update: when should I tell a prospective employer that I’m transgender and in the midst of transitioning?

Remember the letter-writer last fall who was wondering when to tell prospective employers that she was transgender and in the process of transitioning? Here’s the update.

Back in October (I think?), I didn’t interview as female. I wore androgynous attire, but I kept my legal name and didn’t say a word about transitioning. It was possibly self-evident, especially later when I was hired and the uniform clearly showed breasts, and I wore makeup and had long hair and was relatively often referred to as female by the customers. I never said anything officially though. I spent my time there as a Christmas employee and was kept on for a while, but the job stopped suiting me so well so I searched for and found a second job.

That one I interviewed for as female, with the name I go by and live with, which will soon be my legal name. I didn’t say anything about being transgender and they didn’t ask. My official documentation was still male, but I was hired as a female employee, with all the ins and outs that that entails. Some people in payroll and things probably know, but I don’t think that it was ever a company-wide alert that *a transgender employee was coming*. It’s normal, it’s easy, and people are nice. If there was a reason to say it, I would be honest about it, but there has been no reason at all to feel it’s something I should do yet. Most coworkers don’t *seem* to know, customers invariably gender me right, and it’s generally a really nice place to be at so relatively early in transition.

I’m having trouble framing this in less of a “personal success” way and more of a “business/employment strategies and tactics” way, because I’m aware that I was very lucky, and a lot of the success I influence myself comes from my personality as much as it does from smart tactics, I think. So if anyone would want at any time to ask me about specific things, that’d be fine by me, but otherwise I haven’t much left to say, other than to thank you all for the comments and suggestions, and for your original piece. It wasn’t useful to me back at the time because I was too shy to try any of this, but it was useful the second round of interviews around :)

{ 80 comments… read them below }

  1. Batshua*


    I’m so glad things worked out well for you, OP!

    (With love from a femme-presenting enby. :D)

  2. Cynical Lackey*

    I am glad you found a reasonable and decent place to work. Hopefully you are in a place other than North Carolina or Mississippi. Good luck to you,

  3. Anon for now*

    Yay, glad it’s worked out well! My sister’s in the middle of transitioning, and fortunately has had a very supportive workplace. It helps that it’s a really big organization with a liberal culture, so she’s not the first employee to transition, and HR is VERY clear on gender expression being a legally protected thing. Our culture is slowly but surely getting better about this.

    1. HyacinthB*

      Very late to this thread, but glad to have happened across it as someone very close to me is transitioning and likely will come out at work soon. It’s nice to know how much things have changed in recent years that so many people are so open, accepting and matter of fact about it.

  4. KT*

    Oh thank goodness. I have a dear friend who transitioned and her work place made it a nightmare.

    1. TransAnon*

      I know it’s a bit off topic here, but I’d be very interested to hear more about this either on this post or in the Friday open thread if you and/or your friend would be willing to share.

      I’m in the process of transitioning right now, and I’m the first person to do so openly at my workplace, so I’d like some idea of issues to keep an eye out for. I’m kind of hoping that I might be able to help my boss and HR create an outline of a plan for this kind of thing, in case it comes up again.

      1. Proof is in the pudding*

        I was told by two separate employers that I had to keep being trans (genderqueer) a secret in front of the young people we worked with. Apparently it would be “distracting and damaging to their education” if i did anything other than pretend to be a woman…

        Another workplace kept outing me by sending automatically generated payslips and other paperwork with my old name through the internal mail without an envelope.

        At another workplace I was harassed by a TERF colleague and they did nothing about it.

        You did ask for bad stuff that could happen…

        I’ve got loads of good examples of supportive workplaces +/ colleagues too!

    2. Sanguine Aspect*

      I have a friend and former co-worker who transitioned while at the company we worked at together. She worked remotely a lot and had agreed with HR and her boss to allow her to work remotely 100% of the time while she went through facial reconstruction and more intense hormone treatments. When she’d recovered from surgery, she returned to the office presenting as female and with a new name! HR agreed to let her send a company-wide email, where she basically “came out.” She explained how she’d felt her whole life, what a difficult process it was. She also wrote about how she trusted the people at the company to treat her with respect and that she acknowledged that people might be curious–and she invited people to email her or talk to her in person to ask her questions. In other words: she was Brave. As. Fuck. This was at a company of about 300 people, where we all knew one another fairly well, and it turned out okay.

      @TransAnon – I think your idea of helping HR create an outline or a plan is a WONDERFUL idea. I hope you do!

      1. many bells down*

        Mr. Bells works in video games, and where he is now there’s been probably a dozen employees that have come out in the last few years. They do the company email thing: “Frank Smith in the art department is now Amanda Smith. Please adjust all communications accordingly.”

        I think that sets the tone for how it’s to be dealt with there; matter-of-fact and not a big deal.

    3. Mabel*

      Before I started with my current company – 15 years ago! – I temporarily filled in on the help desk for someone who was having surgery related to transitioning. I’m pretty sure the co-workers should not have told me that’s why the person was out of the office, but they were matter-of-fact about it, like it was no big deal. This ended up being the same company I got a full time job with a few weeks later, and I’m still there.

      They are a gigantic, global (U.S.) company, and they’re great on things like this. There are a lot of women, LGBTQ people, people of color, and people from all over the world (not just people from the U.S.) in positions of power.

  5. KT*

    So…I read the “related article” on “is my coworker using the right bathroom?” and nearly threw up because of the hateful comments. Then I realized that came out in 2010. Compared to now, even the tone here is so different, and thank goodness.

    Well done, AAM!

    1. Rachel Paterson*

      I did the same thing. I kept having to remind myself that nowadays, the comments would be so much nicer, and people wouldn’t be throwing around slurs, incorrect terminology and harmful ideas. Thank god it’s much better now! :D

    2. A Cita*

      Yeah, I also read that and was shocked. We really have come a long way.

      When I was 20 in the very early 90s and worked as a graphic designer in the Bay Area, I had a client who was transitioning. I helped to prepare a brief for her employer to explain why she would start coming into work presenting as female. I edited her story, designed the brief, worked with her for days to get it right. It affected me deeply. I was so impressed by her–she showed me how important self actualization was, even when it’s hard, when you get push back, when you lose people you love, and when it doesn’t feel safe. She made a huge impression on my young impressionable self–learning about her journey really shaped some core things about myself. I was incredibly grateful that I got such an intimate look at what life is like for someone transgender. This was very early 90s, and people were really ignorant about it at the time. I’ve always been very open minded and accepting, but getting the chance so early to deeply understand is something I will always value. I’m so grateful. And I am so thrilled to see things changing (even from 2010).

  6. Ms. Didymus*

    This made me smile. Hiring on a transgendered person should be as noneventful as hiring on anyone.

    1. Anon For This*

      +1 My dad (trans* man) says his life goal is for him to be boring/ignored. Anything about him should be a non-issue (obviously except for his cooking, which is horrible…except his spaghetti sauce, I still haven’t figured that one out). He is a political activist and he hopes eventually for people to look at him in confusion and say, “Why? Why is that even a thing?” :-)

    2. Ell*

      Just a helpful FYI, the correct terminology is “transgender” without the “ed.” It’s an adjective not a noun :)

      1. Ms. Didymus*

        While I appreciate that, it can actually be both. Just as a name, a person or a situation can be “gendered” they can also be “transgendered”

        Live and learn :)

        1. Anon for now*

          Except the trans community widely dislikes the term “transgendered”, to the point of it being considered a bit offensive, so it’s probably better to live and learn yourself. :) There’s a great Time article if you google (I’ll get screened if I post the link).

          And you wouldn’t say a person is ‘gendered’; that’s weird. A person has a gender, a thing is gendered. Transgender has never been a verb in the same way. I’m not ‘womaned’, or ‘Chinesed’, or ‘gayed’– transgender people aren’t ‘transgendered’.

        2. Elliot*

          No, transgender is always an adjective. Someone can’t be transgendered anymore than they can be gayed. They also can’t be “a transgender.” They are “transgender” or “a transgender person.” “Transgenderism” is also not a word. Not a big deal, but “transgendered” and “transgenderism” are usually used in a derogatory sense, though I doubt many trans people would be offended by it. It’s simply incorrect.

          Transsexual is different. For instance, Elliot is “a transsexual,” “a transsexual man,” and has received appropriate treatment for “transsexualism.” However, many trans people don’t like the word “transsexual” because of it’s association with transgender sex workers. Personally, I prefer it for reasons that probably aren’t very interesting to many of you.

          There is a lot of debate even within the trans community about language because of the currently (and previously) volatile state of transgender rights. When in doubt, ask. Most of us don’t mind answering questions, as long as they’re above the belt and at appropriate times :)

      2. i'm anon*

        It’s so interesting how terminology preferences change. In ~2007 (when I was first accessing English-language internet-based trans resources) “transgendered” was more widely used. I do agree that it sounds dated and many people dislike it today though.

  7. YaYa*

    Yay! So happy you’re happy, and I sincerely appreciate your update giving me a smile today. :)

  8. AMT*

    I’ve been struggling with this question as a trans guy, too. I look male, and between testosterone and powerlifting, no one believes it when I tell them I’m trans. My paperwork is all in order. On one hand, this means that I can slip under the radar during the hiring process, especially since I have no work history as a woman. On the other hand, it might come up on the background check, so I’m wondering whether I should disclose it during the offer stage. My field (social work) is pretty liberal and I haven’t really had problems when coworkers found out, but I’m paranoid that some day an offer will get withdrawn because someone has a problem with trans people.

    I’m fielding several job offers now, so if anyone has dealt with this (or has insight into the hiring process/background checks/whatever), your thoughts are welcome.

    1. Tammy*

      I work for a company that deals with credit card and health data, and so we background check all of our employees.

      To the immediate question (background checks), my advice is that being open and honest about who you are is likely to be much less harmful to your chances than being perceived as having lied/hidden stuff. I just told the HR person “when you do a background check, you’ll also turn up records under ‘FormerName’ because I’m transgender and I had a legal name change.” And that was that. It shouldn’t be a big deal. If the fact that you’re transgender is a big deal, that might be a sign that you don’t want to work there. Do you really want to work for a company that “has a problem with trans people”?

      To the larger issue, when I was interviewing, I was up front with HR and the hiring managers about my identity as a transgender woman, and – frankly – my authenticity and transparency are part of why I was hired and why I’ve been able to accomplish all that I have here (two promotions, now managing a team of 20+ people, a ton of credibility with my leadership and our executives/management team). At least where I live (California) I’ve managed to turn my story as a trans woman into a powerful narrative about courage in the face of adversity, about showing up authentically even when that’s scary, and about living from a place of deep integrity.

      The calculus might be different in other kinds of roles, or in other places, but again…if someone is going to look at who I am, what I’ve accomplished, and all that I have to offer and choose not to hire me because I’m a trans woman? Well, that’s a pretty good sign that company and I aren’t a good match for one another.

      1. LabMonkey*

        I hadn’t thought to present my transition (?) as a narrative. This is so smart! Thank you. I’m agender and really struggling with a job hunt and when to disclose, because being misgendered is uncomfortable and I’d rather not, but I couldn’t work out how to frame it for people who might have never (knowingly) met another trans person before.

    2. Clever Name*

      I’m not trans, so these thoughts come from my own perspective, but when companies or the government performs a background check, you have a place to indicate aliases or former names. I put my maiden name down as well as the nickname I go by that is not my legal name (but is a not very common diminutive of). I think it would make sense to put whatever name you went by before your transition, since it may still be linked to your SSN. I would almost be inclined to include a former name without comment. It’s really not anyone’s business, but background checks tend to get all up in your business by their very nature, so…

      1. Not Karen*

        Ditto. The background check form will ask for any former names; no need for you to volunteer this information outside of the form.

        1. Elliot*

          In my field, though, background check forms usually come up after an offer is made. It’s legal to rescind an offer/terminate employment in most places based on gender identity, and happens frequently enough to worry about. I choose to disclose it at the offer stage, something like, “hey, my background check is going to show that I’m a transsexual. It is legal to rescind this offer based on that, but I need to know if that’s going to happen before we move forward.” It still feels awkward and irrelevant, but I need to be sure that it is a valid offer before putting in notice at a position that accepts me. Because of my field, which is also somewhat conservative, I generally work at small organizations that don’t have companywide anti discrimination policies protecting gender identity, having an offer pulled over being “Eliza” in a previous life (and having a maiden name, too, which implies less than desirable things about my sexual orientation, oh boy) is a very real fear.

    3. Not another Aidan*

      I have undergone multiple background checks and have never listed a previous name on an application or background check form. I have also never told an employer of my transition-related history. I have never once had a problem with passing any sort of background or credit check. As far as I can tell, the only thing they really care about in background checks is whether you have a criminal history or really bad credit (neither of which should automatically be a disqualification, IMO, but I didn’t make the system). I have no criminal past and good credit. They’re not getting anything else from me.

      My advice is not to give them your previous name or to tell them about your trans* status unless you actively want to. What is the worst that can happen to you? They figure out you have a previous name and ask you about why it wasn’t on the form? You’d just tell them you forgot to fill out that form, oops, so sorry.

      1. Tammy*

        What is the worst that can happen to you? They figure out you have a previous name and ask you about why it wasn’t on the form? You’d just tell them you forgot to fill out that form, oops, so sorry.

        Depending on the rigor of the background check, the worst that can probably happen to you in the private sector is they say “you made a material misrepresentation on the background check form, and now we’re wondering what else you might have lied about” and you don’t get the job. To the extent you’re willing to take that risk, that’s fine, but not everyone is. I *have* been disqualified for a job in the past (after being the #1 ranked candidate out of 67, so their applicant tracking system told me) for this reason, so it can happen. The risk may be small, but it’s not zero.

        1. Elliot*

          If you get fingerprinted, you have to fil it out or be disqualified. If you try to cover it up, you will get caught and lose your offer.

          There are different types of background checks. Some are more like a credit check, some are more comprehensive. I work in human services. I am regularly fingerprinted. Previous names always have to be disclosed. ALWAYS. I would never, ever advise anyone to leave it off.

        2. Lindsey*

          I’d include the name on the form where it asks about any other names because you are right, it would look like material misrepresentation.

  9. Elliot*

    I’m debating this as well. I accepted the offer for my current job the day I started testosterone and disclosed it then, and began a position working heavily with the community two weeks later as a man when I wasn’t passable– nerves! Now, nobody can tell from looking at me, I’m legally male, and feel like it’s no one’s business, but i work ina conservative field with a lot of background checks, and I’m afraid I’ll have offers rescinded for it.

  10. AgarAgar*

    Glad to hear this! A close co-worker/friend is transitioning after less than a year at our employer, and I’m so happy with how it’s being handled. Since he’s in a very internal-client-facing role (basically everyone interacts with him at some point), the HR director sent a great email saying “While normally private matters remain private, sometimes it’s best to discuss issues openly to eliminate confusion. In this case, through discussions with X, we have decided to share this with all staff. X is transitioning from female to male, and will now go by the name Y. Starting today you can contact him at Y@company email and (skype name).” Then shared a video link from CNN about transgenderism, reminded all of our accepting and supportive company policies, and said that Y welcomed appropriate questions and respectful conversations. I think there was something about “we don’t expect everyone to be supportive, but we do expect everyone be respectful and henceforth refer to him as Y and transition to the correct pronoun usage.” I think it was very helpful in clarity and setting expectations. Unfortunately, we are in North Carolina, so he has bigger issues to be facing. :(

    1. TootsNYC*

      Actually, from *my* perspective, I’d say fortunately, you are in North Carolina–there’s hope!

      1. Chocolate Coffeepot*

        Not to derail the conversation, but it’s the legislature (with assistance from some heavy-duty gerrymandering) that wants to reset the clock to 1840. There are a lot of citizens who are fighting to return our state to the 21 st century! Please don’t think we are all behind the new law.

        1. Another person from NC*

          Yes, this! I think it’s great that people are noticing what’s happening in North Carolina and speaking out against it, but it’s frustrating when they assume that the NC citizens are behind it. The rampant gerrymandering makes it really hard for those of us who don’t support the current legislature to change it.

          I haven’t necessarily noticed people making that assumption on this site, but I have seen it elsewhere.

    2. KG*

      “we don’t expect everyone to be supportive, but we do expect everyone be respectful and henceforth refer to him as Y and transition to the correct pronoun usage.”

      I adore this phrasing. It’s kind of an adult version of “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”

  11. Pennalynn Lott*

    Way back in the mid-90’s I worked at IBM. There was a 6’2″ woman on my floor, who had an Adam’s apple and a permanent 5-o’clock shadow on her jaw line. I asked my boss (whom I was close to outside of work) about her, and he told me that she was in the process of transitioning from a man to a woman. I don’t even think the term “transgender” had been coined by then (or it wasn’t commonly used). I just remember thinking how much I loved IBM for being OK with a long-term employee making the change, including being supportive when she needed to take time off for various doctors’ appointments and whatnot. And that management shut down any gossip immediately, making it clear that acceptance was a condition of employment.

    I left that job after 3 years because it was an inside sales / call center thing, but I’m still proud to have once been an IBMer, based on that one thing over two decades ago.

  12. Geek*

    So glad this has a happy ending.

    I was born male. I want to be male. I’m attracted to females. I won the birth lottery. :-) That said, nobody has ever asked to see my penis when I started working or when I want to use my preferred bathroom.

    I’m hopeful that within my lifetime, we’ll have the first openly gay president. Maybe then the first transgender. What’s between somebody’s legs should only concern his/her sexual partner.

  13. Prismatic Professional*

    I’m so happy that this worked out for you! :-) *high five* (If you want it of course.)

  14. justcourt*

    I generally try not to read comments on news stories because they are invariably close minded and hateful, but I’ve seen some comments about Alabama and Caitlyn Jenner recently that have been horrid.

    It’s nice to know that your workplace/co-workers have been supportive/quiet about your transition.

  15. Grand Mouse*

    I’m so happy about this outcome! Maybe this is better for the open thread but what do you do if references use different pronouns for you, outing you?

    1. OP from the update*

      I’m kind of hoping for a diluting effect as time goes on. This job is the first I’ve held with a female name; my name is not yet legally changed. Nobody but certain members of management and possibly people in payroll know this, though, so when I move on from this job, I have them to use as a “female” reference.

      In applying for this job, I listed two references from a job I had for about four years, both of whom I notified might be contacted by the people hiring me, telling them they might call me “New Name.” They were fine with that, and I don’t know the nitty gritty of that conversation.

      My plan is that I’ll rack up a few different entry-level jobs and internships in my field of study in the next few years, all of which will be with my new name and pronouns, so I’ll naturally have newer, more relevant references to use who only knew me as female. :)

      1. Elliot*

        Hey, OP, I am there, too. I accepted my current position the day after I had my first testosterone injection and started working as a department head for the first time three weeks later– as a man for the first time in a work setting. My coworkers all know I am trans but I successfully (I think?) keep it a secret from my mentally ill and brain injured clients. While going through and all the awkward changes, feelings, and functions of a pubescent boy. Talk about nerves! I really feel you on this one. It’s overwhelming.

        But I, too, fell into it naturally. Both my jobs are incredibly supportive and almost everyone I’ve dealt with has been friendly, if not a little too curious. I have trans friends who’ve had both positive and negative experiences with employment.

        Being trans in the workplace is unpredictable, and it’s weird beyond weird. As of experiencing gender bias from the opposite side wasn’t odd enough on it’s own. From receiving frequent over the top but heartwarming fan mail about bravery from strangers to getting called into odd meetings with managers trying to accommodate surgeries you aren’t planning while making vague references to genitals to having colleagues and supervisors stare at your crotch instead of your eyes when they’re talking to you, it is truly bizarre. But it can be positive, and it’s freeing.

        1. OP from the update*

          Hey Elliot, yeah, it was pretty overwhelming starting this job. I was terrified to speak at my induction, in case I’d be immediately laughed at or given out to for the wrong dress code or anything. I was scared of being made to use a male bathroom and changing room. I was so scared of a lot of things (on the first day I actually wore a super low cut top and skinny jeans that barely conformed to dress code, just to give people a bit of a nudge in the right direction :P ). It seems to work out okay, at least for both of us, when you try to make it a natural and unremarkable thing. I have some acquaintances in real life who seem to dramatise the situation a little, at times, and I think that’s the worst thing a person can do!

          The newly gendered treatment is so strange to deal with, for sure. It’s an adjustment, but I’d been pretty used to it from daily life and when I’d go out anyway, so I at least had that to fall back on.

          It sounds like you’ve honestly had a stranger time than me, to be honest. Do you mind me asking if you’re American? I’m Irish, and we have a vastly more conservative social attitude around strangers. Fan mail or meetings like that sound like social anathema here, I can’t even imagine that being thrust on me. The worst I have had to deal with is just odd looks, or maybe an occasional wrong pronoun here and there (I seem to mostly pass now, or at least very very few people refer to me as a guy, but it happens). I honestly field more weird behaviour being perceived as a girl- personal space encroachment, people feel entitled to touch me, people younger (and shorter) than me calling me pet names, etc. etc., it’s a weird thing that validates me as a trans person who must be passing, but it really frustrates me as a feminist that I never dealt with it before, nor do my male coworkers hear it :P

          It’s so freeing, and I’m sorry that this response has been such a rambling, off-point one. I’m just finished work, actually, I was offered extra hours today and there’s a small possibility I could go full time, or at least work a higher bracket of hours, for the summer :) I’m really happy to hear things have gone so well with you, particularly considering that your job sounds much less like a typical young-person entry-level job- it seems that the more serious the job, the harder transition can tend to be on it. But you’re having a good time :)

  16. The Optimizer*

    I just have to say that hearing the OP’s follow up and all of the comments here from those who have transitioned is just so heartwarming and encouraging for the future of things despite the laws some states are trying to pass.

    It doesn’t seem that long ago that I encountered the first trans person I was aware of in the workplace, though it’s been close to 20 years. It was an auditor that worked for the city my employer had a contract with and she audited us every year. The reaction of the people I worked with first year she showed up as female was ridiculous and was one of the factors that made me ultimately leave that horrible place. I’m cis, but I am so glad that things are progressing more quickly than I ever thought they would.

  17. AW*

    It’s normal, it’s easy, and people are nice.

    Which is how it should always work. (Get it together North Carolina, Mississippi, and society in general.)

    So glad things worked out well for you!

  18. AtomicCowgirl*

    I’m glad your new position is working out so well for you. It seems to me this is how it should be – no one has to ask questions, act offensively or try to see you as anyone other than the person you are presenting yourself as. While there are personal milestones to celebrate in the transition process, when it comes to your professional life, EVERYTHING should be treated as a non-event and every employee accepted at face value as the gender they present. I know it is too much to wish for that this be universally true, but I’ll keep hoping nonetheless.

  19. Blue Anne*

    Yay! It makes me so glad to read this. That’s awesome, OP, I’m glad it worked out that way for you.

  20. Pokebunny*

    With all the events reported in the media recently, it’s nice to hear about nice people and nice things happening to you, OP. I hope you’re happy at your new place!

  21. lb*

    I’m so happy this story has a good ending!

    I worked for an office for several years that had maybe a half-dozen trans* employees, most post-transition and open about it. (And maybe some others who weren’t open!) Only one employee transitioned while I was working there, and I’m not sure what went into it on a paperwork level, but it was no big deal in the office. I didn’t work directly with him, so I wasn’t privy to any details that may have been sent to his team, but he took a week or two of leave and while he was gone, his first name was changed in all of our systems. The staff-at-large was never specifically notified, but everyone took it in stride just by noticing the name change and/or hearing about it from colleagues. Especially since there were several other trans people in the office, everybody was chill about it.

    I know not every workplace is like that but I can only hope that as the world is changing and trans rights are expanding, this scenario will become more and more common everywhere. Good luck to all of you out there who are or will be dealing with this!

    1. OP from the update*

      Did you work in an extraordinarily large office, or were the laws of probability being twisted there?! It sounds cool, but so far as I know there are probably that many trans people in the city I live in :P

      1. JessaB*

        Or was the office known to be good to trans persons, so that word of mouth made more of them apply. I mean a place where you know you’re safe, you’re going to tell people that you get treated very well there. Or might put it on social media that company x is really good.

        1. i'm anon*

          Yes, the community can be very tight and I personally know of several workplaces that ended up with a high percentage of trans workers due to treating trans employees well (regarding transition anyway–even if their overall policies weren’t employee-friendly in general).

  22. One of the Sarahs*

    Just another “Happy for you, OP!” comment, this update really made me smile

  23. Mel Mel*

    One of the teacher’s aides at my kids’ elementary school is FTM transitioning, and no one has said a word (probably one of the benefits of living in Portland). The kids are very matter-of-fact about it. My daughter said, “Mom, I was born with a birth defect and had surgery. Mr. Wakeen was born with the wrong body, so he needs an operation, too.”

    This could never have happened when I was a kid (in West Texas). We were taught in history class–in pubic school, no less–that the great disasters of history occurred because God was punishing sinners. I remember thinking in middle school, “But why would God punish the Native Americans when they had never even heard of Jesus?”

    In many ways, the world is becoming a better place, at least one I’d rather raise my kids in.

  24. OP from the update*

    Figured I’d leave another minor update, though I’m not sure if anyone will see it, I actually have another interview lined up now, for when/if my temporary contract isn’t extended at the end of the summer. What to wear is still an issue, but at least now I have every confidence in how to present myself, and know that I’m wanted as an employee. Confidence is high, at the moment :)

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