gimmicks won’t get you a job

Thinking of putting your face on a billboard or sending your interviewer a plant? Don’t do it! Gimmicks almost never work when you’re job hunting.

don’t buy a professionally designed resume

A reader writes: I was wondering what your thoughts are on super fancy resumes like the ones available from Loft Resumes and other outlets that offer professionally designed and custom typeset resumes. I had a friend on Facebook complaining about them, but he also said a lot of his friends think they are a great way […]

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bombarding an employer with unsolicited recommendations can backfire

Here’s something that happened recently when I was hiring for an open position: A candidate emailed her resume and cover letter to me. She was borderline-qualified — not a complete stretch but not obviously competitive with some of the other candidates … but that’s the not the interesting part. What’s interesting is that within an […]

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gimmicks have no place in the hiring process

I want to highlight something that I just posted in response to a comment on yesterday’s post, because I think it’s a message worth repeating more widely. This is in response to a question about using nice paper for your resume or sending it by Priority Mail: The day that I’m giving candidates extra credit for using […]

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let’s ring the death knell for postal mail in the hiring process

Several people have asked me recently about whether there’s any advantage to sending your resume — or later follow-up — by postal mail. I’m sure there are still some hiring managers out there who would disagree, but I hate postal mail in the hiring process for the following reasons: 1. It takes extra time. I keep […]

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being intentionally late to an interview as a strategy

A reader writes: I’d like to share a job search tip with you (or at least receive your opinion about it). A resume attempts to showcase past achievements but it doesn’t do much to demonstrate a candidate’s character. So I deliberately call in late to the interview. About a half hour before the interview time, […]

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dropping off your resume in person

A reader writes: What type of cover letter should you write to go with your resume when you are going to drop off your resume at several different companies? I have several years experience in the loan processing field and want to go to companies in this field and ask if it is ok to […]

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should you show up without an appointment?

A reader writes: I know you cannot just send in your resume online and expect to get called. It is those applicants that are willing to try new things that might have a chance. I really want this job that was posted online. I have the experience and it would be such a good fit. […]

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