I saw an email I wasn’t supposed to see March 6, 2019 A reader writes: I have a very strange and awkward predicament at my job. I have recently been asked to be able to send emails on behalf of my boss, and what that means is I now have access to his email account. Today I logged in to send an email correspondence and one of […]
employee missed work after birthday drinking, interviewer hung up on me, and more January 9, 2019 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Employee missed work because of birthday drinking An employee I manage called out today due to being hospitalized over the weekend for alcohol poisoning. The employee went out to celebrate their birthday over the weekend and overdid it on the partying. I realize this is […]
non-serious dates at the holiday party, training students to answer the phone, and more December 7, 2018 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. How do I downscale our holiday celebration? I manage a wonderful staff — they are all dedicated, responsible, mature, and get along very well with each other. They are also all, to generalize, introverts (as am I). Over the past nine years, I established a […]
taking weeks off a new job to let a tattoo heal, our intern brings slime to work, and more August 7, 2018 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Can I take several weeks off from my new job to let a new tattoo heal? I was hired for a full-time, post-university job and I start in two weeks. When I start the job, I won’t have any vacation or time off for the […]
my coworker keeps interrupting me in person rather than emailing, despite my many requests July 19, 2018 A reader writes: I was promoted to a lead position within my company earlier this year, which means that I am not a manager but I am responsible for delegating tasks and overseeing projects. A slightly more junior person was recently assigned to assist me on a project. His manager insists that his work is high-quality, […]
can I ask people to put requests in writing, boss asked me not to wear leggings, and more March 2, 2018 It’s four answers to four questions. Here we go… 1. Can I ask people to make requests in writing? I’m an administrative assistant for a firm of about 35 people. I handle a large amount of ad hoc work, and people here sort of have a habit of just mentioning what they need from me […]
what if I can’t succeed in the world of work? February 12, 2018 A reader writes: I’m a professional in my late twenties. I spent my twenties getting some degrees and doing fellowships, internships, and various contract jobs. Through all of that, I landed a great full-time job – not my dream job, but maybe 60% my dream job. Coming in, I knew it would be a bit […]
my former boss wants a log of all my work, “tell us in 140 characters why you’re perfect for the job,” and more October 18, 2017 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My former boss wants a detailed log of all my work I was recently hired into a small retail company, and after two weeks I resigned. I’ve never quit a job in my life; my last one was six years long, I had the best performance […]
my boss is questioning the need for my child’s medical care October 11, 2017 A reader writes: Recently my seven-year-old son’s pediatrician has recommended that he be evaluated by a psychologist for ADHD and giftedness. He has had some behavior challenges at home and at school. We live in a small town an hour’s drive away from any larger town or city, and the options for psychological care nearby […]
update: I want to complain about an annoying customer who works at the store next to ours June 2, 2016 Remember the letter-writer who wanted to complain about an annoying customer who worked at a neighboring store? Here’s the update. I did not complain. I understand I was being stupid and foolish. It was the Christmas season, so I was stressed out by the constant barrage of rude customers, and I guess I wanted revenge. I’ve learned […]