updates: lying about a Glassdoor review, the time-off request, and more

Here are four updates from past letter-writers.

1. The ethics of lying about a Glassdoor review (#4 at the link)

I wrote to you in September about the ethics of lying if I was asked if I wrote a not-great review of my employer on Glassdoor; I have a minor update.

I was never asked if I wrote that review or not (I know my company saw it because HR did post a generic “That’s not our expectations, please contact us” response) so I never ended up having to lie.

The large part of my review was about my terrible experience with our health insurance. During our open enrollment season I had conflicts with the company-wide open enrollment information sessions so I never attended any, which was probably for the best (the health insurance options were unchanged).

However … in my review I did drag the CEO specifically about how he likes to constantly mention CrossFit in his company-wide weekly emails. Since my review was posted, there has been no mention of CrossFit in any of those emails; I’m going take that as a win.

2. Why shouldn’t you say where you’re going when you resign? (#4 at the link)

I took Alison’s advice in the context of leaving my most recent job, and I was pretty open with my previous employer as to where I was going. They were sad about it but everyone in my division was also excited and happy for me. I learned two things from this experience:

1. Telling people was a good move for me, since my previous work and current work interact. Think that company A makes pots, and company B sells pots. Telling people where I was going set me up for warm relations with my former coworkers, since I am still interacting with them regularly, just from the other side.

2. I discovered that my previous grandboss had at least one connection to my new job, although he of course did not do anything to stop me moving. However, If I had been in a toxic environment, I would have to agree with the comments who said not to tell, since you never know who may sink you. Frankly, I was surprised that he knew anyone at my new company, since they are fairly small. Just goes to show you never know who has connections with who.

Thanks for your advice.

3. Can’t get an answer to a time-off request from new job (#3 at the link)

We found your advice to be helpful! I will say that after reading the comments, I realized that in trying to simplify my question, I didn’t explain our situation well and people really got hung up on the amount of time off that my partner was requesting off, when my question was meant to be about the expectations for asking for time off at a new job, regardless of the amount of time. It seemed odd that the company was dragging their feet so much to give an answer. People accept new jobs all the time with trips booked, so I figured it would be a relatable situation. It was my bad for not providing enough info or maybe too much, ha!

It’s a long and twisted tale: basically we were in the process of moving from our home in Alaska to a job on the other side of the country and had family planning to visit us in June in Alaska (with their flights already booked), so had asked for a few large chunks of time off to host family and tie up loose ends. The company knew that they were asking my partner to start sooner than was realistic for us, but we were trying to make it work. Thus, it was frustrating when they were slow to say “yay” or “nay” to specific dates and made us wonder if there wasn’t a culture of respecting vacation time or personal lives.

We did end up being able to go in June to host our visitors and then again this fall to tie up the rest of the loose ends, so it worked out fine. Though the company continues to be a bit odd about time off, with no real process for requesting leave, my partner is enjoying his job.

Overall, we’re very happy that we did follow through with the job and move because our new location has a wealth of opportunities, and I was even able to switch into a new position myself that is much more fulfilling than what I was doing before. Regardless of whether my partner stays at this company or not, it was what we needed to make the change in our lives. Thanks again for the advice!

4. Coworker says she hates me and refuses to have any contact … and my boss told me to fix it

Jane quit over the summer. Before she left, I did talk with her (after months of avoidance). In my final conversation with her, she did share some information with me to help understand her experience. Jane had some key collaborators who refused to work with her from the beginning, refused meetings, and refused to share information. I’m unclear if this was due to Jane’s approach, or other prioritization going on. This led to at least one of Jane’s outbursts, which further separated her from clients and made her job near impossible to complete. If I had known the root cause, and having an established relationship with the other clients, I would have gladly stepped in, but Jane was too prideful to ask for advice or help. I think she was relieved to leave; once she announced her resignation, it was a 180 in personality, she was smiling, being funny, and interactive with the rest of the team. As for me and my team, we were relieved from the stress that Jane caused.

At one point, I did suggest pulling in a neutral third party to assist with facilitating cordial conversation, and my manager refused to engage anyone to step in to help clear the air. Since Jane had also accused me of wrong-doings (which were untrue), my manager was afraid she’d have to terminate both of us for violating the code of conduct. In general, my manager is notorious for not dealing with personnel issues. My grandboss is an absolute tyrant, which is also likely why my manager wanted to sweep this under the rug and was so willing to overlook Jane’s behaviors. Jane’s replacement uncovered additional behavioral issues that occurred with clients, and we did learn of other complaints that were made about her. I have vowed that as long as I stay with this company, I am limiting the information that I share with my manager, including bananapants encounters.

what’s the worst or weirdest way you’ve been rejected for a job?

Let’s talk about the worst or weirdest ways you’ve been rejected for a job. Maybe they set up a video call, making you think you were moving forward in their process — so you had to process your reaction to the rejection live on video. Maybe they sent you a list of everything they think is wrong with you, or delivered the rejection via condescending poetry.

Let’s discuss poorly done rejections in the comment section.

coworker misuses the office snack budget, manager eavesdrops through thin walls, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go…

1. My coworker uses the office snack budget on expensive snacks only she likes

I work on a pretty small team with only three people in the office on a regular basis. We have about six other people who come in once a week or less. Our office admin is in charge of ordering snacks for the office, and she has very specific food tastes. Since I’ve worked here, I’ve tolerated the fact that she buys things that only she eats. Think expensive organic vegan yogurt, kombucha, dried figs, etc. She has been asked to buy more mainstream snacks like Cheetos and Coke multiple times, but she flat out refuses in a very judgmental way. Multiple people have complained to me about it. I’m a big snacker, but I just buy snacks with my own money and typically leave them out for everyone to share. I’m non-confrontational by nature, so I prefer not to fight about things that seem petty to me.

I’ve recently been promoted to office lead, which means that I control our office’s pretty meager discretionary budget. When I looked at the budget and expenses from the previous year, she went way over our budget. She literally buys $60 bags of dried fruit for herself! I feel I have a responsibility to rein in her spending (and honestly I think what she’s been doing borders on unethical). I also see an opportunity to improve office morale by making sure that there are things that everyone eats. I think she’s used to me being a doormat and is a pretty combative person when she feels attacked. How can I approach this with her in a constructive way?

Note that I’m not her supervisor. I would say I’m above her in a largely symbolic way as office lead, but I do manage the office budget and am responsible for office morale.

Wow, that’s some audacity. The snack budget presumably isn’t “to provide Jane with the snacks she wants,” but “to provide the office with snacks.” This wouldn’t be okay even if all Jane’s snacks were inexpensive ones, but the fact that they’re pricey on top of being only enjoyed by her makes it even more ridiculous.

Luckily, yes, since you now manage the discretionary budget and that includes the snacks, you have the standing to tackle this (and should). However, since Jane responded badly when approached about this before, I strongly recommend looping in her manager before you do anything. You could just issue a decree that you’re changing the snack process, but it’s likely to go a lot more smoothly if you first make Jane’s manager aware of the problem and that you’re expecting resistance from Jane and get them onboard in making it clear that the kombucha and fig train is ending.

If you can, try to include something Jane likes in the new regime, as long as it’s not more expensive than what the rest of the office gets. If necessary, ask her for suggestions of what would work for her within a budget of $X/month. $X should be her portion of the snack budget (so $X divided by the number of people the budget needs to serve), not the entire thing.

2. Thin office walls and an eavesdropping manager

The walls in our office are very thin, and I share a wall with my manager. She can hear every meeting that I have and any and all phone calls.

She has felt the need to critique things that have occurred in my meetings that do not involve her that she has listened to through the wall. My role is very autonomous and she doesn’t have the typical managerial role and is not a mentor. While I accept any and all advice and criticism, I find it odd that she sits in her office and listens and, for the most part, doesn’t hear the entire story or is involved with the program I am working on. I try and schedule meetings now when she is out or when I am working remotely to avoid the eavesdropping. I do feel the need to say that her former employees have all asked to be under another manager because of these types of behaviors.

If everyone else is getting moved out from under her because of her behavior … is that an option for you too?

But if it’s not, or if you have reasons for wanting to stay where you are, would you be comfortable addressing it directly? For example: “I always welcome feedback, but it’s tough to have phone calls knowing that you’re listening and only hearing my side of the conversation and forming impressions based on that. Obviously I want to know if you overhear me saying something wrong, or if you’ve heard a pattern that concerns you, but assuming you agree that my work and my judgment are generally good, I’m asking to be trusted to manage my meetings and phone calls without that kind of constant observation. It’s hard to do good work otherwise.” You could also ask point-blank: “Is there something about my work that’s making you feel you need to supervise my meetings in this way?” … and then assuming she doesn’t indicate there is, “It’s tough to do good work and exercise the autonomy my job requires when you’re managing my meetings so closely.”

Also, would a white noise machine make it harder for her to hear you? It might be worth trying one.

I can hear everything my staff says — should I pretend I don’t?

3. “Anything else we can think of” in job descriptions

As I am looking for work and weeding through hundreds of job listings, I keep seeing the phrase “and anything else we can think of” when listing duties expected of the prospective employee.

It always raises my hackles when I see “and anything else we can think of” tacked on to a long list of what they expect of their employee, but wanted to know what a professional thought of the phrase. Maybe I’m overreacting?

Yeah, I don’t like it; it comes across as “we will pile more and more work upon you, whether it’s logically within your role or not.” However, that’s not necessarily what it means; often it’s just someone using more casual wording in place of the old standby, “other duties as assigned.” But it’s sloppy language that doesn’t consider how it sounds from the candidate’s perspective.

4. I left my old job years ago but my old boss still asks for my help

About 12 years ago, I landed my first job, where Mandy, the manager, was incredibly supportive and taught me a lot. When the office software was upgraded, I received training on the new system and was tasked with teaching other employees. Every year, the software requires an initial setup to function properly.

Three years after leaving that job, Mandy reached out to me, asking for help with the software configuration since those who knew how to do it were no longer working there. I went back, set everything up, and trained a new employee.

The following year, Mandy contacted me again with the same issue, as the employee I had trained had left. I went back, trained Mandy, and provided step-by-step notes on the process.

The next year, Mandy mentioned losing the notes. Once again, I visited and created a detailed document outlining the steps (and I’ve been sending this email every year explaining the process). Despite this, Mandy asks me to handle the configuration every year.

I no longer remember the training details; I simply follow the saved instructions. Although it only takes two days to set up, I feel uneasy about declining, but I no longer wish to bear this responsibility. It’s not about money or time; I just don’t want the annual responsibility of configuring this software. Is there a way to communicate this without sounding ungrateful?

Oh my goodness, you could have refused the very first request! It’s absurd to ask someone to do this three years after leaving a job — let alone every year after that! Is Mandy paying you for this work, or have you been doing it out of the kindness of your heart? Because if you were going to do it, you should have been paid for it.

But you absolutely can and should put a stop to it now. Say this: “I’m not going to be available to do it anymore, but here’s the document that outlines the steps to follow and anyone should be able to take this over.” If you’re more comfortable giving a reason, say your schedule no longer allows it (that doesn’t need to be true — and you don’t need to supply a reason anyway). If she pushes or asks for just one more year, hold firm: “I’m really not available to do it anymore.”

Also, you don’t need to show gratitude to a great boss by continuing to work for them after you’re gone! You show gratitude by doing a good job while you’re there, and maybe telling them in words what you appreciate about the relationship and staying on good terms afterward. The latter means things like if they ask whether you know any good candidates for job X, you might refer them someone from your network; it doesn’t mean you continue to do the job you resigned from! It’s not ungrateful to assume your resignation means you don’t work there anymore, period.

5. Explaining a firing to a recruiter

I know you sometimes share good examples of cover letters, but I had something a little different … a script I’ve written addressing the fact that five years ago, I was fired from my job, and lots of people from that job now work for a company a recruiter wants to put me forward for (it’s a pretty small industry). I very much wrote this with my “what would Alison say” hat on, so I hope you approve! Here it is:

“I wanted to be up-front, as lots of my former colleagues from X now work at Y, that my job there ended with me being let go. There were lots of timing factors around this, including a major and sudden bereavement in my family, company issues which have since become pretty public, but I also have had a chance to reflect, own and improve on the things in that job that I wasn’t suited to, and didn’t realize until it was too late how to fix them. In the five years since, the issues I had at that job have been a major focus of my personal and professional development, and I’m pretty proud that people who know and work with me now say those things are strengths of mine. It has not affected my references, but in case anyone that worked with me at X is working on recruitment for this role, I didn’t want it to seem like I was withholding that aspect of my tenure there.”

Yes, this is great! It explains why you’re raising it (lots of former colleagues work at the company the recruiter would be putting you forward to, so it might come up and you don’t want the recruiter to be blindsided), it’s straightforward about what happened, it’s not defensive, and it affirms that you’ve done the work to fix those issues, while stressing that others agree with that. Well done.

how much can I pet my cat on video calls?

A reader writes:

I have a somewhat low-stakes question that has been puzzling me lately. I’m wondering where the line is for interactions between me and my cat on Zoom calls. What is professional and what is not? My team is informal, with no dress code, and we sometimes show off our cats on video chats. My cat definitely visits me more than their cats, though, and climbs up on my shoulder expecting to be held, so is highly visible. Once up on my shoulder, she will sometimes give me a headbutt or two.

Here’s a list of behaviors, from most permissible to least permissible (in my opinion): where is the line?

* Is it okay if my cat jumps into my lap?
* Once my cat jumps on, should I remove her or can I let her remain?
* Is it okay if I am visibly holding my cat on my shoulder?
* What about petting her while she’s on my shoulder? Or petting her when she’s on my lap? Should I be concerned that this movement is visually distracting to others?
* What if she headbutts me? (My cat loves to do this, often)
* Can I occasionally kiss her on the head when she headbutts me? (This is the one I’m most sure the answer to will be “no”.)

I will note, this question is only for my immediate team; I have more reservations about interacting with my cat when I have a meeting with other teams at the company who I know less well. I have a feeling if I asked my manager, she would say she doesn’t mind (she has a relaxed management style) but I want to get a feeling of what you think the baseline is in general.

The cat in question is Babka, the black one with the piercing stare. The other cat, Momo, loves her heated blanket and stays there all day; she has appeared on a video call exactly once.

The three guiding principles:

1. Your cat should not be a distraction to other people in the meeting (or, if your team culture is one where pet distractions are welcome, should not be a distraction more often or for a longer time than other people’s pets are).

2. Your interaction with your cat shouldn’t make it look to other people like you aren’t engaged in the meeting.

3. You should calibrate your cat interaction to the level of interaction other people on the call have with their pets — and in particular, people who are perceived as competent and engaged. (In other words, don’t calibrate to the team slacker’s level.)

That means that a lot of the questions you’re asking will be team-specific, but if I had to give general, widely-applicable advice (assuming an office where pets on camera is a thing that happens):

* It’s okay if your cat is in your lap as long as you don’t shift your attention from the meeting to the cat, and as long as her presence there doesn’t prevent you from taking notes if you need to. (In most Zoom meetings, your lap probably won’t be visible anyway.)

* A cat on your shoulder is more distracting than a cat in your lap, and I would not keep her there during a meeting unless it’s an extremely occasional novelty (like annually, not weekly). However, a cat on your shoulder is also awesome.

* Petting a cat who’s on your shoulder or in your lap: Keep her mostly off your shoulder, but if she’s there, petting her will definitely be more of a distraction since that’s movement right by your face. In your lap, people probably won’t see it anyway; just be aware of what movements are showing on camera so those don’t distract people.

* An occasional headbutt is delightful but, yes, distracting. Try to keep it to occasional.

* Do not kiss your cat on the head during meetings. You may, however, do this immediately once you are off camera.

managing mental health at work: a round-up

Here’s a round-up of posts about managing mental health at work.

talking to your boss

should you tell your boss if you’re struggling with mental health issues?

should I disclose my depression to my boss?

how to talk to your boss about mental health issues

should I tell my boss I’m in therapy and on medication?

how can I get time off work for therapy?

as a manager

how should I handle joking around during mental health discussions with my team?

my employee is paranoid — can I help or is it not my business?

my employee is overwhelmingly emotionally needy

my anxious employee wants daily reassurance

how much direct mental health support should managers provide?

how to help a suicidal employee

I’m afraid to give critical feedback after two employees threatened suicide

as a coworker

my coworker is making offensive comments about suicide and depression

how patient do I need to be with a coworker with mental health issues who lashes out at me?

coworker with anxiety keeps asking us to drive her home and stay there with her

workplaces that overstep

my boss wants us to all share our mental health needs – at every meeting

my manager makes us do mental-health surveys every day

forcing employees to talk about their feelings isn’t good for our mental health

we have twice-daily mandatory group therapy at work

my boss asks us to babysit a coworker with anxiety disorder


how do I care about work when my life is falling apart?

returning to the job market after depression

what does self-care look like at work?

why I am irrationally anxious at work when I’m doing so well?

my coworker blamed me for not being offended enough by a racist comment toward me

A reader writes:

This happened last year and though I’ve moved on, I occasionally wonder if I’m crazy so I thought I’d ask your opinion.

I’m a Black woman who immigrated to Canada in my 30s. For my first job in Canada, I worked in a global organization and interacted with a wide cross-section of people. The environment was fast-paced and the workload was really heavy, but the people were mostly great and I knew I was valued. I left after two and a half years and was able to give two months’ notice.

Early in my notice period when my leaving wasn’t widely known, a new VP was hired for a team I worked closely with in a different country. I hung around after a call (as asked) to be introduced to him. On the call at the relevant time were me, new VP (white male) his deputy (white female), and a team lead (female, not visibly a person of color). Part of my job was to create certain documents which needed a lot of back and forth. I explained my role and jokingly said something like, “I’ll be bothering you about documents soon enough!” He responded, “That’s okay, I like dark chocolate.”

I had been jumping to another call and my immediate reaction was confusion and taking him literally (wondered if he wanted a bribe) but I saw that the two other people had gasped and their eyes widened, so it sort of slowly hit me that “hmmm, I think he said that because I’m Black.” I grew up in a majority Black country and my radar is not always as tuned to some of the ways microaggressions present. When it hit, I shrugged it off, to be honest. I was swamped and it just didn’t stick.

His deputy took great offense. Important additional context here is that the deputy had applied for the VP job, didn’t get it, and felt humiliated (her words). Before the new VP even started, she’d complained that she looked him up on LinkedIn and he wasn’t qualified. I was sympathetic but told her to give him a fair chance. However, I knew she was predisposed against him from the get go.

After the call, she messaged me saying he was so racist and she was sorry that happened and he should lose his job. I told her thanks, but I hadn’t taken offense because I hadn’t realized at first and even so, I thought losing his job would be an extreme consequence. She pushed me several times to see it from her perspective, to the point where I no longer thought she genuinely cared about any offense to me, but that she saw this as her way to get rid of him. She reported him, her boss and our shared grandboss spoke to me, and HR investigated. I told them all I honestly hadn’t registered it as offensive in the moment but I saw that objectively someone could take offense and while I was glad they were taking it seriously, I was fine and didn’t need an apology, nor did I want to see him lose his job. At the end, I was told he was spoken to but would stay on. Fine by me.

The deputy occasionally lamented that he “got away with it” but I was too busy and sleep-deprived so I let it pass, wrapped up my work and left on good terms (I thought). A month later, I received a message from the deputy telling me that because I wasn’t offended, the VP was retaliating against her for reporting and she was put on a month-long PIP because she didn’t make the VP feel welcome, and therefore she was on the brink of losing her job which would leave her unable to pay her bills, so I needed to learn a lesson and think of other people because she was experiencing these events since she was the only one who did the right thing. It was a long, awful screed that blamed me for everything going wrong for her at work. I responded saying that I was sorry to hear she was facing difficulties but her blame was misplaced and she should report the VP for retaliation. She responded with more blame, said she was glad there was no racism in Canada (what?), and that it was nice that I could so easily absolve myself of all the harm he would go on to cause others.

Friends said I should forward her message to the company HR but I didn’t want it to go any further. (Side note: I still speak to former coworkers and she’s still there several months past the end date of the PIP she told me about.) It’s a lot (and I’m leaving out a ton) but I’d love to hear how you think it should have been handled.

There’s a lot going on here!

To start, I agree with your coworker that the VP should have been fired. That’s a disgusting racist and sexualized comment, and someone who thinks it’s okay to say that — on a call with multiple people, no less — and when he’s brand new to the job, no less — is someone who has terrible judgment and terrible character, and it’s going to come out in other ways. When a brand new employee is saying crap like that, usually it’s better for an employer to just cut their losses and be done.

That’s true even though it didn’t bother you! It’s okay that you weren’t bothered; you’re allowed to have whatever reactions you want to things like that, and no one should be criticizing or second-guessing you for not being angry enough. But even with you not being bothered, your employer should be deeply bothered that their new VP thinks that’s an okay thing to say, and they should want to ensure someone like that doesn’t work for them — completely independently of how strongly you did or didn’t feel about it. (After all, think about all the horribly offensive things someone could say at work; it wouldn’t become okay if the target wasn’t that upset. As an employer, you don’t want people making comments like that in your workplace, period.)

Now, maybe the deputy took such offense to the VP’s words because she was already predisposed to dislike him. But it’s also perfectly plausible that she took offense because it was genuinely offensive. It’s also possible that the two things fed off each other; I could imagine someone in her shoes thinking, “They hired this unqualified guy over me, and now he’s spewing racist and sexualized BS on work calls and no one is doing anything?” Either way, it’s so reasonable to be disgusted by the VP that I don’t think the deputy’s previous dislike of him really matters. What he said is unacceptable no matter how anyone felt about him before it happened.

However, the deputy’s behavior to you crossed a line too. She should have accepted it when you told her how you felt about it and not pushed you to feel the way she thought you should. That doesn’t mean she shouldn’t have reported it, though — she should have (because, again, the comment was objectively a problem for bystanders and for your company). It’s possible that she worried you felt pressure to say you weren’t bothered when you really were; that’s a thing that happens, and it’s one of the reasons (but not the only reason) that companies need to act on bigotry even if the target doesn’t push them to. But she shouldn’t have hassled you about it. And she definitely shouldn’t have blamed you for her boss retaliating against her later (and you were absolutely right when you told her to report the retaliation) or said you’d be responsible for future harm he caused. If this guy caused future harm, he would be responsible for that, not you. She shouldn’t have tried to make you feel responsible — and ironically, for someone who was so concerned about the original offense, she didn’t seem concerned about subjecting you to more blowback from the incident.

So no, you’re not wrong. That VP is a racist ass, but your coworker wrongly shifted the blame to you for not responding as strongly she thought you should.

our “neurodiversity awareness panel” was a letdown, coworker is stonewalling me, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go…

1. Our “neurodiversity awareness panel” was just about dyslexia

I work for a large engineering firm that has an active Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion committee, which recently organized a Neurodiversity Awareness Panel webinar. As someone who was diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at a young age and who for various reasons has not disclosed this to my manager or others at my firm, I was very interested to attend. I was somewhat surprised when the panel then turned out to consist of four people with dyslexia.

I don’t mean to minimize the issues people with dyslexia can face in the workplace (some of the panelists spoke very eloquently on this) but I came away from the panel feeling very disheartened. The discussion was very much focussed on “tell everyone! Be proud of who you are!” which is advice that, frankly, just doesn’t apply to everyone who is neurodivergent. The stigmas around dyslexia, though definitely real, are very different than those around ASD. One particularly tone-deaf piece of advice was to disclose your diagnosis in your email signature. My role means I’m regularly contacting people for the first time, both within and outside our company, and I can’t imagine emailing external clients with a line in my signature saying, “By the way, I’m autistic!” as my first impression.

I feel dyslexia is one of the less “spicy” neurodivergences, borne out by the fact that during the discussion several listeners added their thoughts about their experiences with dyslexia, but no one with another condition said anything (I wonder why?). As is often the case, the most socially acceptable neurodivergence seem to be the ones getting the airtime.

How should I handle this? The organizers of the webinar asked for feedback and I want to tell them that this event made me feel more excluded, not less. At the same time, it wasn’t all bad — I was glad the organizers described the phrase “everyone’s a bit autistic” as a microaggression to be avoided, as this phrase does make me pretty cross when I hear it. Still, though, I don’t know how I can raise the topic without disclosing my own diagnosis, and would welcome your thoughts on if this is even a battle I should fight.

Yeah, that’s a panel on dyslexia more than it’s a panel on neurodiversity more broadly, and I can see why you were disappointed; it’s one small and fairly specific piece of the neurodivergent universe.

I’d love for you to give candid feedback about this because your organization clearly needs to hear it, and they’ve requested it. But if you haven’t chosen to disclose your autism at work, I’m hesitant to tell you to do it in service of this.

Is there any avenue for anonymous feedback? I’m not usually a huge fan of anonymous feedback, but it’s actually pretty well suited for something like this.

2. My coworker is stonewalling me

I have a colleague who I cross-collaborate with in a different department. I have supervisory authority within his department but don’t manage him directly. He came to me with a special request for their staff, which I denied because it didn’t make sense for all departments and would have been a logistic nightmare.

After I declined his special request, he moved forward with the request anyway, causing a lot of stress and mistrust across departments. I spoke to my boss and his boss about the issue, and he was reprimanded. He has since decided to stonewall me: sending my calls to voicemail, not responding to my emails, and now walking out of rooms I enter. I attempted to communicate with him, but he refused to acknowledge that I was speaking with him and pretended to be busy. I even said his name and that we needed to have a conversation and he just blinked and continued to type on his computer. I walked away and dropped it.

We still have areas we need to communicate about and collaborate on. I understand this professional relationship cannot be repaired, but how do I move forward and continue to do my job?

Go back to your boss and explain what’s happening. Be specific about the ways in which he’s freezing you out and the effect it’s having on your ability to do your job. Your coworker’s stonewalling is unacceptable; he doesn’t need to like you, but he does need to treat you professionally and not ignore your work requests. But based on his behavior so far, you’re not going to be able to resolve this on your own; someone with authority over him needs to intervene.

3. My friend accused me of getting him fired, but I didn’t

I’m a freelance writer who works for various companies, along with some colleagues who I also consider to be my friends. One of these places has a strict policy against receiving free products from companies in exchange for favorable coverage, which is made clear to contributors like me. There have been instances of people being found out or caught by the company, in ways I’m not entirely aware of. (Supposedly writers are monitored or word gets around and management puts two and two together. It’s also possible that other people rat them out.)

A writer friend of mine was fired from this place because he violated this policy. He sent me a message saying that I was two-faced. At the time, I didn’t respond because I was shocked by it.

I still feel wary around him. My non-work friends say he’s not my friend if he thinks that about me. I reassured him that I had nothing to do with it, but I’m wondering if I should have at the time reached out to the company or asked my friend further about why he thought that.

You definitely shouldn’t contact the company about it since you’re not involved in whatever happened, and this is between them and a different freelancer.

But yeah, if a friend accuses of you of something and you have no idea what they’re talking about, it makes sense to try to clear up that miscommunication … unless the friend has a pattern of that sort of thing and you’re just done investing energy in it. In this case, I’m curious about whether your friend is normally hot-headed/jumps to conclusions without getting all the facts/is quick to blame people for things they didn’t do. If not and this is out of character for him, it makes sense to try to straighten out whatever the confusion is.

Also: if your friend was indeed taking comps in exchange for media coverage, that’s a huge deal and can destroy a publication’s credibility (as you know). If someone reported him for that, it’s awfully un-self-aware for his response to be anger that someone shared it rather than looking at his own actions.

4. I think an employer is blowing me off — should I complain?

On January 2, I went to a job interview. It is an exciting opportunity. It pays about the same as what I am making now, but it is more related to my field of study, so I applied as soon as I saw it.

I felt the interview went well. The three people who interviewed me said they would be in touch within a week or two. They were all friendly and I felt I left a good impression on them.

Two days after the interview, I sent the HR manager a note. I told her it was a pleasure to meet her, I thanked her for the time, and asked what the next step was in the hiring process. She said they would make a hiring decision within two weeks and would get back to me.

After two weeks, I did not hear back from anyone, so I emailed her. I wanted to let her know I was still interested in the position, and asked if she had made a decision yet. She said no, they were still interviewing people, and hadn’t made any decisions yet, but told me to keep in touch. I told her I understand because they mentioned the office is short-staffed.

Last week, I emailed her again. I just asked if she had any updates about the position yet, and again she said no decisions have been made yet and thanked me for keeping in touch.

This week will will be four weeks since the interview, and I am becoming disappointed with how I am being treated by HR. I feel like I am being given the runaround, and the HR manager did not reach out in the timeframe she said she would. I am tempted to send her a polite but firm letter expressing disappointment with her lack of transparency and follow-up in regards to the hiring process.

I am willing to wait another two weeks, but my patience has its limits. I don’t like evasive people. My mother thinks I should just tell the HR manager to shove it, since she clearly didn’t keep her word and follow-up as she said she would. She feels the company is blowing me off by giving non-committal answers. I haven’t sent anything else yet. Do you think I am overreacting, or is the HR manager being irresponsible here?

You’re overreacting, and you should not say anything like this to the HR manager.

Hiring always takes longer than the people involved think it will. Things come up, higher priorities get in the way, decision-makers go out of town, budget issues have to be resolved, someone resigns and the manager needs to think about whether that changes the profile of what they’re hiring for … and on and on. It doesn’t matter how conscientious employers are about trying to provide realistic timelines; it’s really common for things to come up and cause delays. I suggest taking any timeline you’re given, doubling it, and then adding two weeks to that — and even then, don’t be surprised if it takes longer.

The employer isn’t being evasive with you. They’re not being deceptive. It’s just taking longer. They are giving you non-committal answers because that’s all they have right now. Chastising them over that might make you feel better in the moment, but it will make you look like you don’t understand how this stuff works and will probably kill any chances you had there, now or in the future.

This employer knows that you’re interested. If they want to hire you, they will let you know. You do not need to keep contacting them. The best thing you can do is to assume you didn’t get the job for now, put it out of your mind, and let it be a pleasant surprise if it turns out you did. You don’t need to keep following up with them (and the fact that you keep checking back in and are tracking it this closely is almost certainly making you more antsy about it).

Don’t take any more job advice from your mom; she steered you really wrong here.

5. I don’t want to shake hands at work

I’ve been out of the workforce for a few years, and I expect to return soon-ish. In the past, I had no problem shaking hands, but now I’d rather not — partly because I have some joint damage in two fingers (from a mild autoimmune disorder), but mostly because I was seriously ill and immunocompromised during much of the past year. I’m no longer willing to shake hands and expose myself to Covid/other ailments.

I read a February 2020 question on your site, written by “a moderate germaphobe” who didn’t want to shake hands but who didn’t reference Covid, because this was before the world embarked on pandemic precautions. Under those circumstances, you replied that it’s okay for the non-shaker to say warmly to the interviewer(s), etc., “I don’t shake hands, but it’s very nice to meet you.”

My concern is that, because most people don’t fear Covid anymore and perhaps think that no one should — and it’s become a political football rather than a public health matter — my refusing to shake hands will make me seem like some overly cautious weirdo. Will I make a bad impression on interviewers, etc. if I follow your 2020 advice even though the world is very different now? (I would hope that Covid would have made safety precautions more accepted, but that seems not to be the case.)

Covid is still a good reason not to shake hands, but you’re not wrong that some people may have Opinions about that. I tend to think you’re better off screening out any potential employer who objects to someone taking Covid precautions (what are they going to be like in the next pandemic, or about safety in general?) but I also wouldn’t worry a ton about it — because there are other reasons people don’t shake hands too (hand injury, religious reasons, other medical reasons, etc.).

So yes, this still works: “I don’t shake hands but it’s very nice to meet you.” The key — and this is really important — is to say it very warmly. Go out of your way to put friendliness in your voice, face, and body language so people don’t think you’re being chilly.

how to work with a friend who has stopped talking to me

A reader writes:

I could use help with handling a work friendship that is going through some ick.

Lou is a remote worker (now in another country) whom I have never met in person. Shortly after he started a few years ago, we became close friends even with that distance. We’ve provided personal and professional support to each other, especially with our mental health struggles (ADHD/PTSD for him, anxiety for me). We chat online frequently about personal issues and about the projects we work on together.

This past year he has gone quiet a few times, usually when dealing with personal issues. By quiet, I mean he stops daily personal chats and check-ins. It affects me as his “disappearance” is sudden and without explanation before or after. I haven’t addressed with him how this affects me because being direct is something I’m still working on and I don’t want him to feel poorly about it if he’s struggling.

Six weeks ago, he “disappeared” again, only interacting with me regarding work issues. I’ve chatted to him a few times that I’m concerned and checking in and he either doesn’t respond or just talks about something else without acknowledging my post. I alternate between trying to be an understanding supportive friend and feeling hurt and angry.

It’s clear to me that he is not going to talk about it which is hard as we have talked about everything. But I also get sometimes we can get into a mental health space where we just can’t. If that’s the case, I’d appreciate even something as simple as “I’m struggling and can’t talk right now but will try to when I feel better” — just something to acknowledge that yes, something is up and he’ll be back when he can be.

Now to the main issue. A new project is ramping up and we will need to work together closely again. I’ve decided not to keep checking in as I’ve made it clear I’m here if he wants to talk and additional checking in could just add pressure and make things worse. However, if we need to meet (virtually) 1:1 to discuss work stuff, there will be an elephant in the room — at least for me.

Normally, I would want to at least acknowledge that there’s an elephant present (i.e., his lack of personal interactions like before) but I’m concerned it could just make things worse. Yet not acknowledging it feels fake.

Any suggestions on how to address this (or even if I should) in our next meeting? I’m ready to leave it up to him now regarding our friendship, but still need to be able to work professionally while dealing with my anger and hurt in therapy.

If you talk to people on Lou’s side of this — people who periodically “disappear” from their friendships for mental health reasons — they will consistently tell you this: It’s them, not you, and the kindest thing you can do is not to take it personally. When it happens, it’s because they’re struggling in some way (often depression, sometimes something else). Yes, everyone on the receiving end of it would appreciate a note like the one you want (“I’m struggling and can’t talk right now”) but one of the defining features of this kind of retreat is that people in the midst of it often can’t. Sometimes that’s because they’re barely staying afloat doing the things required to keep their jobs and feed themselves, sometimes it’s because their depression is telling them no one wants to hear from them, and sometimes it’s something else.

That doesn’t mean that you just need to accept that in a friendship. It’s a gift to the person who’s struggling if you can, but it’s also okay for you to decide it’s too difficult on you or it’s just not a relationship that works for you, and you can decide to distance yourself. You’re allowed to do that!

But either way, I strongly recommend that you not take it personally; don’t be angry, don’t be hurt, don’t make his silence An Issue between you. I know that’s easier said than done, but it’s almost certainly not about you in any way. “Don’t be hurt” in this situation means “choose to see that Lou’s behavior is a sign he’s struggling, rather than happening at you.”

Of course, that all assumes that you know Lou well enough to know that’s what’s really going on. If this were a different set of circumstances — if you could see him online being a gregarious social butterfly with everyone but you, or if he kept picking fights with you before going silent, or if it seemed like he was reacting to something you said or did — I’d give different advice. But from everything you’ve said, this is about Lou’s mental health, not a reflection of his feelings about your friendship.

As for what that means for the work relationship … don’t address his going quiet. You’ve already tried to do that in a social context, and he ignored it. Trying again as part of the new project you’re working on together would be using work to force him to talk about a social situation that he’s already indicated he doesn’t want to talk about. This is part of the deal with work friendships — if something happens in the friendship, you’ve still got to carry on working together, and you can’t bring any friendship awkwardness into the work piece of things. He knows you want to talk about what happened, because you communicated that. He’s declined. You shouldn’t use the work context to push it again.

Does that suck? Yes! And if Lou tries to resume the friendship at some point, you might conclude that it’s not a dynamic you’re up for anymore. But meanwhile, assume he’s doing the best he can with whatever’s going on, mentally reassign him to the category of “colleague I have good will toward but not a deeper relationship with at this moment in time,” and approach the project through that framework.

how can I make our on-site perks fair for our remote employees?

A reader writes:

I manage a team that’s a mix of on-site employees and remote workers. I’m intentional about keeping my remote workers included in both regular work-related and social/sidebar conversations.

However, we’ll sometimes order lunch for everyone in the office or have an occasional pizza party. What’s something related I can do for my remote workers if I’m going to feed the crew on-site? I don’t want to leave them out if I’m announcing in chat that there’s pizza and snacks in the central conference room. Do you have advice on something thoughtful I can do in these situations?

I answer this question — and three others — over at Inc. today, where I’m revisiting letters that have been buried in the archives here from years ago (and sometimes updating/expanding my answers to them). You can read it here.

Other questions I’m answering there today include:

  • Employee says she got “yelled at” when I give her feedback
  • How can I get candidates to submit good cover letters?
  • Using an email auto-reply to tell people I’m not on email that day, even though I’m working

my new coworker is obsessed with other people’s weight

A reader writes:

I recently started a position at an organization working on a long-term project with two others (my boss and a colleague, “Brad,” who is in the same position as I am). Given the nature of our industry, the three of us will work closely together for a long time without much work-related interaction with others. So far I get along with both well, but I’ve recently noticed something about Brad that’s putting me off a bit. In nearly every conversation we’ve had so far (some not work-related, others tangentially related), Brad has brought up people being fat/overweight. For example, I might mention someone I know in our industry and he’ll say, “Oh, that big fat guy,” or we’re talking about a news story and he mentions how a public figure has gotten “really fat” or how a celebrity “looks like he won’t make it past 30” because of his weight.

I find this completely weird and inappropriate. These instances have taken place in a short period of time, so the weight of others seems to be a bit of an obsession for Brad. Not that it matters, but for context, none of the three of us are overweight and nor are many people in our department. But my partner (who Brad hasn’t met but will eventually) is a bit overweight and I find his comments bizarre and offensive.

How should I respond when he makes these comments? After one instance when it had happened a few times, I said something along the lines of “that’s an interesting thing to focus on.” But based on how frequently it’s happened so far, I expect he’ll make similar comments again. We will be working very closely together over the next several years so I’d like to maintain a good working relationship and not involve our supervisor if possible. But these comments have made me rethink the way I perceived Brad, made me feel uncomfortable, and I worry will impact my ability to have a collegial relationship with him.

Yeah, Brad is being rude.

It’s rude to comment on other people’s bodies, and it’s rude to keep bringing up weight to a captive audience (like in a workplace).

The approach you’ve tried so far — “that an interesting thing to focus on” — is the kind of hint someone more attuned to other people’s comfort might have picked up on. But apparently that’s not Brad, so it’s worth being more direct. Some examples:

  • “I don’t like commenting on other people’s bodies like that. I’d rather you not do it around me.”
  • “I don’t want to talk about other people’s weight.”
  • “That’s a rude thing to say about someone.”
  • “That’s such an awful way to speak about someone.”
  • “Wow, please don’t talk about other people’s bodies that way.”
  • “Can you lay off the weight talk?”

I’m guessing you might feel a little uneasy about being that direct or you would have done it already. But think of this as an investment in your working relationship with Brad: If you don’t spell it out clearly for him, he’s going to continue making the comments, and it’s going to keep affecting your working relationship and how you view him.

Moreover, what you’ll be asking for is a reasonable request, and if he takes issue with that, it’s a sign that he’s a boor who was going to cause problems sooner or later, so you might as well flush it out now if it’s the case. On the other hand, if he’s a reasonably decent person who just hasn’t thought very deeply on this topic, then it’s a favor to him to let him know how his comments are landing. A decent person would want the chance to modify their behavior if they were inadvertently offending a colleague.

You’re going to learn a lot more about Brad by how he responds. (Reserve judgment for a few days, though. Some people don’t respond well to being called out in the moment because they’re embarrassed but do end up changing their behavior afterwards.)