the grisly Halloween decorations, wearing a costume to an interview, and more

It’s Halloween! Let’s revisit some Halloween questions from past years. (Also, there is an amazing interview coming later today with a haunted house cast member!)

1. My coworker goes overboard with grisly Halloween decorations

People in our office go bonkers over Halloween. Recently we were encouraged to decorate for Halloween. I would take that to mean a little black and orange garland, maybe a plastic pumpkin, right? Well, not hardly. People go overboard and apparently the only rule was no trip hazards in the aisle. The woman in the cubicle next to mine must have emptied out her storage area of Halloween decorations. Now there are gross bloody looking, ghoulish figures hanging from the ceiling above our desk space. There are skeletons with teeth, cobwebs strewn about, and a lifelike bloody head cut off at the neck with facial wounds and hair that appears to be matted with more blood, and a plaque with some sort of satanic looking symbol was hung up. Then she brings in a black cauldron that when plugged in emits what looks like smoke, gurgles, and has neon lighting. There is not a pumpkin in sight!

To me, it’s very dark and not the atmosphere or space that I wish to spend my day in for weeks and yet I have no choice. This is very disturbing. I complained to my manager about the dead people hanging from the ceiling and she just said they weren’t dead people! Everyone thinks this person is so cool because she has a lot of decorations and they ooh and ahhh over it all day long. What is wrong with this picture? This is a large professional corporate office — the finance office for a huge group of physicians, no less. The manager encouraged this and thinks it is just great good-spirited fun and I am looking around thinking, “What is wrong with people”? Too late now, but is this even normal?

Well, it’s pretty oblivious to the fact that not everyone is comfortable with macabre decorations, and I’m alarmed that your manager was so dismissive when she heard about your discomfort.

Do you have HR? They might be more receptive than your boss. But otherwise, next year you could try approaching your coworker ahead of time and explaining that you were creeped out by some of what she put up last time and ask if she’d be open to a different motif. If your sense is that she won’t care, you could try with your boss again, despite her lackluster response this year. I do wonder how clear you were with her; if you didn’t plainly say that you can’t comfortably work around that kind of grisly imagery, it’s worth restating it that way.


2. My office’s “kid-friendly” Halloween party was terrifying

My office held a Halloween party this week after hours (immediately after the work day in the office), and said in the invitation that kids and significant others are welcome. Some of us brought our young kids (ages 2-5 or so). When we arrived the signs were pretty ghoulish (dismembered bloody body parts, etc), and one employee, “Bob,” brought this very gruesome and realistic zombie puppet. It’s just as creepy as it looks in the video and it truly terrorized the kids in attendance. The parents are really upset, and would not have brought their kids if we knew that there would be this kind of adult Halloween horror.

The person who did this is otherwise lovely, and is also very close to the CEO. It’s not like management was unaware before it happened, I think they were just clueless about how inappropriate this was for a family event. Before Bob arrived, the CEO was telling people, “I heard Bob is going to bring his special friend Sally” (meaning the puppet). How do we address this with management? Its hard enough in our company for moms of young kids, and I don’t want us to be seen as spoil sports, but I am also really really not okay with the company saying this is a bring your kids event and then having something like this happen. Any advice?

Yes! Talk to whoever is in charge of party planning and logistics for your office and explain this wasn’t kid-appropriate at all! I’m guessing someone involved didn’t understand what is and isn’t kid-friendly and needs that spelled out more clearly. This won’t be you being a spoil sport; this will be you giving someone highly relevant info that they apparently didn’t have and probably would want. (Think if you’d done something similar — you’d want to know!)

You could say, “I think there was a disconnect between whoever said the party would be kid-friendly and whoever planned the decorations. It definitely wasn’t kid-appropriate for small children — my kids and some of the the others were really upset by the some of the gruesome decor and Bob’s puppet. In future years, can we be more careful about that? It of course doesn’t need to be kid-friendly but if we say it is, I want to be sure it won’t terrify our kids.”

Also, next year, make a point of raising this again in case people have forgotten or someone else is doing the planning. Mention that kids were scared last time, and ask for info about exactly what’s being planned. (Maybe talk to Bob in advance of next year’s too.)


3. Wearing a Halloween costume to an interview

I have an interview on Halloween. Would it be ok to wear a costume to show my fun spirit?

Nooooo. Unless you’re interviewing someone where “fun spirit” is a major and key job requirement, this would be a very bad idea (and even then, I wouldn’t do it).

While I’m sure there’s some interviewer out there who would appreciate it and think it’s awesome, there are far more who will find it off-key and inappropriate for a professional situation. Plus, you want the focus on your qualifications, not what you’re wearing.


4. Do I really have to wear a Halloween costume to work?

I am the assistant to the executive director of a nonprofit human services agency. The culture of the agency includes having the employees and the volunteers wear costumes to work on Halloween. In all of my long work history, wearing costumes to work on Halloween has never before been a part of the workplace culture. Part of my work involves interacting with the public, and my personal standards include the belief that it is not correct to for staff to wear Halloween costumes in the workplace, especially when interacting with members of the public.

When I joined the agency four years ago, I wore a black pantsuit on Halloween and purchased a witch’s hat, and kept the latter item visible next to my desk. I have followed this practice since that initial year, without engendering any negative comments from my manager or other staff members. Halloween is almost upon us again. In the last staff meeting, my manager reminded everyone to wear costumes on Halloween, and said that the staff members who wore costumes would get to go home early on that date, while anyone not wearing a costume would have to stay until the normal 5:00 closing time.

Going home early on Halloween is not a special treat for me, as I have work that needs to get done. I plan on following my usual practice of wearing a black pantsuit and bringing the witch’s hat to work. Although almost all of the rest of the staff, including the manager, show up each Halloween in new and specially purchased costumes, I believe that I am observing the letter of the office culture custom, if not the spirit. Am I under any obligation to go beyond my usual practice of wearing a black pantsuit and bringing the witch’s hat to work on Halloween?

I wouldn’t think so, not in any reasonable office. I mean, some might think that you’re being a bit of a party pooper, but it’s not something that should have any real ramifications for you at work. In fact, it seems clear that it’s not a requirement, based on your manager’s wording that people not wearing costumes will just work until their normal ending time.

That said, for what it’s worth, I think you’re probably being a bit too much of a stickler when you say that people shouldn’t wear Halloween costumes to work, especially if they’re interacting with the public. There are certainly some jobs where that’s true — for example, if you’re a doctor, you shouldn’t be giving patients bad news about their health while dressed as a giant banana or something — but for most jobs, it’s not inherently unprofessional to wear a costume, and if the culture of a particular office is one where people do that, that’s a perfectly reasonable way for that office to run.

None of that obligates you to dress up if you’d rather not, and anyone who gives you crap about that is being a bit of a jerk, since different people have different preferences around this stuff. But at the same time, just as they shouldn’t be judgy about your personal preferences on this, I’d urge you not to judge the people who enjoy dressing up as incorrect either.


5. Halloween Christmas card

The photo for our annual Christmas card is being taken on Halloween, prior to our office Halloween potluck, while people will be in costumes! (We are an medical software company, and our recipients include hospitals, clinicians, and universities.) Ugh. I feel that this is unprofessional, tacky, and weird — I don’t understand why we would use a clearly dated photo for our Christmas card. How, if at all, do I raise this concern to our higher-ups?

If you want to raise it, you can be direct about it: “I think it will look really out of place for the season if we send a Christmas card where people are obviously in Halloween costumes. What about taking the photo next week instead?”

But I wouldn’t worry terribly much about it. It’ll be a weird Christmas card! That’s okay.


weekend open thread – October 29-30, 2022

This comment section is open for any non-work-related discussion you’d like to have with other readers, by popular demand.

Here are the rules for the weekend posts.

Book recommendation of the week: Everything I Know About Love, by Dolly Alderton. That friend everyone has in their 20s who’s always slightly tipsy and a complete mess with men, but enormous fun? That is this book.

I make a commission if you use that Amazon link.

it’s your Friday good news

It’s your Friday good news!

1.  “I discovered your column while working one of the worst jobs of my life (I lasted 8 months, and was their longest term employee in the role in over 5 years). My job history since has felt like a series of unfortunate events – highlights from different jobs include:

  • “Color-geddon,” where the CEO insisted we completely redo a major rebrand after it’d already launched because his longest term developer claimed the colors “hurt his eyes” (one of his computer monitors was broken)
  • New CEO came in right before COVID, then in the middle of the first month of lockdown, laid off half the employees
  • CEO was so bad to work for I reported to 5 different managers between April and October, because they kept quitting after working with her
  • Instead of working, the colleague in charge of a crucial part of our work spent a year writing a book trilogy
  • Turns out the person in charge of finance/pitching to investors had previously been convicted of a Ponzi scheme, and that’s why we couldn’t put him on our website
  • CEO would spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on getting actors as spokespeople (one got so drunk at the office during a film shoot he had to call our executive assistant from his Uber because he forgot where he was going. It was to the airport, so he could fly home)

When my VP at the most recent job left (I actually really liked working with him, it was just a crappy situation all around), I told him I wasn’t far behind and ramped up my search. I expected it to be a challenge; since 2018, I haven’t stayed at one role for more than 14 to 16 months – for valid reasons, but it didn’t look great on paper. I had hoped to stay at the last one for over 2 years, but without the VP there, it was a trainwreck waiting to happen. In my exit interview I found out 8 people had given notice the same week I had.

The job market was MUCH hotter than the last time I’d looked, and I had at least one or two interviews with different companies every week, sometimes as many as 5. I don’t recommend packing them that tight; it was insanely draining. I ended up with multiple offers from different companies, both from personal referrals and online applications. The winner was a connection to a fast growing startup that a vendor I’d talked to months prior had recommended! I asked each person your magic question, and it impressed them while also giving me great insight into the work I could expect to do.

This place has been such a breath of fresh air. I never knew work could be like this. It’s fully remote, a solid pay bump, excellent health and dental, unlimited PTO (I prefer it), office stipend, wellness stipend, a serious DEI initiative, and the company invests immensely in culture and their people. I feel well supported and positioned to succeed, even though this role is a stretch for me. It’s not perfect (no job is), but if I could have designed my perfect opportunity for this stretch role, this is better than what I would have thought of.

There’s hope if you haven’t gone the traditional path, like me. I dropped out of college, worked hard, and have struggled to get above and away from toxic work environments. I thought for years the only places that would hire someone with no degree would end up being toxic places, but it turns out no, you just need patience to hold out for the right org. Reading your column has helped me be the coworker everyone enjoys working with, and helped me let go of the things I couldn’t fix. If you feel trapped or stuck, now is the time to search and get out!

Thank you for posting the good news each week! It was a highlight for me when I thought I was stuck.”

Read an update to this letter

2.  “After receiving my MBA back in 2012, it seemed like my career was stalled. It was later finding out that getting your masters from a for-profit school was not the best way to go about it. My jobs were retail, call centers, and short term temporary contracts that were just enough to pay for child care and the bills. Then in 2017 my life imploded. My (ex) husband decided that after 26 years together that it was time to venture into “greener pastures” which our teenage son walked in on. After trying to salvage the un-salvageable, divorce, sell the house, cope with devastated children, pop the oldest in therapy, my kids and I moved in with my parents all within a 3-month span. Now, it was time to get my head on straight. I studied my butt off and got my HR certification; took contract jobs to build my HR knowledge, read a LOT of AAM, and using your resume and cover letter techniques, I finally landed my dream job! I am the new HR Manager for a company that needed my ability to build an HR department from the ground up. I also negotiated my salary for the first time as well and am making almost triple what I have ever earned in my life!

I am now 3 months in and loving it. My colleagues and bosses love my work and take the occasional bitter news very well. “No you can’t do it that way; there are laws” was a common refrain when I started. Slowly but surely, this company is turning their trajectory around and morale is moving up. My kids are doing fantastically and my oldest has just joined the military, where he is thriving. Please keep up the good work, you cannot imagine the good you have done through your blog and books.”

3.  “I have been working for a medium-sized government agency for four years and I kept running into the ‘slacker coworker or absent coworker’ situation over and over. Your advice to people with similar stories has always been consistent — that the problem is not the coworker, it’s with management. After my daily duties kept expanding further away from my actual title, with no raise, I finally took your advice and got an interview with the first place I applied and accepted the job which will mean a 25% pay increase and much shorter commute. Thank you for all the sage advice!”

4.  “About a year ago, I lost a grant that resulted in me and my team being laid off. The results were public, and a very big deal in my small industry. But, I utilized your tips, tamped down my shame and immediately reached out to my network. Within days, a colleague who had turned down a position gave my name to the recruiter. Before I knew it, I was offered a position that was a significant promotion, in my dream city with a 57% pay increase. And, I’m happy to report that the rest of my former team were also successful in finding new jobs!”

open thread – October 28-29, 2022

It’s the Friday open thread!

The comment section on this post is open for discussion with other readers on any work-related questions that you want to talk about (that includes school). If you want an answer from me, emailing me is still your best bet*, but this is a chance to take your questions to other readers.

* If you submitted a question to me recently, please do not repost it here, as it may be in my queue to answer.

should managers always “own the message,” personal info in the background of a coworker’s cat photos, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go…

1. Should managers always “own the message”?

It is review time at our company. I’m no longer a manager, but was included on an email from our VP about “owning the message.” They don’t want managers saying, “I would have promoted you, but it was turned down at the VP level” or “We wanted to promote you, but our budget wouldn’t let us.” I worked at another company with a similar “own the message” philosophy. What do you think of that? As a manager, I found it hard to do, and there were times where I felt my manager was also dealing with those situations and didn’t truly “own the message.”

It depends so much on the situation. There are managers who take the easy way out by blaming management above them/budgets/other factors when in reality it was their decision (fully or partially) or at least they don’t disagree with the decision they’re conveying. It’s easier to say “management wouldn’t approve the promotion” than “I don’t think you’ve earned it.” That’s a problem; part of management is giving candid, forthright feedback, and it’s not okay to avoid that.

On the other hand, sometimes it’s true that the decision was out of the manager’s hands. That’s a lot trickier. Managers shouldn’t cultivate an us vs. them vibe with their teams vs. management, and they do need to be able to speak for management as a whole. But at the same time, employees deserve to know the truth — and if the truth is something like “your work isn’t being recognized at levels above me and that’s not likely to change,” they really deserve to know that so they can make good decisions for themselves. So I think the communication from your VP needs to be more nuanced.

2. Personal info in the background of a coworker’s cat photos

My company has a Slack channel where employees share cute pictures of their pets. One of our executive assistants hired earlier this year, “Shannon,” frequently shares photos of her three cats, who like to lie on her desk. Sometimes Shannon’s computer monitors are in the background of her cat photos and, with a little zoom-in, you can read everything on her screen. Since Shannon’s job is planning events for our leadership, I’ve been able to see the restaurants and hotels where our execs or board members will be going on what dates. In one case, I’ve clearly seen the personal address and phone number of one of our board members. Only folks in our company Slack can view this channel, and I don’t think anyone would do anything nefarious with this information, but if I were Shannon’s boss or one of our executives, I would not want info like that so public.

I’ve debated sending Shannon a kind email pointing this out, since she might simply not think about what’s in the background of her cat photos. But I don’t work directly with her or even know her well, and I’m afraid my message would seem nosy or rude since I don’t think this habit has caused any problems (yet). Should I say something, or should I “let sleeping cats lie” and let it go?

Say something! It shouldn’t be a big deal to kindly point it out. You could say, “I love seeing your cats! I wanted to mention that in some of the photos, if you zoom in you can see everything on your screen, which you probably don’t want for privacy reasons, especially when you’ve got board member contact info up!”

3. Hearing an ill coworker in the bathroom

I recently got promoted and have my own office. Yay! My new office shares a wall with one of our bathrooms. It’s usually not something I notice (other than occasional flushing) and I mostly tune it out, but twice in the last 24 hours I’ve heard someone become what sounds like violently ill in the bathroom. I can’t really ignore it and have to leave my office when this happens or I will also be ill. In addition to that, I’m worried about my coworker! I think I might know who it is; I’m at least confident about which department the coworker is from. I don’t know what to do now. Nothing? Will it just pass? Should I bring it up to the department manager? HR (seems like that would be too much)?

I’d only mention it in the context of asking for a white noise machine or something else to help mask sound so you can work. I too used to work right next to a bathroom and, believe me, white noise is the way to go.

Beyond that, though, anyone using the bathroom deserves to maintain the polite fiction that whatever they’re doing in there can’t be heard outside of the room. Whether someone is ill or pregnant or having a reaction to something, they deserve privacy around whatever’s going on.

4. Should I refuse to edit AI-generated content?

I’m a copywriter and editor. I’ve built up a great clientele over the years and developed a specialty in writing consumer-friendly content about complex topics in which accuracy is essential (think insurance or healthcare).

One of my long-time clients is also using another firm for content development. Fine with me; I don’t have time to write reams of long form pieces for them. However, this other firm uses AI to generate, or at least assist with creating, content. Invariably, it contains factual errors and bizarre language.

So the client asks me to review it, and I fix the copy. An original sentence might say “400,000 annual llama groomers commended this comb for its praiseworthy proficiency in knot management,” and I correct it to “4,000 llama groomers endorsed this detangling comb last year.”

Here’s the problem. A) I’m pretty sure this other agency charges far more than I do for this terrible work. B) I’m concerned that I’m unwittingly helping the AI-using firm to refine their process. C) I just hate AI on principle; not only is it destroying creative professions but I think the end result will be dystopian horror, as in the short story “I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.”

But hey, that’s just me! My dilemma: In the future, should I refuse to do this type of work? Or hope that in pointing out its deficiencies, my clients will avoid AI content generation? Or just recognize that this is an inevitable industry change and adapt accordingly?

I wouldn’t want to edit AI copy either! It’s perfectly legitimate to decide that’s not a type of service you provide. But there’s also not one right answer; it’s a personal decision, depending what kinds of work you are and aren’t interested in doing.

If you do decide to stop doing it, you could simply say, “I wanted to let you know I’m no longer going to be available to edit AI-generated content; having done some of it now, I’ve realized it’s a very different type of writing and editing than I enjoy.” If you want, you could add, “I also think AI-generated content isn’t a great thing for users because of XYZ,” but that depends very much on your relationship with the client.

Caveat: any time you turn down work, you’re encouraging the client to build relationships with other writers. Over time it’s possible they’ll send them some of the work you do want, and you’ve got to be okay with that possibility.

5. Client appreciation gifts

There have been a few posts these last few weeks regarding employee gifts and, as a business owner, I agree that money and time off are by far the most universally requested. However, what about client appreciation gifts? We want to say thank-you to our clients at the end of the year but we’re stuck on what to do. No one wants a mouse pad, or another water bottle with our logo on it. By the end of December, we’ve had more cookies, candy, and sugar than we care to admit so we don’t want to add to the pile. What do you and the readers think about a gift card to a local restaurant group? It falls more in the “money” category and a dinner out feels like a nice thank-you, but something about it feels off when talking of client appreciation. Last year we sent Rocketbooks, which were very well received, but we’re having a hard time thinking of something new. We’ve done a few web searches and scoured the logo swag catalogs and are still coming up empty-handed. There’s a reason so many offices get boxes of chocolates and cookies at year-end, they may be less personable but so much easier!

Client appreciation gifts are tough. Money and time off aren’t options the way they are with employees, and it’s very hard to find something that everyone will like … which is how so many people end up back at food. Let’s throw this out to readers.

my boss keeps commenting on my acne

A reader writes:

I (30F) got a new supervisor in the last six months, who is also part of the C-suite. She is very talented, knowledgeable, and friendly. She has done a lot in terms of supporting and mentoring me, and I am really appreciative of her efforts. However, one issue with her is that she can often be unpredictable, especially when it comes to pointing out things that others may be sensitive about.

I have adult acne partially due to some health issues. I am working with appropriate medical professionals to find solutions/diagnoses (and a lot of it takes time to fix). However, in the meantime, I often get break-outs. I cover them fairly well with makeup, but some days are worse than others. On those worse days, I just grit my teeth and try to get through it, but it really is doing a number on my self esteem, especially since I am not a teenager anymore and worry that it could hurt my professional image.

Enter unpredictable boss: on multiple occasions where I have had some rougher skin days, my boss has asked me directly, IN FRONT of other people, “What’s going on with your skin?” When I make a vague comment about having a bad skin day and she shouldn’t worry about it, she continues to press and badger me about it, with an audience. It is absolutely mortifying and distressing for me. Trust me, I know what is going on with my face and just want people to ignore it. It happened again today, and has left me unable to get work done because I am so upset.

I definitely need to address this with her as it is affecting me emotionally and professionally. I think that because she likes to have more of a friendly, collegial approach, she might just think she is just engaging in girl talk, when it reality, it has a much bigger impact. But really my question is in regards to how to address it — should I be doing more in the moment to shut it down, or should we discuss it in my next one-on-one? My supervisor does have the tendency to make insensitive comments about others’ appearances as well, and I think because she doesn’t take things personally, she forgets that not everything needs to be said. I do want to communicate directly that she is not to discuss my skin or physical appearance beyond what is needed to get my job done, but I worry she will think I am too sensitive.

What on earth is up with your manager?!

And what does she think you’re going to say? It’s not like your skin is suddenly turning green while you’re talking and she’s speaking up from alarm. It’s acne. It’s not a big deal. Is she looking for you to launch into a detailed account of your skin care journey?

And then she presses and badgers you about it in front of other people when you try to shut it down?!

I’m willing to believe she intends it as girl talk if that’s the vibe you’re getting — some people think everyone will be excited to talk skin care or makeup or hair problems, regardless of the setting or context — but when your response makes it clear you’re not receptive to that, it’s incredibly obnoxious that she keeps pushing it. It would be one thing if she’d brought it up once and then realized from your reaction that it wasn’t welcome and left it there. But she’s continuing to raise it!

It definitely makes sense to address it with her one-on-one. The next time you meet, you could say, “You’ve asked multiple times what’s going on with my skin. I have acne. What are you asking about when you ask me that?”

Then, depending on her response, you could say, “I would appreciate it if you didn’t keep asking about it. It’s just acne.”

Be prepared for her to try to express concern and/or make recommendations — have you seen a dermatologist, have you tried this product, etc. — which would be overstepping and none of her business. If that happens, you could say, “I do have a dermatologist but it’s not something I want to get into at work.” (You could drop the dermatologist mention if you want but — annoyingly — you might shut her down more easily if you say that part. Otherwise she might feel compelled to urge you to.)

Hopefully that will take care of it. Frankly, it would be over-the-top outrageous for her to continue bringing it up after you’ve told her to stop. But if she does again ask, “What’s going on with your skin?” you should feel free to say any of the following:

* “Nothing, what do you mean?”
* In as flat and bored a tone as you can produce: “Acne.”
* “This is my face.”
* “Wow, you’re still asking me that.”
* “It’s getting really weird that you keep asking that.” (This one is heavily dependent on the relationship. It would be a complete no-go with some managers, and it would be okay with others. It’s justified, but you’d need to judge if it’s safe to say or not.)

But hopefully the clear, direct, one-on-one “please stop” will put an end to this.

Read an update to this letter

where are you now? (a call for updates)

At the end of each year, I publish a slew of “where are they now” updates from people whose questions I answered here in the past. In past years we’ve had several hundred each December and it’s been magnificent.

If you’ve had your question answered here in the past, please email me an update and let us know how your situation turned out. Did you take the advice? Did you not take the advice? What happened? How’s your situation now?  (Don’t post your updates here though; email them to me.)

Note: Your update doesn’t have to be positive or big to be worth submitting. We want to hear them all, even if you don’t think yours is that interesting.

And if there’s anyone you especially want to hear an update from, mention it here and I’ll reach out to those people directly.

Posted in Uncategorized

what’s the weirdest thing your company has done in the name of boosting productivity?

What’s the weirdest or most misguided thing your company has done in the name of boosting productivity?

To start us off, here are some stories that readers shared recently:

•  “My company is on a big kick right now with a raffle happening this quarter. If you do certain things you get a ticket and can put those tickets into a drawing to win Super Awesome Prizes (that weren’t chosen when the quarter began and haven’t been announced yet.) It was initially announced as a fun, optional way to boost some numbers, and has devolved into supervisors constantly checking in to make sure you’re sending them your ticket requests and randomly doubling the amount of tickets you get for X, Y, and Z and announcing it with important pings on Teams and all the fanfare and urgency of a 90% off sale. I want money, not a raffle ticket, but I appear to be in the minority in my org (and am trying desperately to get out.) But if I get another Important ping about ‘TICKET FRENZY!!!!!’ today, I might just lose my mind.”

•  “Talked to a former coworker this week, and the company we used to work at removed all art from the walls and painted over all the murals and colored walls. Just white EVERYWHERE. Made all employees remove any decor as well. To ‘put the focus where it belongs. On your work!’
I guess they figured people were spending too much time admiring the photo of the Grand Canyon over by accounting? Or maybe the Eiffel Tower one from IKEA that was by the conference rooms was just tooooo distracting? And the gray and white diagonal stripes on the wall opposite the elevator were a REAL time suck? Apparently there was a mass exodus not long after.”

•  “Decided it was necessary to have an entire team read documents, send emails, make comments to a working file, and basically all other things as one entire unit. So for hours at a time, all 10 of us would be looking at a screen while one person reads the content outloud. Boss did this in response to improper communications going out by team members.”

Have your own stories about company productivity misfires? Share in the comments.

everyone at my company golfs, employee is freezing out a manager after he joked about King Charles, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go…

1. Everyone at my company golfs

I work at a company where everyone golfs. The sales team golfs, the underwriters golf, and most of all the C-Suite golfs. When we have all-company meetings, the president makes jokes about the VP’s golf score. When I’m in line in the cafeteria, a VP jokes about how the only reason he’s at work today is because it’s bad weather for golfing.

Today, I found out that our work has purchased a golf simulator for the office. This is after a year when we were told no merit raises, because inflation. (I may note they are also completely renovating to add a bar.)

Frankly, I’m sick of golf! I work in a part of the company that’s primarily female and doesn’t interact directly with clients. None of us are golfers, and it’s frustrating for us when we’re on significant levels of overtime due to understaffing to hear stories about other employees spending all day at the course.

Is this just a case of “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em?” Do I just need to learn how to golf?

You might need to learn to golf. Or at least, you should take a clear-eyed look around your company and see what the evidence tells you: Do people move up without golfing? Does business get done on the golf course that you’re missing out on, or that you would miss out on in a higher-level position? It could be a situation where everyone golfs but it won’t affect you if you don’t. But if you’re going to take a hit to your career there, then you have to decide how much you care — are you willing to take up golf to avoid that? Or would you rather accept the limitations that will come with staying off the golf course (and know you’ll eventually need to move on in order to move up)?

Either one is a legitimate choice; just make sure you’re being realistic about the situation and what you and aren’t willing to do in response to it.

None of this is intended to imply the situation is fair, obviously, or wise on your company’s part. You’ve just got to be pragmatic about what you’re dealing with.

2. My employee is freezing out a manager after he joked about King Charles

I am a manager for a large company. There are five other people in my role and we share two administrative assistants. One of the admins, “Kate,” is really into the royal family. When there is a wedding or funeral, she will stream it at work or take the day off. There are also a lot of British decorations at her workspace, think a coffee mug with the Union Jack. (We’re in the U.S.)

A few days after Queen Elizabeth’s death, the six managers were preparing for a meeting in a conference room and Kate was helping. We were making small talk about current events and another manager, “William,” said, “It looks like a 73-year-old man will finally get a job.” The rest of us laughed or said things like “no kidding!” Kate was livid. She told William that what he said was disrespectful and hurtful. William said he was sorry, but it wasn’t very genuine. Personally, I think William’s joke was fine but he should have known better than to make it around Kate.

I thought this would blow over, but since this incident, Kate refuses to acknowledge William or do any work for him. Annual reviews are in a few weeks and I think this would be a good time to address this with Kate. It’s not appropriate for her to freeze William out this way and I want her to stop, but I’m not sure how to phrase this without sounding like I’m saying Kate is too sensitive or can’t take a joke, things that I know put people on the defensive. Any advice?

Don’t wait for her annual review in a few weeks; you need to nip this in the bud now. She’s welcome to have whatever personal thoughts about William she wants, but she cannot freeze out a colleague or refuse to do part of her job. That’s a really big deal, and if you let it go on for several more weeks, you’ll be neglecting a fundamental part of your own job, as well as allowing an unpleasant environment to fester for everyone else.

Sit down with Kate and say, “I understand that you found William’s joke offensive, but you cannot freeze him out or refuse to do work for him. Part of your job — part of everyone’s job here — is being civil to colleagues. You don’t need to like William, but you do need to be civil to him and do work for him when it’s assigned.” If she balks at that, say, “I need to be clear — there’s no flexibility on this. I cannot let you create an unpleasant environment for other people or refuse to do part of your job.”

And for the record, that’s a wild overreaction to a mild, if tasteless, joke.

Read an update to this letter

3. Hiring after a suicide

One of my direct reports recently died by suicide. We tried to get them help, but had no idea it was this bad. Of course this is breaking the hearts of everyone and our thoughts go out to their family, but it is especially hard on her closest friends who were also her coworkers and were involved in finding them. Everyone is getting trauma support but this will take time for us to work through.

It might seem cold but at some point we will need to fill their position again and I am dreading the question regarding why the position is open. Even if I didn’t mind lying (which I do mind), I believe any new employee deserves to know what they are walking into. We also have a very low staff turnover so it will be evident that a specific person is no longer working with us. How should I handle this with candidates and new employees?

You should definitely be straightforward about it with job candidates so your new hire doesn’t end up blindsided when they start. I’d say it this way: “It’s a sad answer — she died in September. It’s been hard on our office.”

You might also think about whether there are things you can do to make the situation easier on the new person and everyone else. For example, it might make sense to move where the new hire sits so that they’re not at (what people will probably still think of as) “Jane’s desk.”

4. Demotion vs. firing

About two months ago, my team hired a new manager. As the newness has worn off, it’s become clear she’s in way over her head. She hasn’t responded well to coaching and hasn’t shown the amount of improvement we would need to see in order to keep her in a manager role.

When looking at the work she’s been able to complete, she has done an okay job with work that aligns with her (would-be/should-be) direct reports. She can do the more menial tasks, clerical work, etc, even though she’s needed a lot of reminders with our online shared systems. Other leaders and I know she isn’t a good fit for this role and because we have seen such minimal improvements, we are discussing next steps. We’ve tried to find her strengths through various projects (presentations, written reports on data, updating older documents, creating proposals), and everything she submits needs a lot of editing and revising. With one assignment, we had her work with a peer. The peer, without prompting, shared that this manager was a bulldozer who didn’t want to listen to the peer’s ideas, even though the peer was correct and trying to align the project with our original stated goals and expectations!

We’re now considering termination or a demotion. I fear that a demotion could lead to festering emotions or bad morale for the rest of the team she’d join — especially as she was supposed to be their manager and will now be a coworker. Do you have any advice when weighing the two options? I’ve spoken with HR and either is a viable path.

A demotion only makes sense when you’ve seen the person has skills that would let them do well in the lower-level role and the problems aren’t likely to carry over and you have reason to believe they would handle the demotion with reasonable grace. Is any of that the case here? The bulldozer feedback alone says probably not (although it’s worth getting input from others to see if that was just a single person’s impression or if it’s shared by others). Unless you would be actively excited to hire this person into the role you’re considering demoting her into, it’s not a path I’d recommend.

Read an update to this letter. 

5. Applying to jobs if I’m not sure I want to leave my current position

When is it okay to apply to jobs when you’re not entirely sure if you want to leave your current position?

I’ve been in my job for a year and a half, and I’m not entirely sure if I want to stay at my company any longer (for several reasons, but let’s just say I think I could get something better elsewhere, and the paths to promotion/growth in my current role look slim.) Every once in awhile I’ll look at listings and think, this might be a great opportunity but I’m not sure if it’s totally the right thing for me. Part of me thinks, apply, and then see if it might be. If it is, move forward, if it’s not, drop out gracefully. What’s the harm?

So, is it okay to apply casually to jobs if you’re sort of on the fence about what you want next, and even if you don’t know if you want to leave right away?

It is 100% okay. Applying or interviewing for a job isn’t any sort of commitment that you’d take it if offered; you’re just signaling you’re open to talking and to thinking about it. Maybe you’ll learn something that makes you more interested, maybe you won’t. (I mean, I wouldn’t apply just for fun with zero intention of ever accepting a job; that’s wasting people’s time and taking interview slots from people who might really want the job. But interviewing for jobs you’re just unsure about? Totally fine.)

It’s the same way an employer interviewing you isn’t any sort of commitment to hire you. They might not even be convinced they want to hire anyone. None of this is a commitment from either side.

can I tell my boss I’m a bad fit for my job?

A reader writes:

Since early 2021, I have been working as an administrative assistant in a fairly specific field (think a specialized field within a larger industry). I changed jobs in June of this year, as my previous role was only part-time and that wasn’t working out for me. There were some other culture issues that bubbled up for me in that role, but the big deciding factor was needing full-time work (especially after being laid-off in late 2020 due to Covid). After some time applying and interviewing, I got a new full-time job in the same field — yay!

Jump ahead to now: I’m four months into this new role, and I’m starting to think that this isn’t the right fit for me. I thought moving from one admin role to another, within the same field, would be apples to apples. However, I didn’t fully realize that I was moving from being someone’s dedicated admin assistant to a general admin assistant (I now support 10+ teams in my current role on matters like HR, contracts, payroll, and general office matters). I’ll own up to not doing my research as thoroughly as I could have in the interviewing process, but I felt like I did my best at the time. (I asked about my immediate team and that dynamic instead of the dynamic of the many teams I’d be supporting. That being said, I don’t think that the hiring managers would have aired office politics and drama in an interview had I even known to ask, as I’ve come to learn that rotten attitudes and “personality quirks” are highly normalized at my job.)

Issues that I’ve had since starting my new role include unclear or disorganized training; unclear expectations of who is handling what (some of the teams I support have their own admin staff who handle similar tasks to me, but there’s no clear guidelines that I handle A, B, C and the teams’ admin folks handle E, F, and G) which results in miscommunication that can affect folks’ contracts and pay(!) and result in a lot of reactive clean-up work, rather than things moving smoothly from the outset; doubling of work; overall chaotic and poor communication with the teams I support; and I feel like I get dumped on by folks when things go badly (see: errors in contracts and pay) when I’ve done everything that I can in my power to get things done.

I found your article about the time you had a “poor fit” conversation with an employee, but I can’t find a dedicated article about starting that conversation as the employee. My sense of my job is that the nature of it isn’t going to change, and I’m not going to be okay with the overwhelming feelings of chaos and stress that I receive from this job without any thanks or sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. Do you have any advice or tips on how to initiate the “poor fit” conversation as the employee? I’m overdue for my three-month review (“not urgent” according to my manager) — is this the time/place to start/have this conversation? I’m nervous that this could result in my immediate termination, which I can’t afford, but I also can’t mentally or emotionally afford to stay in this role much longer.

Don’t do it.

The thing is, what’s the outcome that you’d be looking for from having this conversation? If you just feel like you want to give your boss a heads-up that the job isn’t a good fit and so you’re going to start looking … don’t do it. There’s too much risk that you’ll be pushed out before you’re ready to leave — not necessarily that day, but before you’d otherwise plan to go (i.e., before you have another job to go to). When you let your manager know that you’re not going to stay, especially when you’re new, your manager is likely to begin making plans to fill your role … and that won’t necessarily happen on the timeline that’s most convenient for you. You might think you’re giving them a courteous heads-up, but there’s little or nothing they can do with that information that won’t be counter to your own interests.

On the other hand, if you’d be having this conversation because you’re hoping it will result in changes that would make you happier to stay in the job … well, that’s a different conversation. I would not advise framing it as “this is a poor fit and I’m thinking about leaving” for the reasons above. But in situations where you’d stay if they made specific changes and you think there’s a realistic chance of those changes being made, it can make sense to lay out the challenges you’re having and try to talk about solutions (but without the “this is a bad fit” piece). It doesn’t sound like your situation meets the “realistic chance of change” test, though — the problems you described sound deep-rooted and not solvable without a real commitment to culture change from above. You might be able to get clearer guidelines put in place for who should handle what, but the rest of it is about the culture and management where you’re working, and that’s not something you’re going to get fixed from where you are.

Given that, it really just makes sense to quietly job search and resign when you’re ready to leave … without the interim conversation you’re thinking of.

It’s worth noting that in the column you linked where I described having the “this is a poor fit” conversation with an employee, I was coming to the conversation in a position of more power than the employee. I wanted to resolve things amicably if we could, but I was also prepared to say “this isn’t working and we need to part ways” … and I would have been 100% okay with it if he had said, “You know what, this isn’t for me, let’s make this my last day.” That last part is where the power is — in being willing to part ways immediately if you need to. Sometimes the employee is the one who has that power (or both parties have that power), but in your case you don’t want to part ways immediately, and means you need to proceed with more caution.

Read an update to this letter.