say “it’s best avoided” because I hate the idea of work stamping all individuality out of people, and often the ways that people deviate from the bland norm are what makes them interesting and likable. But the truth is … yeah, maybe it’s best avoided at work, or confined to really small quantities. (Tell one dark joke at work every few months, and you have an amusing sense of humor, provided it’s the right joke. Tell two in a single day, and you risk being the person who’s not reading the room and is making people uncomfortable.)

Another thing to keep in mind at work is that you don’t know what’s going on in people’s personal lives in the way that you would with close friends. If you make a macabre joke about a baby, you don’t know if you’re saying that to someone who might have lost a child or is dealing with other struggles that will make it land really differently than you intended.

And yes, some of the funniest humor is risky in some way. But you’re not really being asked to bring that kind of sharp edge to work, where your job is to get along with other people, not to entertain.

Dark humor can also drag a team’s mood down. It can be exhausting to hear a lot of it if that’s not your own style (and you’ve got to assume that in any work group, there’s going to be a mix of humor styles — so some people aren’t going to like it, and are going to find it cynical/off-putting/wearying).

None of this means that you have totally bland yourself down and only tell dad jokes from now on. But there’s a lot of room in between.

canceling a women’s group because of DEI concerns, can I accept a job offer on the spot, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go…

1. Canceling a women’s group because of DEI concerns

I’m a PhD student and it seems like my university is trying to cancel the Women in Computer Science networking group that I run. They’re going about it in a really weird way: rather than directly saying “this is illegal D.E.I.,” they’re trying to send us on a bureaucratic runaround to maintain the status quo of funding and booking rooms. We’re in New England, so I suspect it would be locally unpopular to bluntly state that they’re cancelling women’s groups due to D.E.I. How do I fight this? Just delay, delay, delay until this political storm blows over? Fight it head on? Go to the press?

Go to your campus media, and possibly your local media. That’s outrageous.

The only DEI that’s “illegal” is giving a preference to one demographic group over another; gathering to support a particular group or to discuss issues affecting them is not illegal, even under the new federal directives that have been issued. This is a crock.

2. Are minimum requirements really an absolute minimum?

I’ve read your advice that it’s usually okay to apply if I meet about 80% of the qualifications for a job, but does the category of qualifications matter? When job postings split their criteria into “minimum” and “ideal,” is it fine to apply to jobs where I don’t (exactly) meet the “minimum”?

For example, a job will say a candidate “must have (a) five years of experience working with Role; (b) three years of experience in Environment; (c) two years of experience doing Work; and (d) familiarity with This, That, and The Other.” And that “an ideal candidate” would also have qualities/experience (e-h).

I’ll have (b-g) but (a) is iffy: say they want someone with five years experience working with C-level executives and I have five years with directors, or my relevant experience was 15 years ago in a job that isn’t on my resume because it’s otherwise completely unrelated to my current career. I have been applying anyway, addressing the discrepancy in the cover letter, but am I right to still apply?

Yes. If you didn’t have anything near (a), then it wouldn’t make sense to apply since that’s listed as a minimum requirement. But your experience is close enough that it’s reasonable to throw your hat in the ring. It could turn out that they’re being absolute rigid about that requirement, but there’s frequently room for some flexibility of interpretation if you have all the other qualifications. You can’t really know from the outside whether that will be the case or not, but you’re close enough to it that if you’re interested, you should apply.

should I apply to jobs I’m not fully qualified for?

3. Taking sick leave for emotional upset

I’m wondering your take on something I did a few years ago. I had something very upsetting happen in my personal life and was having a hard time focusing on work; I basically wanted to curl up and cry all day. I work remotely and had a light day — two meetings and no urgent to-dos. I went to both of the meetings but other than that didn’t do any work and used PTO to cover the hours.

To me, this felt like the mental health equivalent of a bad cold. I could have powered through and worked a full day, and I would have if needed. But on that particular day I didn’t need to, so I chose to take it easy. (I was back to work the next day.) What do you think?

That’s a completely legitimate use of a sick day. Mental health is part of your health!

what do I say when I’m calling in sick for a mental health day?

4. Can I just use the phonetic pronunciation of my name as my digital name?

I have a name that’s pronounced differently from the typical pronunciation. Let’s say my name is Aron – pronounced like A-Ron, not like “Erin.”

Coworkers call me A-Ron, until they see an email exchange with my name spelled Aron and now they call me “Erin.” Would it be okay if I changed my digital signature to A-Ron, so that people (coworkers and clients) will stop making their own assumptions about how to pronounce my name based on how it’s spelled? This is so frustrating to me, to have people who use to call me A-Ron, suddenly start calling me “Erin” because they saw my name in print.

Does anyone care if my digital name is legally correct? Going a step further, what are the legalities when I am writing a contract? I assume that I would use the correct spelling of my name to sign. But would I place the phonetic spelling in the contract, so that people see it and continue to call me by the correct name?

The phonetic pronunciation isn’t normally included in my business emails, but I do include it in my personal email account.

It’s going to cause problems and confusion if you spell your name one way in emails but need it spelled a different way on official forms and contracts (or work travel arrangements that someone else makes for you, etc.). But the solution for work emails is the same solution you’re already using in personal emails: include a note with the phonetic pronunciation in your signature. So your sign-off would be:

Aron Porcupine (pronunciation: A-ron)

That’s not uncommon to do if you have a frequently-mispronounced name, and it should solve a lot of it. You’ll also need to be willing to correct people in the moment if they mispronounce it, though.

5. Can I accept a job offer on the spot?

Can I accept a job right away if I’m sure I want it?

The context: There is one university in town, and I’ve been fairly certain for several months now that (a) it’s the only place better than my current position regularly posting jobs and (2) I want to leave my current position. I’ve applied for several jobs at the university over the past year, interviewed for two before this one, and been a finalist for one, so I’ve already talked to HR about their benefits and PTO. The salary range is available online. I would have twice as much maternity leave. I already know I want the job.

Assuming there are no surprises such as a lower salary than I expect, is there any reason I should delay and ask for a day or two to think it over? I am planning to negotiate salary right away if offered the job.

If you already feel confident you want to accept, there are no surprises in the offer, and there are no additional questions you need answered before making up your mind, there’s no reason you can’t accept on the spot (or begin negotiations immediately)! A lot of people do that.

weekend open thread – February 15-16, 2025

the “terrified of humans” pair … curled up in my lap

This comment section is open for any non-work-related discussion you’d like to have with other readers, by popular demand.

Here are the rules for the weekend posts.

Book recommendation of the week: Piglet, by Lottie Hazell. After her fiance confesses a betrayal two weeks before their wedding, a woman becomes inexplicably ravenous. (Amazon, Bookshop)

* I earn a commission if you use those links.